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February 23 2024 5 23 /02 /February /2024 14:43
Expressing My Political Frustration
Okay, here's the deal, (since you guys ASKED for my opinion); hold onto your hats!  I filled out your survey, or "canvass", or whatever you prefer to call it, which I found in my inbox this morning, stating an urgency to know how I intend to vote! BUT, since I don't have the funds required to donate to your "Trumped up" causes, my opinions apparently don't matter! 
LOOK PEOPLE. Let me give you a little reality concerning the American situation. We live on less than $3,000 per month, and are paying over $1,000 per year in taxes on a home that we supposedly "own", BUT, apparently, we ONLY own it,  IF we pay our taxes! And, just to be clear,  our "extra money" goes to help real people, in real need. Two single moms, raising kids, and a retiree grandma, who is still working, though her health is not really up to that!
How many of you guys drive a car that is over 20 years old? Or live in a Habitat for Humanity village because you couldn't afford to buy a home anywhere else?! WE do! 
We are both "retired", myself from 30 years of home educating our seven kids (because I could see the devolution of our "educational system", that has become little more than a socialist brainwashing machine - On YOUR WATCH, btw).   He is a retired graphic artist, who was NEVER paid what he was actually worth! You guys ALL live "high on the hog" (a southernism meaning financially secure, and beyond)  compared to us! And, some of you have achieved some of that financial security on OUR tax dollar, mind you!! 
So I would greatly appreciate it if you people would stop trying to hold us up, like a lot of cyber-bandits,  for even MORE money - just to be able to have an opinion! That is beyond infuriating!!!! 
Hey, here is a great idea! What if you guys DO YOUR JOBS that you ALREADY get paid to do, and stop harassing those who are already paying you!!!!!!! OY! 
I am currently "Unaffiliated" , as a Voter, because - first of all  - The WORD says NOT to turn to "the right, nor to the left, in seeking after righteousness"! So, we have no one to blame, we WERE WARNED!!! 
But also because SO MANY  Republicans have proven themselves to be inefficient RINO's who haven't done anything but make empty promises, to further their own careers,  at our expense! And the "Democrats" have utterly sold any real Democracy (which, in itself is a step down from a GOD-honoring Republic, to a man-driven government) for a socialist/marxist regime, that is breaking the backs of our nation, while all you guys do is TALK about how tough you are!!! Why don't you do like Trump, whose coat-tail you so eagerly ride, and actually DO SOMETHING! 
I voted for TRUMP, TWICE!  Primarily, in the first election, because he was not a typical politician!! And in the second, because he has proven himself to be a man of his word! (Though, quite honestly, if he could lose the banter, and rude New York name calling, and other unprofessional behavior, that would be marvelous!)
I will NEVER vote for Nicki Haley! She is a bought out wreckage in my opinion, and Mike Pence has also shown his true colors in refusing to deal with the election fraud, when he had the chance!!!!  Both are sold out RINOs in my opinion, who used Trump to further their own careers. 
I am VERY tired of TALK on all sides. The "democratic liberals" (who seriously need to give up those misleading monikers now) are completely bat-shit crazy, or worse, demonically possessed, and the Republicans are mostly career-driven hypocrites, who seem to be all  talk, but little action!
So ...  we should donate MORE funds to that cause because....??? 
So there you have it. This old woman's honest views on this current political climate. And, I mean all of that in a very caring way! In hopes that honesty might snap you guys out of your fantasy and get you on your feet doing your JOB!!! That WE elected you to do!!!!!!  So please, see to it that our vote counts this time. That would be great! 
May God judge each candidate running! May He Bless those who run in honesty and honor, and may He DOWN, in any way necessary, those who are liars, cowards, greed-driven hypocrites, and turn-coats,  on ALL sides of this political process. 
Y'all have a great day! 
Mrs. Sandra Carlton Duncan

{*This was my response to the following "Canvass", which required a donation of AT LEAST $25 to complete. SMH ... } 

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 7:31 AM 2/24/24 | SC Primary <contact@email.nrsc.org> wrote:


President Trump has STEAMROLLED his competition so far.

FIRST, he won the Iowa Caucuses going away.

THEN, New Hampshire and Nevada were LANDSLIDES in his favor.

NOW, he’s looking to sweep the early states by claiming first place in South Carolina.

The South Carolina Primary is tomorrow, and we need to know whether you’re supporting President Donald J. Trump or Nikki Haley before the votes are cast.

Fill out the OFFICIAL 2024 PRESIDENTIAL CANVASS today to make your Presidential preference known. >>

Presidential Canvass - Submit Now >>

Thank you,









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Great job Sandra! The last Trump survey we received wanted a minimum of $30 for<br /> processing charges. The only thing I would question is the bat-shit, guano would have<br /> been a more politically correct language!!! Ha-Ha. Old Age Pensioners for Trump!!!!


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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
