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February 8 2024 4 08 /02 /February /2024 13:31
A Long Time Coming

(A Serious Debunking of the FALSE RELIGION, and THE “CHURCH” SYSTEM in America, known as “Christianity”; in ALL of its many forms and versions.)



Okay - before you shout me down, please, carefully read what I am about to write, and pray in The Spirit, Who has promised to lead us into ALL the TRUTH! And then, if you still don't agree, we must simply agree to just disagree and keep on moving.


If my writing offends you, and you feel that you need to unfriend me I understand. Shalom to you. This is going to be a very “strong cup of tea”, and not everyone will be able to drink it. So do what you must.


I simply ask that if anyone feels a need to “correct” me, that you do so in private message, not on my page – and – most importantly, it must involve SCRIPTURAL CORRECTION, not just religious opinion.


I am also willing to have a discussion, even face to face, if that is doable. But, at this point, after having prayed into this for the last decade, or so; and having done due diligence in study, intercession, etc...; getting confirmation from other respected sources, AND, especially, sensing the timing and urging of HIS SPIRIT on these issues, I am probably NOT going to move on this subject. Just so everyone has an understanding of how serious this is to me. So. Thanks in advance for reading, praying over this, and handling it that way!


(*Note: If you're already experiencing a sense of offense, irritation or anger, it is probably best if you just put this down and step away. The Holy Spirit will lead YOU into these truths, when you are ready; as He has done for me, if you are a true follower of Yeshua).


Now to the subject at hand.


First of all, in the word studies I've done, in seeking of information on these ideologies, I have discovered that the word “Church” is a faulty translation, which is erroneously translated from the Greek word “Ekklesia”. But according to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, :


In the Septuagint (LXX), the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures, the Greek ekklēsia translates the Hebrew קְהַ֖ל (qahal), which means ‘assembly’ or ‘gathering.’ Judges 20:2 illustrates this meaning: 'And the chiefs of all the people, of all the tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand men on foot that drew the sword.”


New Testament usage follows the Septuagint.

The basic meaning of the Greek ekklēsia is assembly or gathering. In ordinary Greek it most often refers to the citizens of a city gathering to decide political issues and less frequently to an assembly of the devotees of a god.

Gathering’ works as a gloss in every usage in the New Testament and is much better than the traditional ‘church,’ because the modern meaning of church does not align with the ancient Greek. ‘Church’ is a religious word, while ‘gathering’ is neutral. Ekklēsia is not a religious word.


That was thorough explanation that, in the book of Acts, the word “gathering” was used when Yeshua's followers came together.


The word “Church” was substituted when The Faith established by Yeshua, (which was a thorough belief IN Yeshua as Messiah),  was hijacked by Constantine, and made into a state religion - in which the Word of God was altered in translation, so as to support their divisive, controlling, blasphemous, anti-semitic ideologies. This altered translation was then formed into a false religion, which in actuality perverted Yeshua into “Jesus the Idol”, along with His Mother Mary. This false religion also threw God's ordinances, and Commanded Festivals, out of the window, replacing them with Traditional "Holidays" formed around, and over top of, idolatrous celebrations, with His Name, and life events, pasted over them! And which also traded the Judaic Orthodox legalistic additions to God's actual Law and Commands (Which Yeshua firmly rebuked) for an idolatry based system of rules which had little to do with the actual WORD OF GOD!!! And we think Yeshua would support THAT blasphemous perversion of His Father's Word and will?! OY!


The title “Christian”, was, originally, a term of mocking, at the time in which the Book of Acts was written. It means, “little anointed ones”. It was used in an attempt to deride the followers of Yeshua, THE Anointed One. They mocked Him also, as to His claim of being “The Messiah”, translated, “The Christ”. So they mocked His disciples as well, though the Anointing of God was obviously on them, as it had been on Him!


However, I have rarely observed this miracle working “Anointing” being on the majority of His “Body” during the years of my existence on this planet, even after having been utterly steeped in many versions of this religious diversion. And even though many claim to be “Filled With”, or “Baptized In”, His Spirit!


Let me state the Truth as clearly as possible - first of all - Yeshua did NOT come to make an entirely new religion named after HIMSELF, A.K.A. “Christianity”. He came, as He Himself stated, to “Be about HIS FATHER's Business”! Which was and IS restoring mankind to a full relationship with Himself!! He came to work the religious spirits, born of fallen flesh, out of the Torah Observance that has become known as “Judaism”. He came to make TORAH, the Written Law, not only doable, but natural to people that chose to be returned to the original image of Himself, which God had for humanity! He came to work the religious kinks out of it, and make it a part of our Reborn, Redeemed, Restored Spiritual Natures!


So it only stands to reason that, if we are now followers of Yeshua, The Anointed One, sent by The Father to restore US to sonship, that as sons and daughters of The Most High God, we would joyfully keep His commandments out of a heart of gratitude and trust!


But the majority of “Church-going Christians” in America barely KNOW what The Father said in His Word! Most barely read it! They honestly think that showing up on Sunday and hearing some sermon from the “pastor” is enough to sustain them through the hard week ahead! And even worse, some have been horn-swaggled into believing the lie that GRACE eradicates the need for Observing His Ordinances or His Law! They've traded the basket of Orthodox Jewish legalistic, man-added, rules and restrictions, for a lot of utterly ridiculous, idolatrous, even MORE blasphemous rules and traditions – which have even LESS to do with what GOD actually said! Most act as though Grace is some camouflage for sin! Grace is NOT a magic wand which eliminates the need for obedience! It is the POWER, ANOINTING, and TRANSFORMATION to LIVE IN OBEDIENCE!!!


I have gotten SO tired of so many folks in the religious realm (the MANY versions of “Christianity”) accusing ME of “legalism”, because I have been serious about getting back to what The WORD OF GOD ACTUALLY SAYS! Please understand that I do NOT claim “Torah Observance” yet. I wish! But I am sincerely Torah Pursuant!!! However, the term, “Torah Observance” is currently limited to the folks who attempt to keep the strict, Orthodox (formerly Pharisaical) religious understanding and translation of “Torah”! Having added SO many things that GOD Himself did NOT add, as “baby-gates” to keep the flesh from missing something!!! That is NOT actual observance, but a human white-knuckling to look good in the religious realms! Seriously, I once cleaned for some well-intentional, but thoroughly deceived Jewish folks, who literally had two kitchens, one to prepare meat dishes, and one to prepare dairy dishes! This extreme observance was exacted in an attempt to fulfill the simple command, "You shall not boil a kid (baby goat) in its mother's milk"! Lest a particle of meat touch a particle of dairy! I am totally not kidding here. When obviously God's heart was toward being sensitive to the animals, not some religious extreme! 


But, in our American versions of "obedience to The Word", so many people get religiously offended because Gene and I have picked up some of the “Appointed Times” which GOD ACTUALLY ordained and commanded as observances, “For (His) People, FOREVER”!!! Which begins with SHABBAT, or “Sabbath”, which is NOT commanded to be observed on Sunday! It begins Friday evening at Sundown, and Ends Saturday evening at Sundown! “Sunday” is First Day, in Scripture. Shabbat is the Seventh Day! But the bottom line is that God instituted Shabbat as a REST from the norm of weekly life, and the command was that we work six days and rest one!!! Inferring, if not commanding, that we work the first six and rest on the seventh, as HE did! 


There are SEVEN commanded festivals for the people of GOD, written in what we call the OLD TESTAMENT. It would be better labeled the Original Covenant! Which, in the “NEW” Covenant, Yeshua exemplified, amended (from the man-made additions) LIVED, and fully supported! These Moedim, or Appointed Times, are not merely, “Jewish Holidays” (They just happen to be the majority of folks who attempt to keep them, however perverted the observances may have become)! But, because of the Redemptive work of Yeshua WE are  also now privileged, and expected (by God), to keep them too! But they were never meant to be kept from a heart of religious observance only! It is to be a joyful, trusting, expectant time of fellowship with HIM. The LAW is supposed to become part of our very nature, being that it is an expression of God's boundaries, which reflect His Holy Nature!


All of His Moedim (Commanded, Appointed Times), days which HE set aside to be observed by HIS people, “as an ordinance, command, FOREVER”, have spiritual, eternal meaning for anyone claiming to be a follower of Yeshua, and who claim to belong to The One True God, YeHoVaH Elohim! They are, essentially, sort of like teaching tools, to help us understand His eternal, spiritual agenda and calendar of events, if we care to pay attention! They are, it is understood by scholars who have bothered to study His WORD, to be an eternal calendar of events surrounding Yeshua, THE Anointed ONE, (Messiah/Christ). So the only qualifier as to “who needs to observe these Holy Days of YeHoVaH” is, are you part of God's family or not? If you are, then they are for you! Duh. I am astounded, and appalled,  at the length of time it took US to come to this revelation, due to the serious misinformation, deception and deliberate selective ignorance of the religious system! 


The "Jewish" doctrinal adjustments, as bizarre and complex as they are, are actually more sensible, when compared to, or observed in contrast to, the idolatry-ridden, traditional, “holidays” or “traditions” of the “Church”, over which portions of God's appointed times (which prophetically surrounded the life and eternal ministry of Yeshua) have been pasted! It is all a lot of confusing, blasphemous, unscriptural, ill-timed, religious deception, spun by the enemy, through deceived religious flesh – and God has NEVER been happy with it! It is, truly, “ONLY because of His Grace” – toward our sincere intentions and desire to serve Him – “that we are not consumed”! And that is where significant legalism has crept in. It is why there are more people serving these faux holy days out of fear of missing the rapture, than there are true followers of Messiah moving in His Spirit, and joyfully fulfilling the Law out of a heart of loving gratitude!


It is time that anyone who is serious about serving The One True Living God, Whose Name is YeHoVaH Elohim, violently, fervently, cast aside the false religion of “Judaeo/Christianity”, picked up THE WORD OF GOD, READ IT for ourselves, with His Spirit helping interpret it to us -  And THEN that we pick up our “cross” (of denying/crucifying) the flesh, and get busy actually following Yeshua, with our entire lives! Not just religiously giving Him the convenient bits and pieces that we feel we can spare, while trying to make up for a lack of anointing with relentless religious “good” works!


I get it! “Faith without “works”, (I prefer the translation "corresponding action"), is dead!” But I have observed that religious works that are based more on fearful legalism than Joyful, Obedient FAITH are even deader! Real FAITH in HIM produces POWER, not just fervent religious noise and empty activity! Too many people are working themselves half to death, trying to earn what Yeshua already paid for, or just trying to look good to the rest of the religious community! It is time we got REAL about serving The Living GOD, HIS WAY, in obedience to HIS WORD! 


The majority of the religious community in America have become the laughing stock of the world, because we have called ourselves by the title “Christians”, which, again, means “Anointed Ones”! This has become a very bad joke, because, as the comparison goes, “If anointing was indeed dynamite (it comes from the word “dunamis”, from which we get the word) most who go by the title 'Christian' couldn't blow our noses!”, much less cause a disruption in the spiritual realms of darkness like His disciples did back then! We are told that when we come to a full knowledge and acceptance of Yeshua that we will be able to "lay hands on the sick and they WILL recover"! And that we will "raise the dead, cast out demons, and break down strongholds"! Most of the “church-going” masses are bound in strongholds, and, as a result, don't exercise enough faith to stay out of the doctor's office for a cold or uti, much less raise the dead! Most of those claiming to be His people either run from demons, deny their existence entirely, or see one in every bush – but never get rid of them! As Shaul, also known as Paul, the disciple of Yeshua who operated in the apostolic gift often said, “My brothers, this ought not to be!!!!”


And the other moniker that people love to use is “believer”, when most can't even intelligently tell you what they believe, or what scripture any of their “beliefs” are based on! Listen up folks! In order to be a true believer one must KNOW the WORD, and the PERSON, in whom we claim to believe!!!!! I have had enough of religious “toot” that bears no FRUIT! And so has GOD!


So this is a prophetic head's up that The Spirit of God is currently working in HIS PEOPLE to turn us from darkness to LIGHT, from Religion to RELATIONSHIP, and from dead works rooted in religiously inspired Fear, rooted in lies, to FAITH which operates in Spirit and Truth! The Law has NOT been abolished folks! It has been upgraded! As Yeshua Himself stated, as quoted in the writings of Matthew (5:17 AMPC)

“Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but to complete and fulfill them.”




Shalom Haverim,



(edited and first posted 2/8/24, after some intercession & fasting)





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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
