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March 18 2023 7 18 /03 /March /2023 14:03
Discerning the Times

I've been reading the excellent exhortation, by Eric Metaxas, “Letter to the American Church”. It is a bone chilling comparison of our modern excuse for “Church”, and that of the 1930's “Church” in Germany. That failed experiment allowed the deaths of millions of honest people, both Jews and Christians, in Hitler's death camps! On Sunday mornings, as the train bearing loads of mourning, suffering souls, crying out, interrupted their “worship”, they were told to “just sing louder”!


As a third-grade child I read “The Diary of Anne Frank”. It awakened me to the utter evil that humans can fall into. Immediately I began to notice things which were out of sync with The Word of God. I wondered if one day our school bus just wouldn't bring me home? If we would, as a nation, ever succumb to such low ethics, and allow such evil to pervade our systems, homes and churches? I was already being abused by men and women who were church-going adults. I was sure this could happen here.


Then as a young adult, I experienced “The Jesus Movement”, now being called, “The Jesus Revolution”, and thought that perhaps there was hope for our nation. And indeed, I think a seed was planted then, which may indeed actually redeem this place. Then there was “The Hebrew Roots Movement”, in which the accuracy of God's Word, the translations we've been given, began to be improved by the study of the language from which they were originally written. Another step up.


And yet, a subtle complacency, and a profound religious confusion has kept both of those seeds from sprouting, until recently. Suddenly, it seems, the intercession of decades is breaking through, and beginning to loose Americans from the fog of social confusion to which we've been captive.


We, the American version of that same systemic, religious hogwash, called “The Church”, have, in our hubris, imagined ourselves to be better, more morally exemplary than those people in 1930's Germany. Yet, we have, in our silent comfort zones allowed billions of unborn to be murdered for mere convenience in most cases!


As for the “rights of the woman, over her own body”... well, she should exercise that right by staying away from whoremongers and idiots, not being in places where those things usually happen – parties, etc., or doing things that could cause her to lose control, thereby protecting her reproductive zones from being breached! We ALL know by now, surely, that using a mere form of “birth control” isn't the total answer!


Now, don't shout me down – I get the plight of women who are “burdened” with an unwanted pregnancy! It is a huge responsibility! BUT, many, if not most, of those were the unfortunate result of someone being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or unrestrained LUST issues! So why must the child pay for that?! How is that fair, moral, or decent?


I get it, that, in those instances, it is truly a life changing “burden” – if one chooses to look at it that way – instead of God's significant Blessing on a Union of Obedience to God's Word. Especially if the child was conceived in a horrific situation, like rape! But in all those cases the “Church” should have been supporting the mothers, correcting them where necessary, but LOVING, and not shaming them! There should have been more condemnation for the men who would use women this way, and less shame for the women, many of who were coerced! And adoptive parents should have, and COULD HAVE, certainly been found for the unwanted child!


However, thanks to our dependence on the systems of man, one of which “brilliantly” introduced “birth control” (which can not prevent conception, by the way, but simply makes the womb “a hostile environment for life”, meaning that it is rendered unable to support the life that is conceived, sometimes permanently), which has made many couples unable to carry a child to birth! So there are many couples out there who would have LOVED to have taken these unwanted ones, and given them the love they deserved!


And abortion isn't the ONLY place we've wandered from God! The divorce rate in the "Church" is astounding! We preach unity out of one side of our mouths, but can't even commit to one we were supposedly "so much in love" with? Dishonesty in "Christian" business and ministry is rampant and embarrassing! We have missed SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES to DO THE RIGHT THING - because we've chosen instead to make it easy on ourselves, to avoid ruffling the feathers of those who are unabashedly bashing US with THEIR false doctrines – portrayed as “fair social morality”! We have totally reached that place of god-confusion spoken of all through The Word of God, in which people begin shunning God, and HIS REAL MORAL STANDARD, and begin “doing what is right in their own eyes”, without seeking or acknowledging Him or His Wisdom.We need to remember that "COWARDS" are also on the list of those who find themselves in hell, separated from God forever! One can not be a coward and a follower of Yeshua at the same time! 


In each case, in the history of God's people, when this happened, when they allowed their lazy, cowardly flesh to separate them from God's best will for their lives,  there was  ALWAYS judgment!  Not just because God was offended! But because He cares for us, and wants us to return to safety – and, sadly, for fallen, stubborn humanity it usually takes negative consequences to get people to see the error of their ways! AND – there is the unavoidable reality that negative consequences are all that CAN result from stepping outside God's boundaries of safety! It is like a stubborn child that is determined to keep running into the street, eventually they could get hit by a speeding vehicle, and either killed or permanently damaged! There are SO many examples of how our stubborn resistance to HIS boundaries negatively affects our health, mentally, physically and socially! Not to mention spiritually!!!


Losing connection with our Creator is one of the worst things we humans can do to ourselves! Yet, it seems we never learn this lesson! We easily forget the patterns. The enemy keeps trying to remove the history, or rewrite it, so that we do NOT remember the price of rebellion, and repent! But sadly, an even greater problem is that most have never yet ever READ that history, or taken it to heart! 


So. Now. Before this madness gets any worse, we need to lay aside the “woke” that's a really bad joke, get our heads out of our poke, and realize that this system is badly broke! Then we need to actually WAKE UP, Shake up, and make up for lost time! It is time to get busy calling out to God! We DO NOT NEED TO "JUST SING LOUDER"!!!! That is NOT worship!!!!!


Worship is about GLORIFYING GOD! We can not glorify HIM in stubborn ignorance of what is going on in HIS WORLD! We can not glorify HIM by exalting ourselves! We can not glorify HIM by staying stuck in religious pretense! We can not WORSHIP HIM while allowing murder, injustice, and social programming to continue!!! We must Shake these social deceptions loose from us, which have restrained us, and have attempted to silence us! We have ignorantly tolerated this bullying long enough!


There is a time for Peace and a time for War! This is the time for a righteous war! If we war in the political and spiritual realms – which are not really two different things as projected – then we might avoid another world war, physically speaking! But if we keep ignoring the problem, there is a sure trajectory that things will soon become very grim, as it always has. As it has been quoted by wise men, such as Winston Churchill (though it attributed to Edmund Burke originally), “Those who will not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. I think this can be confirmed by a good reading of The Bible. Over and over again, Israel forgot God, sort of shuffled Him aside, then got caught up in the gods of their surrounding social systems (because all humans will worship something, we are designed with a God-shaped hole that must be filled). Then they reaped the consequences of those bad choices, were taken captive, suffered generations of abuse, etc. Then they cried out to God, and He delivered them. Then they were good for a bit, and then, boom, it happened all over again! OY!


But we are no better! We keep flip flopping from one political party to the other! When the Word of God says clearly NOT to turn to the Right NOR to the Left, in our seeking of righteousness! We are to put people in office who fear GOD, and represent THE PEOPLE! These career minded turncoats who are willing to sacrifice us, rob us of our freedom and security, to climb that political ladder, are never going to do what is in our best interest, and we are fools to expect that they will! We MUST now cry out to our GOD, and RETURN TO HIM, if we ever want to see things put right again. If we ever want to live in true freedom, if we ever want our Constitution, and The WORD from which it was constructed, to be The Law of our Land again.... the WE must take a FIRM STAND and stop putting up with the bulling of both sides, and put THEM in their place – which is UNDER US, NOT OVER US! They were elected to SERVE US, NOT TO BE SERVED BY US!


It is time we rose up and take back our nation. But we need God's help. We've let it get too far out. We are at the place that Jehoshaphat was, we are surrounded by way too many enemy forces at this point. Hope for victory is indeed rather grim. BUT. As he prayed, so must we, “We don't know what to do! But our eyes are on YOU!”. And God answered them! Through the resident prophet of that time. And He is answering US through the prophetic voices of our land – The Sheets Brothers, Eric Metaxas, Jonathan Cahn, Mario Murillo, Sean Feucht, to name a few …. there are many others … who have been crying out for the people of God to wake up and pay attention!


I have been crying out, from my little insignificant pages, since 2020, that The Spirit of God was saying to us what He said to Jehaziel, the resident prophetic voice of that time, in II Chronicles 20,

(read the whole chapter, it is significant) – the gist of his message was that the people need to humble themselves before God in WORSHIP, and that HE would take care of the enemy!


They had to SHOW UP! They had to face off with the enemy! They had to TRUST GOD to keep His Word to them! But in the situation they were in they had nothing to lose! If they went, they, of course, could have been slaughtered, but if they didn't go they were sure to be!


WE ARE HERE. If we do NOT do what GOD is instructing us to do, which IS to RETURN TO HIM WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS! To fulfill the FIRST and GREATEST COMMANDMENT – TO LOVE, YeHoVaH OUR GOD, WITH ALL OF OUR HEARTS …. SOULS.... MINDS....and STRENGTH!!!!! There IS NO HOPE FOR US!!!! BUT IF WE DO RETURN TO HIM – in full sincerity and devotion and trust – HE WILL DELVER US!


First – do we KNOW we NEED to be delivered? Anyone who doesn't know that by now is fully, utterly, deceived! Next, for those who do know, are we willing to trust HIM, lay down our own ways and thoughts on the situation, to take HIS terms? Are we willing to die to the flesh, and maybe lay down our temporary life here, to experience deliverance for others here, and insure our own eternal security – as did The One whom we claim to follow?


Deliverance is here. Are we smart enough to accept it?


Selah ….




Discerning the Times

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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
