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April 15 2023 6 15 /04 /April /2023 17:52
The Feasts of YeHoVaH vs the Traditions of "The Church"

Please bear with me folks. This is just one more exhortation on the events (both legitimate feasts and spiritual abhorrences) concerning this season that we just passed.


I write, ever hoping, to shatter darkness, awaken a sleeping “church”, and bring light & clarity, to a very mixed up “Body of Christ” on a very mixed up “holiday”.


Please take time to “selah”, to pause, and seriously consider what The Spirit of GOD is pressing me to write, concerning ….

The Feasts of YeHoVaH vs The Traditions of “The Church”


First let me address my choice of God's Name. Why YeHoVaH and not “Yahweh”?


I was in prayer about it, and The Spirit led me to some scriptures concerning the name, and then to a renown Hebrew Scholar named Nehemia Gordon. His testimony of HIS search for the proper Name of His God (so that HE could proclaim the Priestly Prayer over God's People, so that they could be blessed, as GOD instructed! Numbers 6:22-27: “The Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: “The Lord” {YHVH} bless you; and keep you; “The Lord”. YHVH, make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; “The Lord”, YHVH, turn his face toward you and give you peace.” So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.” )


So, you see, God's name is not “The LORD”, (which can be translated as, or from, either Adonai”, or “Ba'al”, for one thing. Oy vey!) But, another thing is that neither Hebrew word, "Adonai" or "Ba'al",  contain the letters YHVH. (Or, if using the soft Vav, YHWH.)


So the only thing left to determine His actual name is the vowel content. There is SO much evidence at this point, pointing to the Name "YeHoVaH", as the most reasonable choice. And there is also a highly questionable possibility that “Yahweh” is a derivative of the name of a false god? So, for me, rather than risk calling Him Ba'al accidentally, or by the name of some other false god, I have chosen to stick with the one which seems to have the most evidence supporting it – even going back to the writings of ancient Rabbis & Scribes.


There IS still a great deal of controversy, however, and there are still many folks with PHD's in semantic languages on both sides of that controversy. But, as I say, The Spirit of God led ME to Nehemia Gordon, and the excellent confirmation that he provided. So for me, that settles it.


When he revealed how he was led to this Name (please listen to this amazing story for yourself at this link, https://www.nehemiaswall.com/sacred-name-god), that sealed the deal for me. Plus, there was a confirmation of a Yeshua-follower, a Spirit-filled pastor, and man of God, whose work I've followed for some time (Keith Johnson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68lcz7HzKWw) – so that really made up my mind.


So. To get to the original issues. This Feast of YeHoVaH, we just passed this week – which is known as HaMatzot, translated, Unleavened Bread - was commanded first in Exodus

(Exodus 12:14 reads: “So this day shall be to you a memorial, and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations.”).


This command is then repeated, throughout the rest of His Written Covenant, as an instruction, to be an observance for, and to, HIS PEOPLE, FOREVER. What part of “an ordinance for HIS PEOPLE, FOREVER” "throughout our generations...", did the “church” miss? Apparently ALL of it!


This “Feast of YeHoVaH”, which centers around Pesach, or Passover, is a time of contemplation!  First of all, of God's miraculous deliverance of His People from EGYPT and SLAVERY.... through His servant Moses! But NOW, for US, it is even more indicative of His miraculous deliverance of HIS PEOPLE; (including us), from the slavery to SIN, through His Anointed ONE – Yeshua!


HE, Yeshua,  IS OUR UNLEAVENED BREAD - the Sinless One! HE was broken for us, buried in the ground, redeemed to LIFE, and now redeems US to LIFE again!!! He was/is also our Passover LAMB! THE Passover Lamb for all eternity!

This observance, Ha Matzot, which begins with the observance of Pesach,  includes avoiding breads with leaven, and eating only Matzah or simple Unleavened breads - for SEVEN DAYS - simply because our CREATOR GOD said so!


But what "the church" at large seems to have missed is that this is an act of OBEDIENCE, not LEGALISM! (*Please note: Scripture does not imply, nor suggest, much less command, that a “qualified Rabbi” need inspect this bread to declare it “Kosher”, btw)


We must learn the difference between those two concepts now!  Obedience is not legalism, and legalism is not obedience! With God motives matter. Obedience is the product of Faith in a good Father! Whereas Legalism is born out of religious fear, and mistrust, of a vindictive, restrictive god, bent on raining on our parades and pooping our parties!


We don't observe HIS appointed times to obtain Salvation, people! I was saved for DECADES before The Holy Spirit revealed His Moedim to me! There is only ONE WAY to return to GOD, from our fallen state of sin-infested humanity!!!


Think About It!!!!! If observing those commandments were enough, or even possible for us to keep in our own strength, the Sacrifice of Lambs wouldn't have been necessary then, and Yeshua, The ultimate Sacrifice Lamb, would not have been needed!!!!


But, as those who have been miraculously saved, we observe this Moedim out of grateful obedience, to commemorate, appreciate, and celebrate, what GOD did to arrange that miraculous Salvation for us!


The observance of unleavened bread not only represents the purity of our LORD, Yeshua. As THE UNLEAVENED BREAD, broken for us! But it represents our OWN opportunity to avoid sin, and live unto righteousness - as defined by HIM, and HIS FATHER!


What's not to love!?  Seriously, folks. What problem could one possibly have with celebrating GOD's GOODNESS in obedience to HIS commands? I don't get it! But then, I've not been able to swallow and assimilate much of what the system known as “church” has perpetrated upon  us, its unwitting participants, over the past six decades that I've been involved in it! Being one who has never developed a habit of checking my brain at the door - I read; I listen; I pay attention; and then, I adjust my beliefs and behavior accordingly – because that is my understanding of what “disciples” - aka students – do - I have therefore been led into a deep study of our Hebraic roots, by The Spirit of Yeshua, Who Is my ONLY Rabbi! I have made it the point of my life to be guided by HIS SPIRIT, Who Was given to us by God The Father!


So we, Gene and I,  have enthusiastically, if rather slowly at first, come to embrace all of GOD's Appointed Times, ordained by HIM, as COMMANDS for HIS PEOPLE, FOREVER - most of which were largely discarded by Constantine in favor of the preferred idol worship of his day. Though, sadly, our own observance has been somewhat hindered, distracted from, and interfered with, by the well-meaning, but mostly ignorant, leadership of the system of man that we know as “Church”. But we have repented of allowing that now, and have forgiven them, because, as Yeshua prayed, they did NOT know what they were doing!!! 


The highlights of the Judao/Christian faith {which were set ablaze during the time recorded in the book of Acts during the observance of Shavuot which turned added Pentecost, both of which are centered around God's ordained Holy days} were lightly, presumptuously, heedlessly, either set aside completely, or transfixed over the heathen holidays dedicated to heathen idols, during the reign of Constantine, as he hijacked Christianity, making it into a state-religion - dumbing it down to a man-made construct of substitutions designed to exclude God's chosen people, the Jews, and turn it into a gentile religion! When, Yeshua came to take it out of the hands of the Jewish Pharisees of HIS time, and RETURN it to GOD, from whence it came! He had NO intention of replacing ONE pile of man-adjusted religious hogwash with a merely different brand! 


This is what God's Word calls blasphemy, and the profaning of HIS Holy Days! I have learned that the difference between what God considers "profane" or "holy" is simply determined by whether or not the thing, or situation, at hand is being used in the way that HE set it up to be used!


For example, to eat those things which were NOT designated as food -by HIM - is to profane those items (and no, Peter's vision did not reverse that decision, it was related only to the bringing in of the gentiles at that time). Or, to have intimacy outside of a covenant relationship is to profane that relationship. “Holy Matrimony”, then, still means that we are joining two people together, in a covenantal relationship in God's way, in God's timing - and that those two people are reflecting or expressing intimacy within the boundaries which HE set up. Not in a legalistic, restrictive, way, but from HIS loving motives - which is predicated upon putting HIM, and the other person, before ourselves and our own needs, etc.- for example.


Some of His “Church”, like us, a remnant of those who claim to be followers of Yeshua, and children of God, are just waking up to this travesty - finally realizing and taking responsibility for having done a manual over-ride of God's Commands, Ordinances and Feasts!!! Yet others, however,  are still stubbornly pushing the religious snooze button – so they can stay in their religious repose, and “Christian” comfort zones!! Reluctant to let go of their comfortable, cherished family traditions - viciously defending their traditions,  justifying their sin - whether purposely or through utter deception - by twisting the Scriptures to say what they want it to say, or what they've been told that it says! This ought not to be! But trust me, it is! 


BUT! Now it is time to choose whom we will exalt as GOD in this nation! Why should the REAL and ONLY GOD, YeHoVaH Elohim, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bother to come to our aid, when we continue to insult Him -  in our stubborn, willful, or even selectively ignorant, increasingly obvious, blatant disobedience!?


Yes. That IS a real question! One that deserves contemplation, and a serious answer!


Yeshua ,The Messiah, aka Jesus, The Christ, WHO IS The God Appointed ANOINTED ONE, did NOT come to make a false religion named after Himself – one that denies His Power, by supplanting His Truth with doctrines of demons!!!! The Word has plenty to say about having a form of godliness, but denying the power - and none of it is positive!


He, Yeshua, came to be about His Father's business –  not to toss it lightly aside to embrace the heathen traditions over the Pharisaic error! His Father's desire, which Yeshua came to fulfill, WAS to restore US to spiritual beings (being delivered from the fallen, sin-infested flesh)! It was not to make fleshly, religious, divisive, contentious robots who fight one another, each defending their own scriptural error!!! Otherwise known as "denominationalism"! 


His Word and Spirit, if allowed, will transform us into eternal spirit-beings who have a firm connection and relationship with The Heavenly Father, our Creator God! We have an opportunity to become the beloved of God, who are free and eager to choose obedience to HIS WILL over our own “good ideas” - however religiously justified those may be!


What has confused some folks, I think, has been the “Jewish” tendency to “add to” or “take from” GOD'S INSTRUCTION, as HE specifically forbade! Yeshua rebuked this tendency in the Pharisees of HIS day over and over. His Spirit continues rebuking the religious Pharisees of our day – in all the varied expressions of “God-Followers”, religious expressions, or denominational realities out there – whatever one chooses to call the man-made mess we've made of it! !!


The POINT of all this is, that we should Observe these Feasts, or God's Appointed Times, (Moedim), out of a heart of love and gratitude for GOD, and a true knowledge of what each Appointed Time represents to US, His People – whether we are of the original “Vine”, or we've been grafted in – both through the work of Yeshua!


So, a good question to ask ourselves is this - since we have this power, since we've been told that we have this deliverance within our reach, why does The "Church" or "Body of Christ", at large, STILL seem to struggle unnecessarily with sin, and choose to stay in bondage to it?


And, worse, why do we then make up religious justifications as to why that sin is okay? GRACE is NOT a camouflage for SIN people! It is more like LYE SOAP, sent to cleanse us from it! Grace holds our spot until we can get there! Yeshua paid a terrible price to save us FROM SIN, not just “keep us” IN IT! So why does SIN still persist so prolifically in “The Body of Christ”?


Why is the divorce rate, for example – or the addiction rate, the abortion rate, the suicide rate, etc.; not to mention the many diseases which could be prevented by faith, and natural means, which GOD has so generously provided – why do these anti-God, anti-Christ (anti-ANOINTING) issues still persist in “The Church” - just as much, or in some cases even more so, than it does in the world?!!!!


For example - why do most church-going individuals that I know trust their fallible doctors over the infallible Word of The Living God!? I say this because I know so many people, who think it abhorrent to ignore the advice of their doctor! While God's instructions lay largely ignored or minimized down to some option.


Why does there seem to be an unresolved bondage to the flesh, which makes addictive behaviors of all kinds more difficult, when His Word makes it clear that there IS deliverance from all of those tendencies through The Anointed One, by His Spirit?


Where is the deliverance that has been promised to us - by HE WHO CAME to take on our sin, so we didn't have to serve it? Where is the healing – that HE Who took stripes to deliver us from our sicknesses, which were the fall-out of sin – made available to us?


Why would we go back into Egyptian bondage so willingly, and make excuses to stay there?


I'll tell you! It is called Deception. There has been a centuries old twisting of His Truth, and an utter rejection of His ordinances, which Yeshua came to enable us to keep! He came to deliver us from SIN, not from God's Holy boundaries! He came to put The Law within our hearts, as obedient children! Making us DOERS and KEEPERS of the LAW, not making us exempt from it!


I will continue this teaching/exhortation in another writing. But I will end this one with this encouragement from The Spirit of Almighty God, and Yeshua, our Redeemer  -  As those who call ourselves “Believers”, it is time to examine what it is that we have chosen to believe!


IF we are to "save America", and IF we expect the Deliverance of our GOD to come to our aid, then we had better choose WHO that GOD is for us, and begin serving HIM in undivided loyalty! We must now lay aside the religious complacency that has handed our nation to the devil and his crowd!


Faith without works is dead, folks!  And so is  a lot of religious works without Faith! It is time that we (as God has indicated, and illustrated for us, in the upcoming feast of Shavout/Pentecost)  inseparably bind Spirit AND Truth, together, and based our FAITH in that solid foundation. A foundation which Yeshua clearly outlined for HIS disciples.


But, then disciples, students, who are serious about following their Rabbi, take the time to study HIS manual, and spend time at HIS feet, learning from Him! It is time HIS people got more serious about serving HIM, instead of ourselves! It is time that we laid aside the “American Dream” for HIS Eternal Vision, of The Salvation of The Nations, to which His people in America have been called.


As this season continues, we are currently in the the middle of the Sefirat Omer, The Counting of the Omer, toward Harvest! The harvest is indeed ripe.... but The Spirit is asking - "Where are the ones called to bring it in?" Will we show up, grow up, and go up, in time? 


Selah ….







The Feasts of YeHoVaH vs the Traditions of "The Church"

{*Please Note: When I say "Torah" I speak of God's Law that was given at Sinai, which Yeshua LIVED out, FULFILLED and PERFORMED - both FOR US and IN US. We do not "do" Torah, we become it. As HE was,"The WORD/TORAH made flesh, Who dwelt among us....."; so we become The Law as we follow HIM. It begins to be part of our nature, it begins to define our Character. But please note - Torah begins with the First and Greatest Commandment - the V'Ahavta, "And you shall LOVE ......" If Truth is not spoken in Love, as the motivation, it ceases to be Truth. We can not represent a God of Love through a heart of judgmental religiosity. We must serve HIM in True relationship. We can not possible observe Torah to HIS satisfaction without a true, devoted, relationship to Himself, through His Son, and By His Spirit. Selah & Shalom.}

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March 18 2023 6 18 /03 /March /2023 14:03
Discerning the Times

I've been reading the excellent exhortation, by Eric Metaxas, “Letter to the American Church”. It is a bone chilling comparison of our modern excuse for “Church”, and that of the 1930's “Church” in Germany. That failed experiment allowed the deaths of millions of honest people, both Jews and Christians, in Hitler's death camps! On Sunday mornings, as the train bearing loads of mourning, suffering souls, crying out, interrupted their “worship”, they were told to “just sing louder”!


As a third-grade child I read “The Diary of Anne Frank”. It awakened me to the utter evil that humans can fall into. Immediately I began to notice things which were out of sync with The Word of God. I wondered if one day our school bus just wouldn't bring me home? If we would, as a nation, ever succumb to such low ethics, and allow such evil to pervade our systems, homes and churches? I was already being abused by men and women who were church-going adults. I was sure this could happen here.


Then as a young adult, I experienced “The Jesus Movement”, now being called, “The Jesus Revolution”, and thought that perhaps there was hope for our nation. And indeed, I think a seed was planted then, which may indeed actually redeem this place. Then there was “The Hebrew Roots Movement”, in which the accuracy of God's Word, the translations we've been given, began to be improved by the study of the language from which they were originally written. Another step up.


And yet, a subtle complacency, and a profound religious confusion has kept both of those seeds from sprouting, until recently. Suddenly, it seems, the intercession of decades is breaking through, and beginning to loose Americans from the fog of social confusion to which we've been captive.


We, the American version of that same systemic, religious hogwash, called “The Church”, have, in our hubris, imagined ourselves to be better, more morally exemplary than those people in 1930's Germany. Yet, we have, in our silent comfort zones allowed billions of unborn to be murdered for mere convenience in most cases!


As for the “rights of the woman, over her own body”... well, she should exercise that right by staying away from whoremongers and idiots, not being in places where those things usually happen – parties, etc., or doing things that could cause her to lose control, thereby protecting her reproductive zones from being breached! We ALL know by now, surely, that using a mere form of “birth control” isn't the total answer!


Now, don't shout me down – I get the plight of women who are “burdened” with an unwanted pregnancy! It is a huge responsibility! BUT, many, if not most, of those were the unfortunate result of someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or unrestrained LUST issues! So why must the child pay for that?! How is that fair, moral, or decent?


I get it, that, in those instances, it is truly a life changing “burden” – if one chooses to look at it that way – instead of God's significant Blessing on a Union of Obedience to God's Word. Especially if the child was conceived in a horrific situation, like rape! But in all those cases the “Church” should have been supporting the mothers, correcting them where necessary, but LOVING, and not shaming them! There should have been more condemnation for the men who would use women this way, and less shame for the women, many of who were coerced! And adoptive parents should have, and COULD HAVE, certainly been found for the unwanted child!


However, thanks to our dependence on the systems of man, one of which “brilliantly” introduced “birth control” (which can not prevent conception, by the way, but simply makes the womb “a hostile environment for life”, meaning that it is rendered unable to support the life that is conceived, sometimes permanently), which has made many couples unable to carry a child to birth! So there are many couples out there who would have LOVED to have taken these unwanted ones, and given them the love they deserved!


And abortion isn't the ONLY place we've wandered from God! The divorce rate in the "Church" is astounding! We preach unity out of one side of our mouths, but can't even commit to one we were supposedly "so much in love" with? Dishonesty in "Christian" business and ministry is rampant and embarrassing! We have missed SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES to DO THE RIGHT THING - because we've chosen instead to make it easy on ourselves, to avoid ruffling the feathers of those who are unabashedly bashing US with THEIR false doctrines – portrayed as “fair social morality”! We have totally reached that place of god-confusion spoken of all through The Word of God, in which people begin shunning God, and HIS REAL MORAL STANDARD, and begin “doing what is right in their own eyes”, without seeking or acknowledging Him or His Wisdom.We need to remember that "COWARDS" are also on the list of those who find themselves in hell, separated from God forever! One can not be a coward and a follower of Yeshua at the same time! 


In each case, in the history of God's people, when this happened, when they allowed their lazy, cowardly flesh to separate them from God's best will for their lives,  there was  ALWAYS judgment!  Not just because God was offended! But because He cares for us, and wants us to return to safety – and, sadly, for fallen, stubborn humanity it usually takes negative consequences to get people to see the error of their ways! AND – there is the unavoidable reality that negative consequences are all that CAN result from stepping outside God's boundaries of safety! It is like a stubborn child that is determined to keep running into the street, eventually they could get hit by a speeding vehicle, and either killed or permanently damaged! There are SO many examples of how our stubborn resistance to HIS boundaries negatively affects our health, mentally, physically and socially! Not to mention spiritually!!!


Losing connection with our Creator is one of the worst things we humans can do to ourselves! Yet, it seems we never learn this lesson! We easily forget the patterns. The enemy keeps trying to remove the history, or rewrite it, so that we do NOT remember the price of rebellion, and repent! But sadly, an even greater problem is that most have never yet ever READ that history, or taken it to heart! 


So. Now. Before this madness gets any worse, we need to lay aside the “woke” that's a really bad joke, get our heads out of our poke, and realize that this system is badly broke! Then we need to actually WAKE UP, Shake up, and make up for lost time! It is time to get busy calling out to God! We DO NOT NEED TO "JUST SING LOUDER"!!!! That is NOT worship!!!!!


Worship is about GLORIFYING GOD! We can not glorify HIM in stubborn ignorance of what is going on in HIS WORLD! We can not glorify HIM by exalting ourselves! We can not glorify HIM by staying stuck in religious pretense! We can not WORSHIP HIM while allowing murder, injustice, and social programming to continue!!! We must Shake these social deceptions loose from us, which have restrained us, and have attempted to silence us! We have ignorantly tolerated this bullying long enough!


There is a time for Peace and a time for War! This is the time for a righteous war! If we war in the political and spiritual realms – which are not really two different things as projected – then we might avoid another world war, physically speaking! But if we keep ignoring the problem, there is a sure trajectory that things will soon become very grim, as it always has. As it has been quoted by wise men, such as Winston Churchill (though it attributed to Edmund Burke originally), “Those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. I think this can be confirmed by a good reading of The Bible. Over and over again, Israel forgot God, sort of shuffled Him aside, then got caught up in the gods of their surrounding social systems (because all humans will worship something, we are designed with a God-shaped hole that must be filled). Then they reaped the consequences of those bad choices, were taken captive, suffered generations of abuse, etc. Then they cried out to God, and He delivered them. Then they were good for a bit, and then, boom, it happened all over again! OY!


But we are no better! We keep flip flopping from one political party to the other! When the Word of God says clearly NOT to turn to the Right NOR to the Left, in our seeking of righteousness! We are to put people in office who fear GOD, and represent THE PEOPLE! These career minded turncoats who are willing to sacrifice us, rob us of our freedom and security, to climb that political ladder, are never going to do what is in our best interest, and we are fools to expect that they will! We MUST now cry out to our GOD, and RETURN TO HIM, if we ever want to see things put right again. If we ever want to live in true freedom, if we ever want our Constitution, and The WORD from which it was constructed, to be The Law of our Land again.... the WE must take a FIRM STAND and stop putting up with the bulling of both sides, and put THEM in their place – which is UNDER US, NOT OVER US! They were elected to SERVE US, NOT TO BE SERVED BY US!


It is time we rose up and take back our nation. But we need God's help. We've let it get too far out. We are at the place that Jehoshaphat was, we are surrounded by way too many enemy forces at this point. Hope for victory is indeed rather grim. BUT. As he prayed, so must we, “We don't know what to do! But our eyes are on YOU!”. And God answered them! Through the resident prophet of that time. And He is answering US through the prophetic voices of our land – The Sheets Brothers, Eric Metaxas, Jonathan Cahn, Mario Murillo, Sean Feucht, to name a few …. there are many others … who have been crying out for the people of God to wake up and pay attention!


I have been crying out, from my little insignificant pages, since 2020, that The Spirit of God was saying to us what He said to Jehaziel, the resident prophetic voice of that time, in II Chronicles 20,

(read the whole chapter, it is significant) – the gist of his message was that the people need to humble themselves before God in WORSHIP, and that HE would take care of the enemy!


They had to SHOW UP! They had to face off with the enemy! They had to TRUST GOD to keep His Word to them! But in the situation they were in they had nothing to lose! If they went, they, of course, could have been slaughtered, but if they didn't go they were sure to be!


WE ARE HERE. If we do NOT do what GOD is instructing us to do, which IS to RETURN TO HIM WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS! To fulfill the FIRST and GREATEST COMMANDMENT – TO LOVE, YeHoVaH OUR GOD, WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS …. SOULS.... MINDS....and STRENGTH!!!!! There IS NO HOPE FOR US!!!! BUT IF WE DO RETURN TO HIM – in full sincerity and devotion and trust – HE WILL DELVER US!


First – do we KNOW we NEED to be delivered? Anyone who doesn't know that by now is fully, utterly, deceived! Next, for those who do know, are we willing to trust HIM, lay down our own ways and thoughts on the situation, to take HIS terms? Are we willing to die to the flesh, and maybe lay down our temporary life here, to experience deliverance for others here, and insure our own eternal security – as did The One whom we claim to follow?


Deliverance is here. Are we smart enough to accept it?


Selah ….




Discerning the Times

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March 2 2023 4 02 /03 /March /2023 17:20
A Prophetic, and Poetic, Denouncement of Pornography

This prophetic, poetic revelation, on the dangers & real consequences of pornography (at the bottom of the page), was written soon after the “disclosure”, when my husband confessed his own addiction, and announced his decision to finally seek help, to be rid of it. (over three decades into our marriage!)


First I was in utter shock and disbelief. How could that even be so? The man I thought I knew? The guy who played guitar for the praise and worship team? The guy who was considered worthy to be “Elder” material in our church, while I was shunned because of this nasty habit I had, of actually being HONEST, about where I stand on anything, at any given moment!!! I WAS a bit emotionally off the charts at times! But THAT turned out to be a result of suppressed memories of childhood abuse – much of which occurred IN "the building", and by "the people", known as “the church” - so now, "church leadership" have a right to condemn and condescend to me because....? And to elevate a lust-ridden husband over me, because he was quieter?! Well then! Find THAT in the Scripture! 


Also this news  was overwhelming, because it felt like yet another rejection, and more proof that I was somehow deficient! Yeah, ya think?! If an imaginary lover was more worthy of his attention than I was, how else was I supposed to read that?!


But THEN, after that  first sense of shock sort of passed over, and I came to an honest realization of what had just happened, I was furious! OY!!!!  SO OUTRAGED, that he would dare to bring that trash into MY home! Especially knowing how I felt about all things related to sexual perversion (due to a devastating childhood of repeated, severely warped, sexual abuse – which included, but was not limited to, being exposed to my brother-in-laws pornographic materials!!!!!) How dare he?!


AND, then, there was another wave of utter fury, at the sudden realization that our sons and daughters had been exposed spiritually, if not literally, to this trash! Which most likely explained why they all seem to have struggled with sexual temptations of various forms!!!


Part of the fury was that, all the while, I'd been thinking it was ONLY generational downloads from MY family, and maybe his father, who was unfaithful, and had eight wives before he died! Well, and his mother, who was hot-to-trot until her passing..... So... of course, that is where I was aiming the intercession, at the pulling down of generational strongholds!!


But I had NO IDEA that it was happening in MY house on OUR watch!!!! So on hearing this, I was FURIOUS, utterly outraged, that HE had dared to allow that mess, that he allowed his flesh to enable that sin, in OUR HOME!!!! All this time!


Perhaps it was, as he objected when the storm erupted, “not that often” - BUT IT WAS!!!  That was enough!!! Plus, the fact that he had pridefully tried to white knuckle it, other than humble himself and find help!!!! While I was desperately seeking help for all MY issues, thinking all our marriage problems were MY FAULT, all these years. OY!!


Man! That phrase, “Till death do us part”, suddenly took on a tempting angle I hadn't considered before!!!! Just being honest!


But then, also, it DID explain some of the difficulty I had been experiencing all these years! Such as, his Intimacy Anorexia (withholding of love, from himself and those around him); his habit of getting what he needed, in our sexual interactions, but then dozing before I could get what I needed; the coldness, the distance, the betrayals of trust & loyalty, the refusal of support ... it suddenly all made sense.


The "addict brain" is not a fully functional brain! HE had been hijacked by this sin that began in his childhood. But because he was able to hide it, it never got addressed - NOR did it get denigrated - like my emotional issues did!


That, I think, has been the hardest thing to deal with in all of this. How his hypocrisy fooled all our spiritual leadership, and his quiet pretense was eaten up by them, while his sin was utterly ignored.

While MY honest struggles to get real help, for MY complicated, and valid, emotional issues, brought shame, denigration and condescension, from people who have NO idea who they were denigrating!

Seriously, looking back, most of these people weren't even equal to me in spiritual maturity, or even knowledge of The WORD, much less “above” me, as they imagined themselves to be! And – yes. I am sure that sounds “haughty” to some. But I know it to be absolute reality in the spirit. Truth is difficult for some people who haven't fully submitted to it!!!  The Truth of this matter is, however, that despite all that, God has used all of this  trying mess (with my family of origin, Gene, and "the church") to bring me to maturity.


It has been a significant fire!!  But because I sought the help of GOD, IN the FIRE, I have been purified by it, not destroyed.


So now. A few years into the forgiveness of this transgression, of this voiding of his marriage vows, resulting in the wounding of my soul.... Things are finally healing.


Gene has confessed. Repented. And done the hard work of change, including actually seeking accountability and being open to other men of God, about this difficult place. He has found that it is a much more common struggle than most are aware! But, as Paul would say, “My brothers, this ought not to be...!”


Yeshua is coming back for a SPOTLESS BRIDE, without spot or wrinkle! Not to a whore-mongering brood of cowards hiding in the bathroom, or office, jacking themselves off!!!!  (Please reference Revelation 21:8, to see the end of those who choose that path!)


But - Physical Intimacy was NEVER meant to be practiced alone! God designed it to be enjoyed by TWO, as a means of ultimate UNITY!!! Not to be an option, tossed aside if inconvenienced in any way!  “Climax” was NEVER designed as the POINT. It was meant to be an outflow, a blessing, the positive results, the physical culmination of mental, emotional and spiritual intimacy - which was to result in physical intimacy and “climactic glory”!


It was NOT, however, EVER intended to become THE IDOL that it has become! Nor was it ever designed nor intended to be the ONE goal of “love-making”, which is a huge misrepresentation of what most “sex” has become!!!


Physical Intimacy has, been reduced to a mere, harried, “getting off of rocks”, a virtual lust-fest! It has been glorified as an idol, a false god, whose insignificant, tiny, name “sex”, actually fits it. People tend to make everything that our grand Creator made into something small and less significant. We just don't seem to be able to keep from doing that.


But this mere three letter word for such a huge spiritual, mystical, experience has never seemed adequate to me. I much prefer the word INTIMACY. Also pronounced as “into-me-see”. It is a joining of spirits, not just a relieving of pent-up lust issues, which should have never been allowed to fester!


(*One might question then, how I feel about the three letter word GOD. Well. Since it came up, that too is insufficient to fully express our Magnificent creator. I MUCH prefer the Hebrew word for God, “Elohim”, or His revealed NAME, “YeHoVaH”! So I don't consider the whole “G.D.” thing to be a “profaning of His Name”....But I digress ...)


Anyway, the point is, pornography IS fornication – and also adultery, if one is married – since Yeshua Himself defined it, and was recorded in Matthew's writings, (5:27-28) :

“27. You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ 28. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her, has already committed adultery with her, in his heart.”


He goes on to add a warning about the eternal destination of those so inclined! I recommend a good reading of that passage. But then, I recommend being a student of The Word in general, so that one's mind can be renewed, and one's spirit Transformed, as instructed! (Romans 12).


It is time that “believers” got hold of what they claim they believe and put it into practice. ALSO, while on this subject, let me note, that women and their “toys” are no better! Though I think women will be judged less harshly, since they were NOT given the status as HEAD of the HOME! It is time, however, that men began using their "big head" to make decisions! Enough said! Sexual bondage – that is – an unbreakable addiction to sex – is NOT sexual freedom! 


That misconception, or selective irrationality, is the world, once again, getting things upside down and backward! In a vain attempt to circumvent God and His boundaries! OR –  as it is often - it is a knee jerk reaction to religious maniacs, who have attempted to make God's glorious blessing of intimacy into a shameful forbidden zone for all! BOTH sides of that sexual-insanity need to GO now!


REAL Intimacy was and is designed by GOD to be one of the most glorious blessings of God that humans ever experience – WITHIN HIS STATED BOUNDARIES of HOLY MATRIMONY!


And no! Rushing to the altar like sows in heat, so that lust can be satiated, does NOT meet that qualification! That is NOT “Holy” anything! It is a religious camouflage for unrepented lust issues! Get real people!


Listen people - LUST has NO place in GOD's people, it doesn't matter whether those people are in or out of covenant!!!! Do NOT attempt to use marriage to cover your lust! It will fail! I think the example of our own relationship, and MANY that I know of just like it, is plain enough evidence of that!!! Just sayin' !


I had let GOD deal with MY lust issues before we were married, I had repented, heard God and did what HE said to do about it - the man had not. And, eventually, his preference for his own sexual medicine killed my love for him, which God is having to now resurrect! Thank YeHoVaH Elohim that HE is good at that!


But, please understand, lust is a wild fire. It will never be content in a fire place! It doesn't regard the boundaries of marriage. It will, eventually burn the house down, and consume everything in its path! Don't tolerate it! Eradicate it! Don't justify it, Crucify it! So ... With that explanation, I give you, the anti-porn poem.


May it enlighten, and frighten those still sin-bound!

Yet, brighten those in which Repentance has been found!


Shalom Haverim

SCD 2/21/23


Pornography, A Raw Deal

Pornography does not make “men”, but selfish lusting slaves.

Pornography's the death of love, lays romance in the grave.

Pornography's Addiction, vile, snakes its way up, into the head.

It might excite the dream life, but it makes men suck in bed!

Because those bound by it's cruel grip forget “love”'s meant for two,

sex with ghosts just isn't something folks were meant to do!

It doesn't seem to cost much, yet takes up such head room,

it kills the caring, snares the heart, real passion meets its doom.

Making promises it can't keep, it clouds one's cheapened brain.

Betraying promises already made, flushes love right down the drain.

Destroys relationships, smashes trust, it's all a filthy lie.

It hurts the one you've claimed to love, because she'll feel passed by.

Convincing her she's not enough, since you need something more;

It makes her feel like cheapened trash, less than your t.v. whore.

Betrayal, sneering, mocking - slays our lovely wedding vows.

Real intimacy is robbed and slain, it's best to stop it now...

That lustful crap makes holes in brains, it's not some boyish game!

I mean it! Put that mess aside, stop hiding in the shame!

Stop wallowing in your filthy sin, ask God to make you clean,

then find the one, you claimed to love, and win her love again.

I do NOT mean, go use her! I think you've done that bit!

I mean go get forgiveness, and get love's fire re-lit!

And NO that won't be easy, you've broken trust and heart!

But if you want real love again, man-up and do your part!

Pornography is one raw deal, it lays love in the dust,

and it destroys TWO in time, with it's filthy, selfish lust.

Pornography's a habit, REAL MEN now must rise above;

A substitute to conquer if men ever want REAL LOVE.

So go on, find repentance, get down on your knees and pray,

Yeshua's The Anointed One, He'll get you free today!



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February 13 2023 1 13 /02 /February /2023 18:12
Will We Decrease, So That HE May Increase?

(The Dangers of Serving the Fallen Nature, a.k.a., The Flesh)


There simply is NO GOOD THING – NO GOD THING – in the flesh, in the natural born human nature! The flesh is a host to the empire of evil, and is hostile to the Kingdom of God. The flesh is inside itself. The flesh is its own god. It serves no other, and regards with disdain that which does not serve it! Therefore we can not possibly serve it and God at the same time! A choice must be made!


If the flesh can see no “reason” to do anything – even noble things, like do without to serve another, or Worship The One Who made its very existence possible, etc. - in other words, if the flesh doesn't perceive an immediate reward or benefit to itself – if the action or thing in question isn't going to further its agenda, meet its perceived needs, stroke its desire or satisfy its current addiction – then it simply will not make time for that activity or person!


Even if those “needs, desires or addictions” have a religious flavor – still, noble, God-honoring, spirit-driven ideas or activities just aren't going to happen, if the flesh has its way about it. The person who lives under the influence of the flesh will be too sleepy, tired, sick, weak, distracted or busy to do those things! The excuses are basically endless. But these excuses all disappear the minute the flesh perceives any benefit for itself! Then the effort to excel becomes Herculean!


The flesh is motivated, driven, by lust, pride, feelings, perceptions, fears, selfishness, entitlement orientation, apathy, religion, sinful resistance to God, and laziness. It is in resistance to the things which are Loving, Good, Peaceable, Joyful, Patience-producing … etc. You get the idea. It is in pure opposition to the values upheld, and required by scripture.


Therefore, IF we want or intend to serve GOD, or Yeshua, His Spirit, which He has sent to disciple us, then the God-resistant flesh must be crucified! The flesh must be daily and intentionally put to death – in HIM.


So that we are then freed from its demands, to LIVE to the spirit-being – whom God graciously created, and then through Yeshua, REDEEMED, us to be! This lower, fallen-from-God, fleshly false image of ourselves must be eradicated entirely - if we are ever to grow in the spirit, and faithfully, effectively, serve the living God and operate in HIS power, anointing!


The flesh is a black hole, that absorbs blessings, but gives nothing back, and, indeed, benefits nothing from the blessings absorbed! If we intend to manifest the nature and blessing of God in our lives we MUST stop pandering and catering to the god-resistant, rebellious flesh! It is nonsensical to continue to believe that we can serve both! Utter madness! Yet most of the religious world does this foolishness every day!


Yeshua The Anointed One is to be our ONE example! HE gave up all of the pleasures and temporary joys of this earthly life – to do two things – FIRST - to fulfill the desire of His Father – which was to redeem and restore His fallen, hijacked, creation! Which means that He came, in that light, to redeem and restore US to the position of SONS OF GOD.


If HE is to be our example, if HE is Who we claim to be following, then our goals should be, MUST BE, the same as His! Our decisions must center around what The Spirit of GOD is saying, and our actions must be in obedience, and in cooperation with what HE Is DOING!


We say, with a religious air, “I am not my own, I am bought with a price!” But then we live like God is an option, or a convenience, or even worse, like He Is OUR servant! And we are put out when HE doesn't hup up on, or keep, what WE have perceived to be HIS WORD to US! As though WE are the final word instead of Him, and as though our circumstances are more important than anything else HE may be doing in the wide world!


The arrogance of the flesh is staggering! And the amount of stupidity required to continue to give it any room in our decision making is incredulous! And yet, most of the “church-going” population, who think that “Church” is a place, not a status, still stands with one foot in the flesh and the other - sort of, sometimes, when the planets are properly aligned, or something has gotten their attention off themselves for a microsecond – in the service and Kingdom of God – and – therefore in actual awareness of, and contact with, their spirit-being!


But as an old pastor once said, “We give the physical body three hot meals a day, but we give our spirit-being one cold snack a week! And, then we still expect to walk by the spirit, instead of the flesh! My brothers and sisters, this just isn't going to happen!” And as another preacher once said, “If you can't say amen, then say, OH ME!”


It is time that the PEOPLE OF GOD – those of us who CALL OURSELVES BY HIS NAME – made a CLEAR CHOICE to LIVE BY THE SPIRIT AND NOT BY THE FLESH! It is time that we got to WORK renewing our minds, so that becomes actually possible!


The flesh is constantly allowing Faith to be undermined by fear! No Faith? No LIFE! For it is written, more than once, that, “The JUST(ified) Shall LIVE BY FAITH....” - Hebrews 10:38 goes on to say, that if anyone would draw back (from living by Faith, to cave into fear) God will have no pleasure in that one! That's pretty serious business. But since FAITH comes by HEARING The WORD of GOD – we must make it a priority to read, declare and otherwise hear The Word on a daily basis! Once a week will not sustain the level of faith we need every day! The enemy is a busy guy, who doesn't have to sleep, and who works hard to see to it that we don't!


We must, at some point, make a firm decision concerning who it is that we are going to serve – ourselves or God! And if we are going to serve God, then we must be about the business of taking the TIME, of making it an actual PRIORITY to do the work of renewing our minds daily! By spending TIME in His WORD and HIS PRESENCE!


It is self-deception to think that just doing the “feel-good”, laid back, voyeurism, type worship, wherein we lay around listening to other people worship, and maybe soak a bit, but refuse to put any energy into it is okay with God!!!! At some point we must invest all of our energy, passion, intention, and priority into it!


He must be THE priority of our day, not just “a” priority. And HIS will must be THE goal of every moment. Our dedication, our service is to be motivated by our LOVE FOR HIM! To the point that if He does nothing else that we thought, hoped, or imagined that He would, we will still worship, revere and obey HIM! Listen – He has done all this work, gone to incredible effort, to create us, get us here, and then to redeem us for eternal bliss!!! With HIMSELF!!!! So if our temporary ride is a little rough, what is that to us?! Why is that such a big freaking deal!!!


It is time to stop the whining and get to shining – shining His Light of redemption – so that others can participate in His redemption process! We are His representatives on earth! No wonder the world is mocking us, and ignoring Him! We have given them reason to do nothing else! There is little wonder and glory over here – in religion land! Instead of being the Eagles who hunt down the enemy, we warble like a lot of turkeys into our sheds to hide from him!


There has been a subtle persecution of God, His Ways, Boundaries and Book for a couple of centuries now, in this nation. But, ironically, there's been little real persecution of “The Church” - or the crowd that is dedicated to visiting the buildings referred to as “Church” - in America, until recently. Because, quite simply, there has been little to nothing coming from that crowd that's been threatening to the kingdom of darkness, or that the enemy has felt a need to persecute!


We've been so busy catering to the flesh, even the religious version of it, that the enemy is totally down with our positions on most things, most of the time! The religiously motivated flesh is the most vicious, most confusing, most God-resistant version of the flesh out there! Because, it “has a form of godliness, but denies the power/anointing of it”! It persuades us that our “work for God” is the same as devotion, loyalty and commitment TO HIM! But, too often, it is, again, only a cheap, easy substitute that gets us glory, praise, back-patting, money or some other compensation! The flesh will go to incredible effort to promote its own reputation! Yet go to little effort to preserve God's.


Are we sold out for God, have we indeed “left all” to Follow Yeshua, as requested? His requests are opportunities, but they are NOT optional! It is not some package deal, where we can give our flesh all it wants, and yet, somehow, by a misconstrued ideology of “Grace”, manage to get all the benefits of a sold out servitude to to Christ! It is a clearly laid out CHOICE!


The rich young ruler, whose story was related, was offered discipleship by Yeshua Himself, but when told the cost, he, “went away grieved”, that he couldn't keep his kingdom and serve The Father's Kingdom at the same time! I see this conflict of soul in SO many people, all the time, in the so-called “Church”! There is just this resistance to making up the mind! There is this unexplainable, but extremely annoying, hesitancy to getting ALL IN! A total avoidance to “Burning the boats” on the former life, and refusing to look back!


But – really – logically – IF ANY OF WHAT HAS BEEN WRITTEN FOR US ABOUT HIM IS TRUE, then, what is not to want in HIM? What is not worth the pittance, or even a significant inheritance, or temporary glory, that following HIM may cost us? How can we KNOW HIM and refuse HIM? I don't get it!


As I've shared before, I met Him on a Sunday School card as a 3 year old kid, He walked off that card and into my heart, and has never left me! I've wandered from Him a few times, but it sure didn't take much to drive me back to Him! This world is insufficient! It has nothing that actually compares to HIM! Give it up and run after HIM, let the flesh burn in the fires of His purification, and never look back. I can not promise you that it will not be difficult at times, but I can totally testify that it will always be worth it!


Flesh or Spirit, Life or Death. There is no other choice. There is no demilitarized zones. There is ONE war going on, between GOOD and Evil. The question is – then – whose side are we really on?


Selah …..




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February 11 2023 6 11 /02 /February /2023 14:50
Making LOVE or Making LUST

“Making LOVE” or Making LUST?

A timely and necessary discussion for “The Body of Christ”


(*Disclaimer. This is real talk on a grown up subject. It is nitty-gritty, down to earth TRUTH, about a HOLY reality. One which has been reduced to a mere three letter word, “sex”, which usually describes sinful lust, and therefore I will use some very unholy terms to discuss what it has become.


My point, though, is to expose the deception, and get Truth back on the table, so that REAL PROGRESS and Sustainable HEALING – of covenant relationship – a.k.a. - “Marriage” – can happen – on our watch. So that, perhaps, it won't be such a prevailing struggle in the next generations of believers....


Marriage has become a complete disaster, even in the so-called “Church”. It isn't working in most of the homes of the people I know, and “sex” has become either an idol to be worshiped, or a demonic wreckage to be utterly avoided! Neither are God's idea, and both cause heartache, emotional dysfunction, and physical dysfunction, not to mention spiritual disconnection – from GOD and each other!


So fasten your seatbelts, this is going to be a bumpy ride....


BUT – and please take this seriously - if Truth, or even a few ugly, un-spiritual words, will offend you to the point of blocking you from understanding and receiving the point of this article, please do us both a favor and stop reading now!


If, however, you are mature enough to step over a few unpleasantries to get to the point, then please keep reading, and Selah.... seriously contemplate it … Thanks....)


First of all, this phrase, “making love”, is a huge misnomer! It is one of the largest human deceptions out there, and we really need to stop using that phrase now! A more accurate phrase would be “Making WAY for LOVE”. Or something to that effect.

OR - if describing the usual, current mindset on this subject, it should just outright owned as what it mostly is -



The PLAIN TRUTH IS THAT - LOVE IS”. LOVE is the very nature, the character, of The GOD who created all things!!!! LOVE, THEREFORE, CAN NOT BE “MADE”, OR MANUFACTURED, BY US MERE HUMANS!


LOVE IS. So all we humans can do, even those of us who are fully redeemed, is reflect it, receive and give it, or use it, properly!


The act of Physical Intimacy has been reduced to mere fleshly desire a.k.a. lust! It has been downgraded to a flesh-worshipped idol - and reduced to a mere three letter word, “sex” -  Which, in my honest opinion, is merely the name of the false god we humans have made it into!


Instead of “making love” we are usually just making-way for our unresolved lust issues. Allowing the, still unredeemed, flesh to be satiated – and/or medicating black holes of self-rejection, or just using each other to fill our ever growing “need” (a.k.a, addiction  - psychologically, physiologically/neurologically, and spiritually) for dopamine or oxytocin (the feel good hormones – pronounced “WHORE MOANS”, coincidence? I think NOT).


I am inferring, of course, that the use of what is blandly, now called, “sex”, is sadly, usually, used in illicit ways which our God did not recommend! It has been, consequently, taken way outside of HIS commanded boundaries.


Boundaries which were, by the way, designed for our PROTECTION and benefit - not to rob us of our freedom, and override our free will! His boundaries were put in place to BLESS us in all ways. Science is supporting this reality in it's discovery of how the faithful keeping of the marriage covenant not only has amazing health benefits, physiologically, but also astounding mental health benefits, neurologically, social benefits and – of course spiritual benefits – as in PEACE with GOD, that is a great protection against the many stressful elements of life!!!


BUT. His protective boundaries – in ALL areas of life - must be submitted to willingly! He will not bully us into doing HIS WILL!!!


And, as the collective of humanity, we have more than proven that we CAN, and WILL, serve our own fleshly desires instead of HIM if we decide to! So I think we need to stop whining about that now, and assigning to God the negative properties we've experienced from some of His misguided representatives! God is not a bully!


Merely restricting the flesh was NEVER His idea. Eliminating it entirely is what HE is after, actually!!!! That was, in fact, THE reason Christ was commissioned!!!


So, if we are serving the stupid, devil-deceived, still fallen flesh, as our god, then of course we will take issue with His intentions!!!


And honestly, really, I get the problem with this issue in “the WORLD”. They don't regard GOD as their answer, or Savior, and they don't see a need for HIM yet. So why would they bother knowing or caring what HE wants from them?! Why would they regard His boundaries, or trust HIM? It is nonsensical to expect such a thing.


No. My problem is with the so-called realm of “Christianity”, which has screwed this  particular blessing of God into the ground as badly, if not worse than, the unredeemed world “out there”!


And, it has resonated in much great destruction of other parts of the Spiritual example, and effort, as well. I mean, seriously think about this - if we, who claim to believe, and are supposedly following the GOD - Whom we claim to worship – if HIS WAYS AREN'T working for US – why should they be interested!?


The ACT of Physical INTIMACY, however, was never meant to be about ourselves! God designed it to be a GIFT, with which we bless EACH OTHER!


It was to be a specific, emotional and spiritual unity, in which we come together to seek each other's pleasure! It was designed to be an organic outflow, a natural overflowing, of real, mental and spiritual intimacy!!!! And, of course, just logically, if both people are truly seeking to bless each other, to provide the means of “climactic ecstasy” for the other person (instead of just using the other person for their own ecstasy), there will be a corner of Heaven reached - for both! And, when that happens, “magic” happens, the miraculous occurs! God's presence and JOY are felt, as HE approves the act, which is – at its root – only a reflection of His major generosity toward us, in creating this mystical union in the first place!


Sadly, however, “Climax” has become THE main, and sometimes the ONLY point of this interaction. It's the demi-god most people get “into relationships” to achieve! It's become the drug that is necessary to keep harmony and good feelings in the home!!! It's usually not just an organic outflow of true love, but it is often used as a bandaid for the gaping hole of emotional need, that marriage was designed to fill.


Marriage was not designed by God to be just a legal contract! Marriage was designed by God to be a UNION of souls – mind, will and emotions!


AND, even more-so, a complete, all consuming, union of two spiritual beings, who, with the Spirit of God joining them, form a micro-trinity! Three in ONE.


A merging of spirits – along with hopes, dreams, joys, sadness, work, play and LIFE - which often manifests physically, in the blessing of offspring - but also manifests in the many health benefits of intimacy done right!!!! It was designed by GOD as a spiritual mystery, intended to bless us spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically - which we humans have reduced to a disgusting glut-fest of fleshly control, manipulation, lust, and self-serving, with “climax” as the ONLY goal and expectation! !


Ugh. We humans really can “F.U.C.K.” stuff up. Even that gross, ugly, word comes from an acrostic, from former British legal terms, expressing the laws, against adultery. Those four letters – which have become the main “adjective” these days (in place of the s, h & d of my day) - actually stand for;


It was the legal term used to describe the breach of the marriage covenant or contract, by one or or both of the marriage partners, through the seeking of physical intimacy with someone other than the covenant partner! Even for the use of porn and masturbation. Because “having sex” with or by oneself is NOT a proper use of physical intimacy, it leaves one's partner in the dust, and is therefore a breach of contract! Duh.


It is a mere construct of the dumbed down idea of “sex”, which actually creates addictive, destructive, patterns in the neurological system, (along with spiritual, demonically controlled strongholds), by which the flesh becomes ensnared. But, ironically, this is now referred to as “sexual freedom”. Go figure!


This ridiculous misuse of the sexual acts, plus the idea that somehow this is “freeing”, is the fallen human fleshly way of saying “F-God and His protective boundaries! I will do what I want!”


That, my friends is NOT freedom! THAT is bondage – and utter deception - gone to seed! The addictions created by the abuse of this blessing, are anything but freeing to the humans ensnared, destroyed, by them!


As in ANY area of life, on this planet which GOD CREATED, going against HIS boundaries to “do what WE WANT” never really goes like we planned, and usually has disaster in it's wake!


In my opinion, nothing we have screwed up in our human fervor to circumvent God, has suffered more than the relationship of marriage!


Marriage has become a mere gamble for most people, and a, often multiplied, failed experiment for most. The divorce rates (even among the church-going crowd) prove, or SHOULD PROVE, that our ways are NOT working!


Again. I am not talking to the people “out there” - who are not attempting to serve God! I am not addressing the folks who truly believe that “they've got this” without Him. I am talking to those who claim to be HIS PEOPLE! Listen UP!!!!


As “The People of GOD” we need to RETURN to HIS IDEAS of how LIFE is to be LIVED!


Which means that we will need to repent of clinging to our fleshly addictions, and of worshiping sex over real LOVE, and of perverting His HOLY act of ultimate intimacy for a temporary high!


We must come to our senses, and finally realize that, though His Ways are definitely NOT our ways – and though our understanding it limited – we must TRUST HIM enough to line ourselves up with, and STAY within HIS BOUNDARIES for our lives!


The whole time I've been old enough to fight this fight, of trying to get my marriage to line up with what GOD promised me it would be, I've been completely horn-swaggled and berated by well-meaning, but utterly deceived “church leadership” - “Pastors” - some who were “wolves in shepherd's clothing” - who have conveniently allowed “the world, the flesh and the devil” to warp the meaning of God's Word on this subject! Possibly because THEY have not brought this issue under the authority of The LORD, and have therefore not allowed lust to be dismantled in their own lives? God will judge the heart. I have merely observed the fruit!


In my lifetime and experience, women have typically been held to a purity that men have not been held to!


AND we women have been burdened with the responsibility of protecting the MAN's PURITY of heart, instead of the other way around!


As a result we have a lot of emasculated men walking around, suffering Erectile Dysfunction, which is a direct result of sexual sin! Sin carries curses. Consequences. Welcome to reality.


“THEY”, these self-exalted, almighty men, have been given all authority, while WE the lowly, descendants of our mother EVE, have somehow inherited ALL the responsibility!!! How is that Scriptural. It doesn't work! 


We have been, in all practicality, somehow exempted from the redemption in Christ, by their doctrines of demons, and made to carry all the burdens, blame and shame, of our sexual relationship, and are given all the actual WORK of it!


We are told that if our husbands stray it is our fault! We were told that it was because we weren't sexy enough, didn't pursue them enough, didn't keep the house clean enough, cook good enough.... the excuses are endless... but somehow, some way, the responsibility was always heaped on US – ON ME.


Where was HIS responsibility as a man of God to keep Himself from evil?!!! 


Somehow, the times I sought help for my unhappiness in our marriage, hoping to find answers, it was always MY emotional issues which were to blame. The man was never even called in and questioned about HIS possible part in MY unhappiness, or HIS contributions to MY emotional issues!!!!


It was just conveniently assumed that HE was sinless, and I was doomed, and deserved to be denigrated by him, ignored, disrespected in front of our children, belittled by leadership - and it was okay for him to tolerate, and/or even motivate, or participate in all that abuse! His actions, no matter how ungodly were justified by my weaknesses! Where is THAT found in The Word of God!!!!


Basically, that false system, erroneously called “the church”, has made it seem that men could do no wrong, and women could do nothing right!


And it has created a monster, that has ravaged Godly marriage, and thrown it in the dumpster! Most marriages I know are mere partnerships in which both have settled for a diminished sharing of a home, some meals, and some agreed upon activities, which no longer even include “sex”, much less real intimacy! That is an intolerable disaster, which we need to own, and fix, with HIS help!


THAT spiritual deception is, and has been, the root of marital distress and malfunction in this nation. I've been observing this for over 40 years – up close and personal, so don't even try to talk me down! I've been a victim of this spiritual abuse the whole length of this thing! And it is time to fight back!


Women are designed, by our Creator, to be responders! Men are created to be the stimulators! I have told men for years – especially mine – LOOK BUDDY, if you don't like the response, change the stimulus! To keep doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity – FOOLISHNESS!


Listen up “church” world – I SUBMIT TO GODLY AUTHORITY ONLY! That is what GOD requires of me! According to HIS WORD!!!! This Chauvinistic bs, bullying, oppression, manipulation, gas-lighting, and game-playing, in the Name of Jesus?! Um. NO. You get NO from me! If you men want the respect of your wives then FOLLOW JESUS and stop justifying your fleshly desires! Show some Godly authority. We are WAITING to have something worth submitting to! Put up or shut up! Get in line with God or get out of our house! 


AND NOW ALSO HEAR THIS..... you people who call yourselves “Men of God” and demand my respect as such - I am also “God's Anointed”. So you guys don't get to denigrate and disrespect me without answering to GOD.


Some of you guys are wearing some heavy shoes, from treading on God's daughters with so little regard – not only for who THEY are – but, more-so, for utterly disregarding GOD's requirements for YOURSELF! You have spurned God, and HIS WORD, you have perverted His WORD to suit yourself, and you have abused HIS BLESSING long enough!!!! This idiocy must end now!!!


The “Church” - those who are really serious about pleasing THE ONE TRUE GOD – must throw down the MANY misconceptions and outright deceptions to which we've clung, and seek HIS WORD on how all of this should work!


"Sex" has become nothing but an ugly, awful, ungodly three letter name for a fleshly idol! Marriage was never meant to be a camouflage, or covering, for that mess! LUST, which is the motivation for most “sex” in the world, along with all the qualities of the flesh, with the flesh itself, was condemned to be crucified IN CHRIST.


When we accept the SAVIOR we reject the SIN from which HE has paid such a huge price to SAVE US! We can not have both! We must CHOOSE! Sin & Death or LIFE and HOLINESS!


The difference between HOLY and PROFANE is simply whether or not we are using – whatever is being discussed - (food, intimacy, marriage, The Word, etc) – for GOD's Stated and intended purpose, or if we have perverted it to suit our own perceived needs or lusts!


We can even misuse The Word of God! As I've already noted, I've sat under that perversion and abuse of His Word on “marriage” for decades! We can ignore His recommendations on food – eating animals that HE did not designate as “food”, because they were designed to be the garbage trucks of the world! And when we persist in such stubborn selective stupidity (using Peter's sheet for justification – OY!) we suffer health issues!


We can abuse (and indeed we have make a joke of it as we've been so lacking in it) even His Authority and Anointing! Calling ourselves Anointed Ones (Christians) when we don't walk in enough anointing to cure a head cold!


We humans can basically, with the help of our ever eager enemy, take anything which GOD gave and intended as a blessing – outside of HIS parameters for that blessing – pervert it's use and intention, and turn it into a curse overnight! It has become an art-form for some people! But WE – who are called by HIS NAME – need to stop doing that now!


We need to READ HIS WORD, let HIS SPIRIT interpret it for us, and then willingly, eagerly, joyfully OBEY it! Not in a religious, white-knuckling, resentful, suspicious, spoiled brat, kind of way!


But in cooperation with HIS SPIRIT - we must be willingly, eagerly, LED into ALL the TRUTH, and by our own will, and efforts, cooperate with Him, so that we are, daily, TRANSFORMED by The RENEWING OF OUR MINDS, as we sincerely study HIS WORD, to show ourselves APPROVED UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS! As GRATEFUL Obedient children who really KNOW and actually TRUST their heavenly Father!


Answer me this riddle if you can - IF we actually TRUST HIM to be the GOOD FATHER we say He Is, then why have we been so reluctant to follow His instructions? Selah …... Think about it!


Shabbat Shalom Haverim....






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January 29 2023 7 29 /01 /January /2023 16:32
A Sunday Morning Stroll Down Memory Lane ...

It's funny how often certain phrases or situations, which come up in conversations, will trigger a childhood memory. For me, when those happen, I am transported, in my mind in such an all consuming way that, for that minute, I am there again. It is like a strange kind of time travel.


For example, my younger sister is the one of us girls who seemed to inherit all of our Auntie's baking skills, my older sister, Pat, got her green thumb.


I can get by if I need to at either, but it is never outstanding. My skill lies more-so in the creative cooking arena, of being able to make decent, or even delicious, edible, and nutritious food out of unlikely, but available, ingredients! (And there is a real reason that I have so many fake flowers and plants!!! Lol)


I am using that example, because my younger sister, Nicky, just made me this scrump-dilly-icious Chocolate Pound Cake with German Chocolate icing – FROM SCRATCH. YUM!


And talking to her about one of the grand-baby's reaction to it, sparked so many different things. But one was this memory of our Aunt Elsie.


She was our mom's oldest sister. So, as the oldest girl, she was also the one privileged to be Grandmother's assistant in the home-making things, while everyone else went to the cotton field to assist Grandpa. Meaning that Aunt Elsie got the superior training in all things Home-Ec related.


But the memory I got, talking about the cake, was about her pantry! Yes there WERE cakes in her pantry! All home-made, and professionally decorated!


That place was a place of total wonder and magic for me. The walls were lined, to the ceiling, with canning jars, in a veritable rainbow of colors! The dark, dark Green of Mustard and Collard Greens, beside the lighter greens of Green Beans, Sugar Peas, green peppers, morphing into yellow-green of banana peppers, followed by Yellow Squash & peppers, then, yellow-orange peppers, beside Orange Carrots, and Red-Orange Sweet Potatoes, the Red-Red of tomatoes, and Peppers & Strawberries, Darker fruit colors varying from deep burgundy of beets, & Cranberries, then the purple of prunes, blackberries, followed by beans and peas of varying shades of brown, black, beige...both dried and cooked...  not to mention jellies, salsas, spaghetti sauces, Gravies, - you name it!


There were also clear glass square jars of cookies of all varieties, and fudge bars,  that somehow, magically, stayed full! And cakes, of all description, under clear domes, that came out after every meal! Barrels of freshly ground grain for baking... it seemed endless and awe inspiring. She also had an extensive root cellar, in the basement, with these cool bins that pulled down from the wall, that were full of dirt, which is where she kept fresh cabbage, potatoes, onions, Carrots, beans, and the like... and strings by the dozens hung from the ceiling drying peppers, garlic, various berries, and anything else she wanted dried.


The woman worked full time in the mill, kept a full, year 'round garden of vegetables and fruits, grew apple, persimmon & pear trees, kept hogs, turkeys, ducks & chickens (for eggs & meat), (& bartered with hunters in the family for deer), had cows for milk, bulls for meat, goats for milk, and a couple of sheep for wool & meat! Plus she kept her yard full of flowers, kept her house sparkling clean, hardwood floors, throw rugs and all, and canned, baked, made the family's clothes.... she was a working marvel of a woman!


The only "modern", labor-saving, devices she had was an "ice-box" in which actual ice blocks were purchased to keep food cold, and a washing machine with a hand wringer! Well, she WAS also blessed to have indoor plumbing and electricity. So they had Water Closets instead of outhouses. That was luxury back then! And slowly the water closet transformed to the bathroom with a claw foot tub and regular toilet that flushed without a bucket of water being poured in! 


The particular memory I had though, was just the wonder of that pantry!  Mainly because of how she arranged the colors in the jars, and the sheer order of the place, and the productivity that was evident just spoke deeply to my spirit.


Also, over time, that pantry became my hiding place from my annoying older cousins when they were home. They either never figured out that's where I went, or Aunt Elsie wouldn't let them invade my space, or they were just glad to be rid of me! Lol


There was an overhead light that hung from the ceiling, with a little dangling chain, that I could reach with the step stool (that stayed in there, so she could reach the higher shelves, of course). That stool was my desk. I would climb up, turn on the light. Stand in awe of the color burst for a minute or two, and then either sit on the first step of stool with my coloring things on the top step, or I would just sit on the stack of burlap bags in the corner and read my library books.

It was a truly enchanting, safe space, and one of the better childhood memories I've remembered, as the relentless stack of the well suppressed childhood (most NOT happy....) have emerged. So I was glad to wander down memory lane this morning and visit that magical place one more time. 


Happy sighs....




A Sunday Morning Stroll Down Memory Lane ...

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January 16 2023 1 16 /01 /January /2023 14:58
REAL Relationship In/With GOD

(REAL – Relentless Eternal Authentic Love)


I've been reading in the book of Matthew this morning. The latter chapters in which Yeshua is teaching the multitudes. Chapter 22 (vs.34-40) is the portion in which the Pharisaic Lawyers ask Him to define the greatest commandment. He replies that the FIRST and greatest commandment is to...”LOVE YeHoVaH your GOD, with ALL your heart, soul, mind and strength!” He then added that the second is very similar, “You shall LOVE your neighbor as yourself....”. He said that upon these two commandments rested ALL the LAW & The Prophets!


In other words, He was saying that without keeping these two commandments, the observing of the rest of the Law is

1. impossible, and 2. rather pointless!


This guy didn't mince words! He was considered then, and would be considered now, by the religious community, as “harsh”.


Though He, the epitome of LOVE, was considered to be unloving simply because He spoke TRUTH, to religious flesh. This is odd, because TRUTH is that which is designed to make us free! Setting people free from that which has chained them to death is a very loving thing to do! But religious deception has never seen it that way! 


Here is where the confusion lies, Truth IS death - to the flesh! BUT, what we must realize and accept is that the flesh is counterproductive to any kind of real life. So, starving, denying, or crucifying the flesh, in order to free the captive spirit man inside, is THE point of real love. Real life is not found in the temporary fleshly existence. Real Love is found ONLY in God, and THIS is WHY Yeshua made that very real distinction! 


Love is an eternal, God-inspired, entity, which is not possible in the human realm. The human kind of “love” only gives to get something. It is not, as God's love is, self-sacrificing, for the good of others!


But here is the astounding mystery of how God's stuff works! When we set ourselves to do good to others first, then WE get blessed beyond all measure!


We must get hold of the reality that GOD is not going to be outdone. When it comes to goodness, not only is He the source, HE can produce nothing evil! So when we set the good-cycle in motion, He will multiply it back to us! That is simply how He works! We can not, will never, ever out-give GOD!


Just as the conduit through which oil flows is well greased, so, also, it is true that the vessels through which God's blessings flow to others will be extremely blessed! It is just how it works!!!


But I digress. That is all true, and worthy of our time, concentration and observation!  However, the point I wanted to get down to is that what Yeshua was saying is that we must be REAL.


Religion just isn't what God is after. He wants RELATIONSHIP. He will settle for nothing less! He abhors hypocrisy, double-mindedness and fearful self-protection! He demands our trust, and our open, honest, pouring out of ourselves to Him and to those to whom He sends us!


He doesn't want secrets, shadows, and shame! He wants our devoted surrender to HIS WILL, so that HIS KINGDOM can be set up on this planet once again! He wants the undivided attention, devotion and dedication that the first couple had before they took the bait of satan! He wants back that unquestioning trust, and undivided devotion to Himself, His plan and His work!


But in giving themselves that way, THEY prospered. They were clothed in glory, they were in constant contact with God, and in charge of the whole place! I bet their physical intimacy was amazing! And I am sure that childbirth would have been only a miraculous blessing, not the drudgery and death defying struggle it has become on our watch!


Why would anyone want to give that up for one forbidden fruit? That is the challenge of free will. So why would even God allow/invent free will?


Free will is what enabled “Lucifer”, the angel of light, to rebel and seek God's power, over his own, already enviable position as worship leader for the TOP BRASS? Because of one deep desire that God has, one that has been instilled into each of His human creations, the desire to be pursued, trusted, wanted and esteemed above all others!


We humans don't need or desire that from everyone we meet, but there are those few closest humans that we'd give anything to have that kind of relationship with. Instead though, partly because WE don't even love ourselves very well, because we've bought into the shame of our perceived failures (real or imagined), and partly because we're too busy judging everyone else for theirs, we keep missing the mark! We will often sell real relationships for the thrill of fame, temporary glory, applause, accolades, grades or monetary rewards! We want ease above all else. If it's going to cost us too much, forget about it. We talk a lot of junk about how much we value the health of our planet, we throw around words like “Green” and “Recycle” - but most won't even consider reusing stuff to relieve the landfills! Others hoard worthless junk, making their homes a secondary landfill, out of some sense of desperation or obligation, or insecurity, or just plain insanity. But we've been given some pretty awesome promises by God in exchange for our attention, and devotion! I don't get what all the resistance is about. It is, like the first couple experienced, just the deceptive skills of God's determined enemy.


The only real question I've ever had about that deal is why did he even make it out of heaven? If God was going to end him in a great and eternal fury, why did He drag this mess out? But, of course, The Creator of the universe, Who Is also the Creator and sustainer of me, does not owe me an answer! He has His reasons. Who am I to even question? But He made us to think, reason, struggle and win. He has ASKED that we find HIS WAYS of doing those things. That we THINK on the things that HE recommends, that we accept the reasons He does give us, that we Struggle in HIS strength – and that we count on Him for the big win at the end, and the little wins along the way!


The reason for the insanity in our government, the reason for the divorce rates, the reason relationships just don't work anymore, is clearly (to me, after decades of observation on this planet) that we have, again, forsaken the source of good, the source of love, the source of truth, sanity and reason, and have, again, fallen for the cons of the enemy of God – who is also the extreme hater of all God creates and stands for. Therefore we are targets of his revenge. We are quite the fool to ever buy any of his crap. He is always lying. It is his job description. Why would we choose to trust a liar over The One Who exemplifies TRUTH? The flesh is born broken, fallen and deceived. That is why we need to hear the Truth of God's Word preached. It why we need to see His people LIVE in HIS LIGHT, so that our darkness can be noticed and dispelled. Our mission, once we accept Christ – The ANOINTED ONE – is to walk – live – breathe – love – excel – in that Anointing until He comes! Our blessed existence is supposed to make the fallen world thirsty for Him, the living water! Our Joy is supposed to be contagious!


It is time the people of God – those who call themselves by that moniker – align themselves with HIM, in a REAL, AUTHENTIC, ORGANIC way – decide to walk the walk not just talk the talk – and become who HE has paid the price for us to be. It is time WE become broken bread and poured out wine, as HE did, to feed the hungry and heal the downtrodden! It is time WE took on HIS mantle of authority by yoking ourselves to HIM, in an inseparable way. It is time that we came down off the fence of religious pretense, and made a firm commitment to follow HIM. There is coming a day when the choice will no longer be available. There is coming a day when He will appear, take those who have fully committed to a loving, trusting, all-in, relationship with Him to His side, and those playing on the fence will find themselves inside it. Trapped. Eternally separated from Him. TODAY is the day of Salvation – which – by the way – is what YESHUA means. Today is the day of Yeshua. Choose Life. CHOOSE HIM.





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January 11 2023 3 11 /01 /January /2023 15:35
"What would a man give, (or take) in exchange for his soul?"  ~ Yeshua (Matthew 16)

“What will a man give in exchange for his soul?” ~ Yeshua (Matthew 16)


I took this portion from this morning's devotional encouragement, sent out by the Pastor of Resurrection Life, Jerry Snipes. Or perhaps I should say, it “took” me. I was quite taken by the words of our LORD, by His probing questions to His disciples, then and now.


“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works." Matthew 16:24-27...


“...Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” This is a valid question He is asking. And He is demanding an answer. What is it, that this temporary earthly existence has to offer, that is truly worth possibly losing one's soul for all of eternity to come?


First one must settle some basic, ground laying, questions – like – does one really believe that there will be an eternal existence? If this life is all there is, then perhaps my old mum was right in saying, “get all you can, can all you get, and sit on the can!” BUT! What if there actually is another life, a world beyond this one? And a Great Creator, Who created this one to be eternal, but allowed man to “do that one in”, by selling out to a mere fleshly desire! BUT IF there IS an ETERNITY – in which WE must choose our direction – then – again – what is worth risking being separated from that Creator, and HIS wonderful ideas of LIFE, forever?


Is a bit of ease worth it? Is having our own way at the expense of others worth it? Or worse, at the expense of our relationship with God and others? Is a great fortune, supplying all the desires of our fleshly dreams and ambitions, even worth it – when one considers how short a time those are to be enjoyed, and how long one may have to suffer when that time is up?


I live for the eternal realm. In the meantime, I try to be a good steward over what I've been given here. The blessings bestowed on me by God – through friends, work, or whatever. I try to maintain order, that brings His Peace more readily. I try to maintain health, by following HIS recommendations, and using what HE has put into the earth for that purpose. But most of all, my focus is on HEARING HIM, and DOING WHAT HE SAYS, at any given moment!


Not because I am a suck up. Not because I fear His wrath if I don't. Not because I am “so heavenly minded that I am no earthly good”. All of which have been said about me. But because I don't want to miss one minute of His Good Pleasure. I sincerely love and trust Him that much. I have found, in being that devoted to Him, that HE is also that devoted to me. Rarely do I make a request that isn't answered. Sometimes the answer is no! Don't get me wrong. But there is always a good reason for that. He is bent toward achieving my good and His glory! And I have partnered with Him in that venture. It isn't wrong to want good for ourselves! It is quite ridiculous to pretend other wise! It is wrong, however, to put OUR GOOD ABOVE everyone else's! To be other-minded, to put the Glory of God, and the Good of others above our own selves is ironically, and surprisingly, the KEY to getting the best out of life, and staying in a place of emotional peace, physical health, and spiritual security!


So. Yeshua is asking us …. “What would YOU give in exchange for your soul?” Or put another way, “What would YOU sell your soul to get?” Fame? Fortune? Comfort? Ease? That plastic peace, which appeasing the ever grasping flesh seems to bring?


Listen to Sandra - if there is ANYTHING that has more of your attention than He does, it is best that you follow the advice He gave to the rich young ruler - “Quickly (without giving it too much thought), go and sell ALL you have, and come follow Me.”


The rich young ruler, we are told, went away sad, dejected and conflicted. For he had seen what Yeshua could do, Who He Was! He had been bitten by the spiritual desire, awakened to his own lack, he longed to follow this man, Who walked in so much authority and love! Yet, his riches & position as a nobleman had too much of a hold on him, so, sadly he chose poorly, and walked away – knowing he was making a mistake.


I am firmly convinced that NOTHING in this measly world is worth the risk of losing my hold on Yeshua. Or loosening HIS hold on me! HE IS my one true desire. One could say it was easier for me – since I had nothing worth having to begin with!!! And, that is true. But I had the same potential to sell my soul for some red bean stew, the same as Esau. I had the same energy, time, and potential to have “made it' in this world as anyone else. There are many “rags to riches” stories out there. Mine could have been one of them! I am, as most who know me have discovered, quite creative, ingenuous, and talented in many areas.


I have seen, and even personally encountered, the riches and comforts of this world. I have watched the elite live their lives of selfish ease, or even generous sharing! And, to be honest, I believe that the poverty I have endured was NOT the perfect will of God for me! Abraham, it is said, was BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING! (Not like some in our culture, to have a GOLD bathtub!) David rose to the highest level in the land – while doing the express will of YeHoVaH!!! So I don't reject success, wealth or blessing!!!! I'm not crazy about the idea of fame. Being a natural introvert. But I will do, go and be whatever The Father needs me to be!


My point is that I wouldn't risk any of those things pulling me away from HIM. HE Is the central goal of my existence! All else is but a vapor. Nothing else has the substance He has. Nothing else holds the promise of ETERNAL BLESSING. A FOREVER AFTER that is worth pursuing.


I would love nothing better than to have the money to give people a hand up when they need it. To help people struggle out of poverty and into a good living for themselves – to be part of God's mechanism to “Bless the WORK of our hands” - to be a conduit through which HIS oil can flow unobstructedly, unhindered, to others in need – has been a goal of mine, a much repeated request during intercession. I believe that I am repeating His will and desire for me, and for others, as I pray these things. But I also pray, though I may eventually have money in abundance, that it may never have me! I do not want a divided loyalty. I will have only ONE God. YeHoVaH Elohim! And will serve on under His appointed and anointed King, Yeshua, The Anointed One.


I have made up my mind. I have set my course. I have chosen my path. I have determined what is worthy of my attention, time and resources. I am Kingdom oriented. I live down here, on earth for now. And I am a very practical person with regard to temporal needs. But over time I have developed a boundary for myself (I used it on my kids when I was home educating them as well) – I still say to my flesh - “We're not doing WANTS today”. Which simply means, that I am NOT pleasing the flesh today! I am doing the WILL of GOD. I will do what is RIGHT. I will do what pleases HIM, what agrees with Scripture. And if I miss it – if I am tripped by the fleshly parts of me - I will repent. Change direction. Make a necessary adjustment. Do whatever it takes to make HIM happy with me again.


Because it is HIS SMILE that I live for. That is what guides my choices, and determines what my work will be each day. Some days are spent working on getting the house He has given me in order. Some days are spent on the phone, pouring out my time and His Word on people who are hurting, or lonely, or just needing prayer or a listening ear. Some days are spent in writing, and intercession. But HE is actually “THE LORD” of my life – which means that HE gets to dictate how I spend my time! It isn't just something to throw around in religious circles! As an old preacher once said, “If He isn't Lord OF all, then He isn't really Lord AT all!” I truly think it is time the vast majority of those who consider themselves to be “The Church”, finally got hold of that reality, and finally made some choices, stop being conflicted, double-minded and apathetic in their following of Him. He demands ALL. We can say that isn't fair. But then, HE GAVE ALL. So....? Today is the day of Yeshua (Salvation). Today is the day to choose. Again, the question is, “What would you give (or get) in exchange for YOUR soul?”





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December 29 2022 4 29 /12 /December /2022 19:47
Carrying the AWE Beyond Christmas ....

When I see those pictures of the manger scene, where Mary and Joseph sit in awe, and a bit of disbelief, or shock, at what has just happened ....when I see the Shepherds, having been motivated by a host of heavenly beings, already worshiping, coming to fall at a lowly manger (*or whatever they had Him resting in, I've heard this wasn't an accurate translation of the original? But again, whatever...). . . I have to ask …. where is our awe? We have been all about, in a sadly religious kind of way, “putting The CHRIST back into CHRISTmas”. I have stated, by His Spirit I think, that we must first work on putting The CHRIST into His “CHRISTians”! We seem to have lost our awareness of His Holiness, His majesty, His Goodness and His Presence!


The young Savior was nearly 2 years old when the Magi finally showed up looking for Him, due to some star searching, and prophetic downloads they had gotten. This event upset the reigning monarch of that time so thoroughly that he ordered all male infants, 2 & under, to be murdered! But Joseph, who was warned by an angel, got up and took his wife and son to Egypt, so that His life was spared, because, obviously, He had not completed His mission. The Magi found Him there, left their prophetic gifts and moved on. Wisely not reporting back to Herod as requested!


Here we are centuries later, still celebrating that birth, but somehow, still living everyday life as though it never happened. I mean, how often are the sick healed – miraculously? How many times have WE loosed people from life-hindering strongholds, citadels of the flesh, which can, and do, keep us humans from obedience and blessing? How many people have WE led to God, or personally discipled?


Somehow the system blandly referred to as “church” has utterly lost that whole discipleship idea! We make converts to our religious persuasions, not disciples to Christ! Most people have no time for real discipleship. It can be very time consuming, and life disorienting! People are needy beings. But until we are directed to the source of our need, and taught how to access that source, we will fluctuate, as most do, between codependent and independent. We want to run our own life and be accountable to no one, on the one hand, and yet have others solve all our problems for us! I will tell you, this doesn't ever work. We must be discipled to HIM. Taught His ways by those who know HIM. The whole church system that has only one poor fellow as "pastor", with some assistants, is NOT what the WORD instructed us to DO! WE are to FIRST BECOME HIS faithful followers, and then, as Paul said & did, persuade people to "follow me as I follow Christ"! THAT is what discipleship looks like. The five-fold ministry gifts are for ALL believers! Nowhere in the Word of God does it ever suggest that only seminary students get to operate in those!!!! 


What God has set up, in sending His Son to establish His Kingdom on the earth, and in sending His Spirit to help US run it – is a delightful interdependence, where we depend on GOD first, and on each other for the temporal, earthly, stuff that people need help with! We are to be need-meeters! We are to meet the real needs of those who are working to get their lives in order under God! We are not ever to be enablers of bratty, entitlement oriented, spoiled, devil-driven, hell-bent flesh! There is still entirely too much SELFISHNESS in “the Church”! And too little real AWE of WHO it is that we are supposedly serving?


Most act as though He is our servant, or worse, some slot machine that one hits when there's some desperate need! And, after living lives of apathetic, half-interested, barely invested, religiosity, we have the nerve to get stiff with HIM for “not meeting” some need we've thrown out to Him! We have the nerve to accuse HIM of not upholding His Word! Which is totally appalling, especially when most barely even know what His WORD says, due to a profound lack of actually reading it – soaking in it – and trying to LIVE it!!!!


Seriously people, if most people treated their jobs with the same disregard and divided interest with which they treat their calling they'd be starving!


So, as another season rolls past, as the sappy movies that make this holiday about anything but HIM take a break, as the music returns to our normal playlists, and the twinkling lights are put back into their storage boxes....Let's let that LIGHT that burned over that “manger”, which drew both Shepherds and Wise men, which enraged a fleshly king, and heralded the worship of Angels – THAT LIGHT that was HIM – let's take that light into the New Year with us. Let's let HIS LIGHT turn all our dark places into bright spots! Let's let HIS LOVE overcome all the anti-love feelings which so easily come upon us in our dealings with other imperfect humans.


“Let's” or “Let Us” - are actions words –  so let us become such a bright reflection of HIM in this world that no one around us can miss HIM. Let's let that AWE that Mary & Joseph felt that night, so long ago, overwhelm US as it did them, HE IS. He is still with us. HIS SPIRIT lives IN US. HE - The Christ of Christmas – still longs for us – from every economic & intellectual level – from lowly shepherds to reigning Wisemen – to show up at His feet, fall down in worship, and then be lifted to follow in His footsteps! To do, as He stated in John 14:12, even greater works than He did!


That boggles my brain. But if He said it I believe it! He is not (merely) a man that He should lie! He came as a human, so that He could fully relate to our trials, temptations, and struggles. He did not live in some spiritual cloud above or apart from our earthly realm. He Dwelt among us …. and LIVED what He preached, as an example for US to do the same!


So.... now that Christmas is over, Chanukah's lights have dimmed, and the New Year is upon us, let us march forward keeping CHRIST in “CHRISTians”! May we fully live up to the name, and not be “CHRINOS” – Christians In Name Only!


This year, may HIS LIGHT burn brightly within us all year long, and may many come to the brightness of HIS shining! May we be a true, living, actual, authentic, organic representation of HIM, to this fallen, broken, yearning, planet. May we step up into our authority as His representatives on earth and truly bring His Good Will to Men, not just at Christmas.

May we never lose the AWE of those who sat at that manger, knowing beyond all doubt that The Messiah was laying before them, in the form of that tiny human. And May we never forget that the baby grew up, gave His life for us, and has RISEN – sending His Spirit to enable US to do likewise. If THAT doesn't put one in AWE, as the old ones used to say, “your wood is wet”! Let His warmth dry out that wood, and let His Spirit light that fire. May we take His light into a dark and dying world like never before! 




(*P.S. I've used the word “let” a lot. Because He gave us free will. He will not bully us into obedience, we must “LET” Him do what He does. We must cooperate. This year may we lay aside our prideful self-striving and LET HIM be KING of KINGS & LORD of LORDS! Remember, as a wise one once said, “If He isn't LORD OF ALL in my life, then He isn't LORD AT ALL....” Selah – which means, Pause and carefully contemplate that!)

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December 27 2022 2 27 /12 /December /2022 18:56
Balance + Persistence = VICTORY

Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst,

then find God's Grace for whichever comes first!

OUR Faith guides US in what WE will be,

yet others make choices which still affect me!


I can not enforce what I do not control,

so “others' choices”, on God, I must daily roll!

I must daily contend for the ground that is MINE,

but, the rest, keep surrendered, to His Miraculous Design!


HE Is The One Who knows all, you see,

so all of that burden is not on me!

Thank GOD He Is Faithful, Helpful and True,

and does not heap those burdens on me, or on you!


Thank God HE knows just what we need to survive

what the enemy throws daily & yet helps us to THRIVE;

Amidst chaos and controversy, in sickness and strife,

and brings us to Victory, while giving new life!


So whether or not this skirmish I win,

In HIM I've defeated death, hell and sin!

And knowing this Truth, I continue to fight,

what's been hidden in darkness, now coming to light!


I will not succumb to the evil attempts,

of demonic destroying hell-driven wimps,

desiring to squelch and diminish my trust,

I'll fight while I'm able, and rest when I must!


But GOD, Who sustains me, will NOT let me fall!

As on HIS DEAR SPIRIT, I continuously call!

HE will come fight for me, when I've fallen down,

He picks me up, dusts me off, and turns me around.


Then together we face down the incessant foes,

which gather against me to increase my woes,

We will be triumphant, we'll challenge and win,

And everything WILL come out right, in the end!


So soldier on Warriors, Do not be dismayed,

at the fierceness and foulness, by the enemy displayed!

He is just a liar, with an exalted pride,

clearly quite unprepared for his downward, last, ride!


Keep up that WORSHIP! Keep Reflecting His Light!

Keep wearing that armor, that you've kept polished bright!

Keep following the leader, do all He commands,

No strength to march? Then just take a stand!


This war isn't over, it's only begun,

we've taken the beaches, put hell on the run,

There's more to accomplish, it won't be a breeze!

But we're promised a victory if our faith doesn't freeze!


Soldier on Warriors, lose all fear and dread,

replace it with Faith in His Power instead!

Rise UP now in Worship, laying all fear aside,

And mount up to follow The King on this ride.


We've nothing to gain falling back in despair!

Let's mount up like eagles and take to the air,

and hunt down the rodents now plaguing our land,

it's our job to DO all the King now demands!


We've Victory waiting, just over the crest,

as we follow the One Who is Righteous and Blessed!

Lay aside, now, the doubting, the pouting, the frets,

put all Trust in The One Who hasn't failed yet!


Let's make up our minds, let's finally give all,

let's finally take action and respond to His Call!

Let's see this thing through to Victorious End!

That's my plan today, what do you say, my friend?









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  • : SELAH Jubilee Lady Writes 4 Shalom
  • : I love to write, all about life, and what is going on in it. And about the Beloved Creator, Who sponsored it! I hope to intrigue and inspire.
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
