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February 12 2024 1 12 /02 /February /2024 19:29
Ode to a Tonka ....

Being that this poem was sparked by the decision to throw away a long cherished, but utterly DONE, Tonka Truck today, Gene suggested that I call this poem,

An Ode to a Tonka ....
(Or ...Reinventing the Empty(ing) Nest!)

In a far away galaxy, long, long ago;
There were seven children; given to me to grow!

And grow up they did, these four girls and three boys.
Who were God’s greatest gifts, and my greatest joys!

Now we’re left with an empty nest, the hubby and me.
Letting go of the past, so we too can be free.

But it's hard to turn loose, of the clothes and the toys;
that once brought such glee to these sweet girls and boys.

It’s hard to store only the memories so dear,
and not keep the stuff that goes with them so near.

But it’s out with the old, and in with the new!
New memories are happening, and not just a few!

We just can not hang on to the life that’s now gone!
We must find our new groove, and the Grace to move on!

So, as I say goodbye to well loved, worn out toys,
I’m making new room for the upcoming joys!

Anticipation now fills that great void in my heart,
with dreams of a life that has got a new start.

There are new kids to love, new adults to know more!
I have changed my perception from a loss to a score!

God’s grace is sufficient, and by Faith we will find,
His perfect fulfillment, if we can just change our mind.


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  • : SELAH Jubilee Lady Writes 4 Shalom
  • : I love to write, all about life, and what is going on in it. And about the Beloved Creator, Who sponsored it! I hope to intrigue and inspire.
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
