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January 7 2024 7 07 /01 /January /2024 21:18
What Does God Have In Store, For 2024/5784?

Yesterday was the first Shabbat of our newly turned-over Gregorian Calendar.  It was rainy and overcast all day. Which just added to the atmosphere of rest. Somehow, the absence of sunshine makes resting from the normal activity a bit easier. Today however is a bright sunny day. The wonderful glow of the sunshine is adding to the feeling of positive possibilities, and prophecies for the coming year. The mottos for the “New Year” are flying about – “Let the Lion Roar in '24!”; “Going for MORE in '24!”; and, “An Open Door in '24”!


As to the Lion's Roar, I'm sensing that this "Roar" is going to be expressed through courageous intercessors and Worship Warriors - in The Name of The Lion of Judah! As to the, “Going for MORE in '24!” - this refers to His Anointing, Revelation and Deliverance – all of which are expected to increase this year, so that the end-time harvest can be reaped with less interference. And as to “An Open Door in '24!” - this is indicating that there IS a new portal to HIS BLESSING, INCREASE, and ANOINTING  getting ready to open up, again, in order to accomplish His Divine purposes in the Earth for this season. 


However, the door that I am seeing is a NARROW DOOR, with a bright light beckoning all real followers of Yeshua to lay aside the many religious bundles they carry,  and step through if they dare! What must be laid aside are the many, complicated, Scripturally irrelevant, Spiritually Blasphemous, traditions of men with unscriptural, idolatrous roots, be it “Orthodox Jewish”, “Catholic”, “Protestant”, “Evangelical”, “Charismatic” or even “Non-Denominational” (an ironic choice of words, since those systems tend toward as much or more divisiveness as all the others). 


What we must now realize, as The Spirit of God is revealing it to us, is that all religious systems of men, most of which have been positioned above the commandments of Father God, will not fit through this door! And, even more importantly, will not be welcomed into the heavenly portals at the end of time either! It is therefore advisable for us to rid ourselves of them now, so that we can access His Power, Blessing and Abundance, to do the job we've signed on to do! 


I sense that The Spirit is indicating that this is the time to lay aside religious works,  many of which are done in pride, or to gain the accolades of humans, especially those in positions of spiritual leadership. He is requiring that we lay aside the many lists and conditions, which keep us from a total surrender to God's Will and Purpose for our lives - and die to the ubiquitous flesh, which is born in leagues with the devil.


This Door is Narrow, and will not be open long. God is requiring us to lighten our loads if we expect to go through it, and come out on the other side in His Blessing, expanded territories, and abundance - all of which we will need to accomplish the mission we've been called to.


Mankind keeps trying to come up with alternative versions of God's Kingdom, which allows them to sidestep His boundaries and do their own thing, while pretending to serve Him. That is why we keep falling into these false systems of religiosity that operate more by manipulation than actual Spiritual Authority. These systems are anathema to His Anointing, and instead inevitably produce “a form of godliness, while denying the power ….”.


So, though this was the first “church service” of the year, according to the Gregorian Calendar, Gene and I opted to stay home. Partly because we are experiencing some light cold symptoms which we didn't want to "share", but also we just felt inclined to get a bit more rest before charging into our week, and maybe just, in a low key way, begin the work on some household order and a bit of planning for next week.


Our tendency to skip “church”, without some huge emergency or necessity, often does not sit well with most of the “church-bound” masses. Their stance, or judgment, seems to be that we can't possibly be “good Christians” if we are not exhibiting the same level of “commitment” to the weekly gathering that they are!


However, I sense, after decades of observation of these issues, that it is most likely a religious jealousy of the freedom which we've found, and shamelessly operate in – which they can not seem to get their religious brains around!


We have finally come to a place of boundaries in our lives! Scripturally correct, GODLY boundaries, which excludes the suffocating, oppression and religious ideologies which plague most of the church-going masses in our nation. Ideologies which are based loosely on Scripture, most of which have been taken out of context and twisted, from a mere heartfelt obedience, based on a real relationship with a Loving, Trustworthy God, to a restrictive religious obligation based on fear of judgment (of God or others), instead of a sincere longing to please Him.


The Scripture which is loosely thrown around, concerning the subject of “faithful attendance”, is Hebrews 10:25 which admonishes us, “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together [as believers for worship and instruction], as the habit of some is, but encouraging one another; and all the more [faithfully] as you see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching.”


What is missed, in my opinion, is that “assembling together with other believers” does not mean ONE group of believers! Nor does it restrict us to the same building, at the same time, each week – or every time the doors are open! I encourage, and get encouragement from, many believers on a daily basis! The early church, in the book of Acts, did go to synagogue to hear Torah read, but they mainly got their “fellowship” visiting house to house, sharing food, revelation, and anointed teaching and encouragement!


So, using this bit of Scripture to beat people up emotionally, or diminish them spiritually, or to pressure them into showing up more, or “doing their part”, or whatever, is not guided by The Holy Spirit, and therefore is manipulation and control, which, by the way, is strictly forbidden by God, and condemned as witchcraft! So I think we should stop doing this now.


God's Word is to be preached boldly, but never twisted to put pressure on people! We, who desire to honor God, are called to submission to GODLY AUTHORITY! We are not called, however, to  compliance to spiritual bullies who have assumed positions of leadership. Nor were the five-fold ministry gifts ever intended to be titles by which people restrict or exalt themselves! They are gifts of service to The Body of The Anointed One, in which we should ALL be operating on some level, all the time! We don't have to pick a box to be stuffed in!  Nor will I allow the religious system to bonsai me, so that I fit into their conveniently selected boxes of spiritual gifting! 


Submission is an act of the freewill, in which we voluntarily, gladly, submit to GOD's boundaries, laid out by Spirit-led leadership in a loving, authoritative, but never controlling, way. Compliance is cowardly acquiescence to avoid being maligned and/or side lined. Cowardice and religious codependency is not scripturally recommended. They are, in fact, on that list of folks going to hell at the end of this journey, along with liars, fornicators and other flesh-motivated addictions. 


It is time for the people of GOD to become students of His Word, as led by His chosen Redeemer, Yeshua The Anointed One, and His Spirit, whom He sent to guide us until He returns! We can not obey Scriptural Instruction or boundaries which we do not know, and we can not trust One with whom we have little to no relationship! We must become Bible-Reading, God-Obeying genuine followers of Yeshua. Not Bible-thumping bigots who use Him to push people around who dare to question the loosely held authority!


Listen, I have made a FIRM decision. I will NEVER “join” another fellowship as long as I live. I am a Blood-bought, Word-washed, Water and Spirit Baptized, Grafted into the Vine of The House of Israel, sold-out follower of Yeshua The Anointed One. If those aren't enough qualifications to accept me into your little club, or allow me a say in the decisions made there, then you can keep the buttons and stars all to yourself!


IF YOU are a true follower of Jesus, Yeshua, then we are brothers and sisters in HIM. If, however,  you are just some religious prig with a power complex we have nothing to fellowship over. Dedication without discernment is dangerous. Discernment without dedication is useless. At some point we need to find the balance of obedient, anointed discerning dedication to the WORK of The KINGDOM! But, it is time for "the church" to accept the TRUTH that the anointing, gifts and callings of God might look different for different people!


Yeshua commanded us to “GO into all the world, making disciples to HIM”... and doing what HE DID! Are we there yet? Closer perhaps!?  BUT - we need to really get this - He did NOT say, “Go into the parts of the world that you are comfortable with and make converts to your religious or political preference, and drag them into your turkey sheds and beat them into religious clones! We are called to be living stones, not white-washed bricks! 


I have been at war with this warped, well-meaning but seriously deceived,  religious system most of my life! The people in this system are usually genuine, and serious about pleasing God,  and many of them are anointed in some way or another! Yet most have been extremely spiritually misinformed! A.k.a. - deceived!  And are, therefore, deceiving others!


It is time we awakened to righteousness. It is time God's people stop complaining about “woke being broke”, when the church at large has mostly been a pig in a religious poke!!!! We've been largely asleep in the light, trying to judge those who are still bound in the night! Sin has been judged y'all! That's why HE CAME! Sinners SIN! Until they are shown a more excellent way!


We should be awake and bringing the light to their darkness! As my Jewish friends are known to say, “Stop cursing the darkness and light a candle already!” Or better yet, let's get our lamps full of OIL, and get LIT for Jesus! Self-control is a necessary fruit of The Spirit. Religious control of others is scripturally forbidden. It is time we learned the difference, and begin teaching The Truth that will set people free! We won't get through that open door of '24 carrying a lot of religious baggage, so it's time to start unpacking and making some decisions! Out with the OLD, in with the NEW. We can be the many called, or the chosen few! 


Selah …..


Shalom &  Shavuah Tov! To a great week!



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Beautifully said Sandra! You made my day! I also didn’t attend church, little icy this<br /> morning for the long trek we had planned on doing. I enjoyed 3 really good online<br /> services, that blessed me...even took Communion with a lively group. My praise and<br /> worship might have lacked the exuberance of being in a service, but I did clap some<br /> and gave a few Amens! I’m ready to navigate lighter this year! Thank you!!!🚪


  • : SELAH Jubilee Lady Writes 4 Shalom
  • : I love to write, all about life, and what is going on in it. And about the Beloved Creator, Who sponsored it! I hope to intrigue and inspire.
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
