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February 3 2012 5 03 /02 /February /2012 20:27

In the face of so much failure, in the shadow of such dread,

how can I go on believing? How can I even raise my head?

How can faith be on my lips, with such pain within my heart?

How can I speak "those things that are not" yet, when my world is torn apart?


Yet the courage comes in whispers as I pray against my sight,

and the rays of morning always come to put aside the night!

As the Spirit deep within me, struggles to the morning air,

bringing whispers of His presence reminding me He's there!


After years of interceding for things that would not manifest,

why would I go on pleading to see G-d's very best?

Why would I make one more petition, or utter one more hope,

when years of interceding seemed to be a down-hill slope?


Why indeed? And yet, I wrangle, fighting all the powers that be,

hoping to connect with Him whom I know has won that victory.

And though I've failed more battles than I've won, I'll never cease to fight,

For one must fight if one would win, that much I know is right!


One glad day I'll make that blessed connection, one glad day I'll win that war,

and I know that any victory will make up for all I've lost before!

All the loved ones I've said good-bye to, will stand then, and applaud,

each victory I manage to win in the name of G-d!


For it is not for me I'm fighting, It is not for my name I boast!

I am standing for the Kingdom of the Mighty Lord of Hosts!

I've no answers for my failures, I'm just thankful for His grace,

while I'm waiting for the glorious day when I behold His face!


But as I live I must keep fighting, against all that grieves my soul,

Until every tear He's come to dry, and all has been made whole.

Til every enemy bows the knee, and falls with face to dirt,

I'll war against the evil works, and pray healing to each hurt.



I'll pray peace against each move of strife, pray a balm to every pain,

Until we all are at His side, and He shall rule again!

Until His will is all complete and sorrow is no more,

I must take up His battle cry, and daily go to war!


I must take up that shield of faith, I must take up that Sword,

of Truth that we are asked to yield, on His behalf, His Word!

I must put on His righteousness, His salvation I must don,

And fight with Him the fight of faith, til every realm is won!


SCD 2/3/12

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January 31 2012 2 31 /01 /January /2012 14:25


Avinu, (My Father),

When the weight of cares are threatening to overcome Your grace,

When the shadows pass between us, and I can not see Your face,

It is then I bow in worship, it is then I sing Your praise,

for it never fails to lift the weights, and clouds of gloom erase!


When the worries of existing get enlarged beyond their worth,

When depression comes to ask again why You allowed my birth,

It is then I fall upon my knees, just knowing You Are there,

and I can seek Your answers and roll onto You my care!


When the stormy winds blow madly, and hail fiercely smites my barge,

When the waves are crashing over, threatening, dark and large,

It is then I go for comfort, into my secret place,

For my safety and my hope is found in Your loving, sweet embrace.


So today I come before You, my worrisome cares I bring,

and a grateful heart of love as well, to lay before You, My King!

Again I bow in worship, again I lift my praise,

to You, the One True, Living G-d, may I serve You all my days!


And when my race is over, and the final victory won,

may I then bring only worship to the Throne of Your dear Son!

For whom I fight life's battles, for whom I endure its storms,

From whom I wish to hear that day, "Well done, my child, well done!"


SCD 1/31/12

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January 30 2012 1 30 /01 /January /2012 20:29

We are instructed to "count the cost" before signing on to follow Yeshua, but too many of us stop right there. How many times have we listened but were not sure if we heard correctly, perhaps because we did not like what we heard? How many times have we heard but not responded, pretending that we have not heard, or doubting that we heard correctly? How many times have we balked at the cost and let it drive us backward, away from our goals and off our course? How many times have weeven let the probable cost to others, if we follow the course of action indicated by what we heard, dissuade us, feeling that we must have heard wrongly, based on an assumption that "surely G-d would not ask us to do something that would cost another!", would He? But the error in that thinking is that it assumes that G-d is unable to control everyone's destiny at once, that He is somehow limited or unable to use us both as an instrument of blessing and instruction at the same time! Of course we would rather be used in the "feel-good" department! But is He G-d of all or isn't He?


Oswald Chambers made an interesting observation on this line of thinking in this morning's devotional segment (Jan. 30th), based on the Scripture, "And Samuel feared to tell Eli" ~ I Samuel 3:15; and he observes the following, "Shall I tell my 'Eli' what G-d has shown to me? That is where my dilemma of obedience comes in. We disobey G-d by becoming amateur providences - I must shield my 'Eli',(who represents) the best people we know. G-d did not tell Samuel to tell Eli, he had to decide that for himself. G-d's call to you may hurt your 'Eli'; but if you try to prevent suffering in another life, (especially at the expense of disobedience to a clear word from G-d) it will prove an affliction between your soul and G-d. It is at your own peril that you prevent the cutting off of the right hand or the plucking out of the eye."


I have lived through some of this experience. I have had Pastors, leadership, family and friends, at one time or another, to be offended at what I firmly believed that I had heard from G-d! I have been accused of lying, false prophecy, insanity, and a host of other unpleasantries simply because what I was hearing wasn't what they wanted to hear, or was different from what they heard, or would take us in different directions. But, if it comes down to it, I must obey G-d rather than man! If, after doing my best at obeying what I heard, it became plain that perhaps the voice I heard was not G-d, then I repent and go back to listening. But that not often been the case, since I am one to count the cost! That is, if I am going to the trouble to make a move that will anger folk I am going to really seek G-d intently; I will not, do not usually find the courage or motivation to move unless I am fairly sure! However, on the other hand, I never want to take so long counting the cost that obedience is lost in the shuffle! There is a time to count, and a time to obey! Faith without the corresponding works is dead! Listening and hearing without obeying what is heard is completely useless!


Sometimes we must hurt the ones we love in following after G-d, but if that is so, then we must believe that He has a plan to heal those wounds, and to bring life and blessing to that one - as well as to us! He would never ask me to pay for someone else's sin, or their success, nor would He put the cost of my sin or success on another - simply because there is One who has already borne that for us! He has already paid in full all that is necessary to cover the costs of what we are asked to do! However, we are not islands either, and we can not expect to enter into warfare without there being fall out for those around us! We are only asked to trust and obey! If we can not trust our leader to understand the call of G-d on our lives, then it is likely we are following the wrong leader!


Eli knew that G-d had spoken and He knew that Samuel was not just making stuff up! He received what the child said as from G-d Himself. That is the kind of wisdom and humility needed in leadership! Not that he immediately implemented what he heard, he unfortunately procrastinated and got caught up in the judgment processes, but at least he respected the bearer and didn't try to refute the message.


So, if there are any out there, especially of the household of faith who have been in authority over me, and you have objected to or not agreed with the things I have heard from G-d, I am sorry. I am sorry that G-d moved me in such a way that it hurt or angered you, or if I handled what I heard from Him in an objectionable way ( though you should resist judgment, since it is not like any of you are free of mistakes!); however, I still truly am sorry if you have gotten offended over it. You no doubt have taught many lessons on how to deal with offense by now! But please remember that offense can become a snare, and then a mighty stronghold if not dealt with. Eli did not become offended, however, though Samuel had some strong things to say against his leadership! Instead he took him seriously, and yet changed nothing; clearly, apathy had become an unfortunate way of life. It eventually cost him his family, and then his life and his ministry passed to Samuel, who had passed the test of obedience.


As we come to our tests of listening and obeying let us strive to be the Samuels of the world, who hears when G-d speaks and answers as instructed, "Speak Lord, for you servant is listening!", and then does what he hears, no matter the cost. For counting the cost does not imply that there is an option of not obeying, it is merely a reminder that obedience does cost! It is a time to form the determination to pay, it is time of gathering the courage needed to wage the war or build the structure; and it is a time for forming a strategy for victory or a plan for success!


The people of G-d in America tend to lean toward two errors in following Messiah, one is to forget there is a cost and be put off when the bill inevitably shows up, and the other is to get stuck in counting and never get around to making an assessment for victory! Procrastination, or "delayed obedience" more often than not results in disobedience, because the opportunity for action passes while we deliberate our loyalty. It should not be found among those who name the Name! We need to count the cost, and then pay it, even to the last full measure! The One we claim to follow has done that, we can not feign loyalty to Him and propose to do any less! If we "Love the Lord our G-d with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength...", then no cost should be more than we are willing to pay. I am still working on getting to that level of commitment, but He is more than willing to help our weakness as we work! And I am so thankful that He Is!



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January 29 2012 7 29 /01 /January /2012 15:52

Recently, because of my search for deeper Spiritual Truth, I have subscribed to a teaching site which contains the writings and teachings of Torah from an Orthodox perspective. It is not Messianic, and so all that they propound does not always resonate, but so much of it does! This is because they have such a grip of the foundational Truths on which my faith is built, and from which my limited knowledge of Scriptures has been formed! Which is, of course, Torah! The following is a passage from one of these teachings, and afterwords I want to make an observation of my own, which may seem unrelated, but to me is intrinsically important to how I live my own spiritual life in practical ways!


"Human beings have many character traits each of which can vary from one extreme to the other. Some people are always angry, others are imperturbable; some are proud, others are humble; some are lustful, others are passionless; some are greedy, others are unselfish; some are misers, others are spendthrifts; and so on. Between each such pair of extremes lies a middle way, and we are commanded to follow these middle paths, as it says "And walk in His ways".[1] A person whose character traits are intermediate between the extremes is called wise, and one who leans somewhat toward the proper extremes -- for example, toward humility -- is called pious.[a]

From some traits, such as pride and anger, a person should keep as far away as possible.[b] However, it is not always good to go too far; if a person suppresses his desires to such a degree that he does not eat meat or drink wine or marry, or live in a suitable house or wear suitable clothes, he is called a sinner. A person should abstain only from those things that the Torah prohibits; he should not forbid to himself things which are permitted. Regarding such things Solomon said "Do not be too righteous".[2,c] " ~

Halacha Overview, Copyright © 2011 by Rabbi Dr. Azriel Rosenfeld and Torah.org. The author is Director of the Center for Automation Research at the University of Maryland in College Park.


Seriously? One can be "too righteous"?! Hence the old proverb, "One can have too much of a good thing", I guess. So, thinking on that, while reading this passage I was suddenly struck with a mental picture of Yeshua up against the Pharisees. I suddenly heard them condemning Him as a "riotous man, a glutton and a wine-bibber, who keeps company with harlots and tax collectors"! Definitely not "socially acceptable" behavior for that time! And yet, was He not simply staying within the proper righteous limits, as set forth in these writings of the sages? He was merely practicing that righteousness which does not withhold the good along with the bad! He was not just advertising His piety in ways that could be seen and lauded! He was very real and human and practical in His piety. Which, historically has been the sign of a "Good Rabbi", if I am reading correctly, as defined by those whose teachings are cherished and revered and adhered to, anyway.


Yeshua was constantly rebuking the Pharisees for their "excessive righteousness" calling their efforts "filthy rags", and comparing them to "whitewashed sepulchers full of dead mens' bones" or "broods of vipers" and other such non-flattering images! He was always trying to get across to them that their works were not enough, and that their own efforts could not get them right-standing with G-d! He was constantly trying to draw their attention back to the idea that G-d was seeking a relationship with mankind that goes way beyond the keeping of many rules, that involves intimacy and deep-hearted relationship! He was constantly reasoning with them, trying to get them to realize the emptiness of religious tradition and the importance of the pure and unadulterated observance of Torah from a heart of Love, and a free will! He frankly condemned bondage to the law", while teaching a steadfast loyalty to, and observance of it! He plainly stated time and again, that He had NOT come to abolish it, nor even to "ratify" it, as some have claimed, but, rather, to fulfill it and complete it! To "execute the will", so to speak, setting it in order, and seeing to it that it was accomplished per instruction!


It is sad that much of the Jewish world is blind to this Yeshua, as the long awaited Messiah. But just as tragic, or perhaps even more so, is the fact that the so-called believers in, or followers of, this Messiah are so blind to what He taught that they will never convince any Jew of His validity! I have said this a lot in recent days - (but I will keep saying it because it is a profound and necessary Truth if we are ever to accomplish our mission for G-d, that of bringing glory to His Kingdom, and recruiting others for that purpose) - Yeshua was a Torah Observant Jew!


He was not some cult leader that broke off from the Jews! He did not come to reinvent the wheel of religious belief structure! He strictly adhered to the one that already existed as set forth by Moshe, and preached by the Prophets! And set about to demonstrate how this could and should be done! He taught His disciples to follow Torah more purely and to teach others to do the same, as a perpetual covenant forever between G-d and His people! He was a walking Yeshiva! The Jews take issue with Him because He was not "Rabbincally correct". He constantly challenged the popular teachings of His day that went counter to the Torah itself. But He came to teach obedience to Torah - from a devoted heart and free will! He said the "Truth will make you free", not how you feel about the truth, or what you see in the truth, or what is taught about the truth - but the truth itself! The Christian world takes issue with what He taught, twisting His words to suit their own ideas about "what G-d must have meant by that!" But there is a move of the Ruach today toward clarity, there is a Teshuvah to Torah.


It is written that "The Word/Torah of G-d is powerful", and is a "two-edged sword ... dividing asunder the thoughts and intents of the heart, and discerning between the flesh and the spirit"! It is not a play toy to entertain us and keep us happy, or a pacifier to placate us and salve our guilty consciences! It comes with surgical intention and precision to circumcise our hearts, cutting away the flesh that stands between us and ultimate intimacy with our maker! Flesh that harbors impurities, and introduces them intimately into our spiritual intercourse, bearing seeds of dis-ease which make us vulnerable to destruction! Subtle, hardly noticeable, so much so that we are not even conscious that they have passed into us, but this insidiousness renders them no less deadly, and perhaps even more so. Since we can not easily conquer those things of which we are not aware!


But Torah, if simply adhered to, will avert those disasters, keeping us free of them! Torah purifies us for divine intercourse, Torah prepares us for an audience with the King! It makes us worthy of His presence and His attentions! It makes us beautiful to Him, and of a pleasant aroma! It fits us for His company and His service! What part of that do we shy away from, and why?!


As the writing I quote indicates, we must, as usual, avoid both ditches which lie on either side of the paths of righteousness - the ditch of apathetic, selectively ignorant negligence to Torah, and the other ditch of legalistic, over-adherence to the parts of it that we have decided must be served! Instead we should dive into it with open minds and faithful hearts to delve into its depths and discover its treasures that are stored up for us there! We should cultivate grateful, faithful obedience to it commands, which have been given to purify us and set us apart for Him!


If we are truly believers in Yeshua as Messiah, we should adhere to His teachings in the same spirit. He said, "If you love me you will keep my commandments, which are not burdensome for you." He did not mean that we should pick and choose the ones that we do not personally consider to be burdensome, but that if we followed them, in tandem with Him, they could not possibly become burdensome! We need to stop making excuses for our disobedience and truly submit ourselves to His teaching, which revolved around Torah, the Bread of Life, the Water of Life, The Oil of Gladness, the Mantle of Authority, our rich and wondrous inheritance in the Anointed One! ~ Selah

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January 24 2012 2 24 /01 /January /2012 18:09



"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!" (This proverb was taken from St. Bernard of Clairvaux about 1150, "L'enfer est plein de bonnes volontés ou désirs" translated more accurately, "Hell is full of good intentions or wishes"), But many folk have quoted it, or have referred to it over the years, to quote a few:

"Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions; it's walled and roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too." ~ Aldous Huxley


"Life is short and if you're looking for extension, you had best do well. 'Cause there's good deeds and then there's good intentions. They are as far apart as Heaven and Hell." ~ Ben Harper


"One lives with so many bad deeds on one's conscience and some good intentions in one's heart."
~ John Dewey
"Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work." ~ Peter Drucker

"The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding." ~ Albert Camus

"The object of most prayers is to wangle an advance on good intentions." ~ Robert Brault

"The Senate is a place filled with goodwill and good intentions, and if the road to hell is paved with them, then it's a pretty good detour. " ~ Hubert H. Humphrey


This proverb means in essence the same thing which was meant by the writer of New Covenant book of James (Jacob), when he said, "....faith without works is dead..."! In other words, it is clear that just wishing doesn't get the job done, and that "planning to get around to it" isn't the same as doing it, etc.! So, what's my point?


Well, I have noticed that we, in westernized "Christianity" or the religious world (that has separated itself from the Jewish Writings and ways) have placed a lot of weight and importance on our own intentions.In other words, when confronted with the plain facts about the (now) obvious, horribly profane, origins of most of our lovely, sentimentally charged Christmas traditions, my first response, which I have heard echoed time and again, was, "But that wasn't what my motivations were!" or "That is not what was in our hearts!" However, while that is true, the question I want to pose is, "SO?!". So what?! What difference does that really make? I know that there is something to the fact that G-d does weigh the motives of the heart. However, do motives that were developed and supported on the wrong information really count, after the errors are exposed? As the quote from Albert Camus indicates, much wrong has been done simply because of a lack of understanding! And something which I like to call "selective understanding", which I have also heard described as "familiarity bias" or "comfort zones", which simply means that we do not want our security shaken by new ideas, so we tend to "selectively" understand only the things that will support what makes us feel secure - whether it is actually true or not!


As in the case of "Christmas", for example, our sentimental attachments - to our feel-good traditions, that are often tied to warm childhood memories, etc.,- clearly overshadow the increasingly difficult-to- avoid "facts"; which would indicate that most of our practices are offensive to the very Messiah whom they were "intended" to "honor"! We shrink from any truths that indicate otherwise, even vehemently fight them, because we do not want our memories dishonored or our intentions frustrated! However, Yeshua Himself, in rebuking the Pharisees, had this complaint against them;

“Tell me,” replied Jesus, “why do you
break God’s commandment through your tradition?For God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’, and ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death’. But you saythat if a man tells his parents, ‘Whatever use I might have been to you is now given to God’, then he owes no further duty to his parents. And so your traditionempties the commandment of God of all its meaning. You hypocrites! Isaiah describes you beautifully when he said: ‘These people draw near to me with their mouth, and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. Andin vain they worship me,teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’.”
Matthew 15:2-4 (in Context)
J.B. Phillips New Testament


Even then G-d's Word was being exchanged for human ways of doing and thinking and being. The Church world has had many condemning things to say about the foolishness of the Pharisees, and yet have fallen face first into the very same mire of the subconscious motivations that fueled their deception! I know we do not want this to be true! But if it isn't, then where are the feasts - which G-d ordained "as a statute, or a commandment, to be observed "by His people FOREVER"?Why do we have - in the place His Appointed Times- a bunch of totally unrelated "holidays" like Easter, Christmas and even "All Hallows Eve", craftily covering over the abomination of their profane pagan origins with the lame excuse that we are "redeeming them for Him"? Please! This is sort of like our cats bringing us a mouse for dinner - we may appreciate the kind intention - but we are not thrilled enough to eat it! G-d does not want our dressed up garbage. He wants our loving, loyal obedience to what He has set forth for us!


Messiah was a Torah Observant Jew! He was not a politically correct, spineless, culture-less, blob of religious vagueness! He had a specific goal and a specific calling, which was to bring back the Glory of the Name of His Father in this Earth! Thereby redeeming His prime creation! It was not just to "save us from sin", so that we could continue in it! This is like a man who has been saved from drowning that will not cease to throw himself into the water! As though the mere fact that he has been saved would prevent his drowning the next time! The "logic" behind this kind of thinking is startlingly naive, incredulously stupid, and astoundingly twisted!


And yes, I am angry. Angry at myself most of all, that I didn't have the good sense to look into all of this sooner. I really can't claim ignorance totally, I can not say that these manufactured "holidays" didn't always cause some form of internal discomfort. Looking back I am aware that there wasalways a feeling that something was wrong, but I just couldn't put my finger on it! And so - because of the familiarity bias, no doubt - I went along with the flow, and allowed all the explanations of those "in Authority" to quiet this disturbance, time and again! Now I am kicking myself for my "selective stupidity"! Oy! I will forgive myself in good time, but right now I am feeling ashamed and irritated. I am also angry at those in leadership who, I know, had to have studied this stuff and had to know the origins! Why in the world would anyone deliberately propound something so hatefully opposed to the Word of G-d - and in His Name! Is there no reverence? No fear?! I am angry at being deceived, but I also tremble for them! I recommend repentance, long, hard and immediate!


But now I am not the only one who is angry, there are angry folk on both sides of this thing. Those on this "side", which I have recently transferred to, whose perspectives have been unavoidably altered by this sudden onslaught of all this "new" information (new to us, it has obviously been around for hundreds and thousands of years!). Our out look has been so altered, in fact, that we will never be able to maintain our comfortable "status-quo" again!


And then there is that "other side". Consisting of those who are still stubbornly clinging to their position that their traditions are indeed "approved by G-d" or socially acceptable or whatever their standard happens to be, simply because their "intentions" were pure in their own eyes!


I am not "intending" to offend anyone in my struggles to determine what is "Scripturally Correct" (which is, and has always been the plum-line for Truth, for me), however, historically it has been the dividing line, hasn't it, and so offense is somewhat unavoidable. Men and women have given their "last full measure", time and again, in this same search for divine understanding!


While the "powers that be" have always sought to mask it, twist it and use it to manipulate the masses to their own ends! So the battle for Truth rages, and we must all decide on which side of that line we will stand - with Scripture or against it. But here is my current "bottom line" - it appears to me that in this day and time the spirits of the anti-G-d in this world have arisen with renewed vigor, with new strength and determination to silence all references to the "G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob", and all references to the "chosen One", Yeshua/Jesus, who is considered to be the "Messiah" by many!


This war against the true people of G-d, similar to what happened just prior to WWII, is heating up again, and any who "believe" may eventually come to a place of being forced to decide just how much they actually do"believe", and what they are willing to pay for the right to maintain that "belief"! My attitude is this, if I may someday be martyred for telling the Truth, I at least want it be the actual version of the Truth that G-d wrote! Not some watered down man made crap! I do not want to give my life or waste my death on a bunch of fairy-tales and foolishness - whose ultimate design - from the enemies of G-d - were to lead mankind away unwittingly! I do not want to be found aiding and abetting the enemies of G-d, "accidentally" or otherwise, since I have sincerely have set out with the "intention" to "Love the Lord My G-d with all my heart, soul and strength, and my neighbor as myself"!


What kind of "neighbor" peddles stale bread to his friends? I am in a fight for life. Notmylife, but for the Life of G-d (His concept and provision of life which was set aside for us) in the earth! I do not want to fall back on my intentions! I do not want to follow my "good intentions" blindly into hell! I want to have the Peace of G-d which passes all understanding, not a mere lack of conflict because I don't have the courage to stand up for anything! I have never wanted a dull colorless life, I have never been comfortable just taking folks words for things, I generally require some sort of convincing!


The problem here is that I have been too trusting. The one place that was fraught with the most risk just happened to be the onlyplace that I have been too trusting! Not that I haven't scrutinized what I was told, but for some reason I never got past the tradition to the truth. Somehow it has been successfully elusive all these years. I suspect our old "friend" Familiarity Bias" is the culprit here, I suspect that I just fell into that human tendency to want my own comfort at any cost!


But in order for our "intentions to be fruitful and not just more hell-bound paving material we will need to have a plan, and we will need to be aware of what is fueling those intentions! With the help of G-d I intend to find a place of truth and rest in all of this stuff. I intend to find that place of internal peace with myself. I have pretty much given up on external peace, since that requires too much "but-kissing" to suit me - and besides, you can't please everyone, someone is always going to be put out that it isn't their butt that is being kissed at any given moment! So I may as well put that effort into pleasing G-d! He allows us to Love Him from our free will, He does require obedience, but again, it is to be freely offered - because of Love - not begrudgingly doled out because of fear!


I am re-examining my intentions to see if they are truly honorable or just some more lame, religiously correct, pretty excuses for doing whatever my flesh wants! I think this is a crucial move in these the last of days if we want to avoid the "highway to hell", found on the path of deception. If I am going to make a stand for anything, I want to be fairly sure that it warrants such a stand. The Torah is the only thing standing that is worth that kind of effort. It, being the source of all life, would sensibly be the only thing worth giving that life to, or for. When I eventually face G-d I do not want to be judged only by my intentions, but by my actions, I want to live in such a way that there is a hope that they will line up with His Truth, His Torah. To that end I live. To that end I write. To that end I pray.




SCD 1/24/12

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January 23 2012 1 23 /01 /January /2012 14:39


Its Purpose and Importance to Those Who Claim to Love G-d.


I found this wonderfully clear explanation of "Torah" in an article from a subscription I get through email from Torah.org. Rabbi Rosenfeld eloquently writes;


"...there is an important principle we must establish. When Israel was given the 613 commandments at Sinai, the intention was not: "Do these actions and get reward." It was rather: "Develop a relationship with your Creator; here's how." The mitzvos (commandments) are not just arbitrary actions which we are rewarded for performing. They are statements of G-d's values. We do not simply (and blindly) perform them. We grow into them. We develop an understanding of G-d's values and grow to become people who appreciate them ourselves. By so doing we become more G-dlike individuals, more capable of enjoying the resulting closeness we will have with our G-d in the World to Come.


Thus, the mitzvos are not actions and restrictions alone. They are calls to greatness, goads to inspire us to higher levels of awareness. As a simple example, the Torah commands us, "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13 -- the sixth of the Ten Commandments). The intention was never simply that we refrain from the *act* of murder. That is only the mitzvah at its basest level. Rather we were instructed in something much higher, more accurately expressed as, "Appreciate the value of a human life." Human beings are precious and in the image of G-d. We must respect the value of our fellow human being: his life, his health, his self-respect, and his feelings. The Talmud accordingly writes that one should allow himself to be killed rather than *embarrass* his fellow -- just as one must die rather than kill him (Sotah 10b). Making someone else wish he were dead is -- according to G-d's value system -- tantamount to killing him. And we, who are not simply enslaving ourselves to our G-d but are forging a relationship with Him, must obey His commandments with that awareness." ~ Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld

I love this profoundly Jewish perspective because this is the heart of what Yeshua was trying to get across to us! That The Torah was not a "law" to put people in bondage and cause them to fear G-d! It was a lifestyle to keep people in a relationship to G-d that was pleasing to Him! It was not supposed to produce legalism, it was supposed to produce righteousness!

The dilemma it caused, in terms of sheer impossibility to walk this delicate balance of obedience without legalism, was settled by Yeshua. He left behind the Ruach ha Kodesh to empower us to keep the Commandments, and He shed His blood because of our inability to do so up to that point. Now we are without excuse. We are without good teaching though. Well, perhaps not "without", but finding and assimilating it is more difficult than it should be.

From the Jewish side they have all the puzzle pieces - except one, the one that is pivotal to the whole picture. They even have the box top! But they do not recognize Yeshua as the missing piece that they are looking for - the long awaited Anointed One that is to come!

And then, conversely, from the westernized "Christian" world we have only that one piece - and from that piece have attempted to construct an entire puzzle - using whatever strikes our fancy! Producing a cheap manufactured substitute with no color, little quality and little effectiveness!

But when we pull them together it becomes clear! After all, Yeshua did say that He came to fulfill and not to annul the Torah! He is the embodiment of it! He was the "Word made Flesh"! What "Word" was that? The Torah was the only "Word" that existed in His time, along with the Netuvim and the Ketuvim - the prophets and writings of the "Old Covenant".

When will we be willing to see that we can not hope to follow Him effectively if we continue to neglect and void all He was working to accomplish? How can we call Him Rabbi, or Teacher, or Master, and continue to ignore all He was attempting to teach us! If He is truly "the Way", and He walked in observance to the Torah, who can we pretend to be following while refusing to go where He went?

Or, worse than that, how can we pretend to be following Him if we slander His commandments as "evil legalism", while substituting for them things that are abhorrent to Him - and then stamp His name on them to boot! How arrogant, confused and misled can we get? I am not targeting only one aberrant religious belief structure! The entire westernized, civilized "Church" system is screwed up and this is why! We are a mile wide but an inch deep and this is why! We are eating spam when we could have steak! We are drinking "Kool-aid" when we could have $800/bottle wine! We are cooking with lard, when we should be using the top quality virgin olive oil that was supplied! Get the picture? We need to make Teshuvah to the Torah! We need to stop fearing it, and embrace it for what it is, the hub of our belief structure! No, it isn't the whole wheel! But one can not have a working wheel if one excludes the hub! There are no where to attach the other parts! It is as important as the skeleton to the human body! It provides the structure and the support to hold it together and enable it to operate!

We Westerners have concentrated on the content to the exclusion of the structure. Which is why most of Western "Christianity" has no Chutzpah, no real Power, no real identity. It has become this blob-like, wishy-washy, namby-pamby useless waste of everyone's time! It has become this irritating, whining, demanding voice in a very tired world. It is not taken seriously because it is not real. It is not solid. It has no decently reliable history or referrences. There are only two institutions of any standing - the rest have evolved in some way from those, or perhaps I should say have broken off of them - for evolution insinuates improvement and that is clearly not the case here. But the original structure on which these institutions were supposed to have been built was cast aside early in the history of the thing, and have never been fully recovered.

I think, or at least hope, that this new wind of Messianic awareness will be able to correct this disconnect, but that remains to be seen. So far that movement seems to be still very heavily affected by one or the other of the polar ends - the teaching of "Jewish" Pharisees who have put themselves in the place of G-d, or the teachings of "Christian" Pharisees who have done the same thing while condemning the Jews for doing it! That is why judgment is discouraged. The target of our judgment does become the target for our internal GPS!

The people of G-d need to return to His book! To His commandment! If all else fails, read the instruction manual! We are as lost as any one "out there"! That is why they mock us! Our "righteousness is like the Emperor's New Clothes! We are the only ones who do not realize that our hind parts are visible! Listen, just because His mercy holds onto us in our ignorance , that does not extrapolate to mean that we are where we need to be! We should be so far into His Will that His mercy can be extended to others who actually have reason to be lost!

"If my people, which are called by My Name, will humble themselves...." the prophet exclaims in II Chronicles 7:14. Teshuvah must start with humility. It must start with us saying, "perhaps we have been wrong?"! It starts with us using our "discernment" on ourselves, and taking the mirror of His Word to our own hearts instead of turning it outwardly, blinding others with its light, which was supposed to be filtered through us! Inadvertently starting fires with our judgmentalism, etc. We, the people who consider themselves the people of G-d, are the ones to whom the prophet cries out, we are the ones who should humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways! We are not responsible to keep only the barest outlines of the "Ten Commandments", we are responsible to find a relationship with G-d based on His order - which transforms us into His image, and brings us full circle. For all of you who want to "get back to the Garden", and for anyone else, for that matter, Torah (The Living Bread, and true Heartfelt observance of it/Him) is the only Way. Teshuvah, Return!


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January 22 2012 7 22 /01 /January /2012 14:30

Our G-d Reigns! Isaiah 52:7     "How Beautiful on the mountains are the feet of Him who brings the Good News  ... who proclaims to Zion, our G-d Reigns!"


Why is that the good news? Our G-d Reigns? Isn't that like stating the obvious? Why is that good news to me?


Because, the word "REIGNS" indicated entire and complete sovereignty. In other words, if OUR G-D REIGNS, then nothing else can reign! Not the current economic crisis, not the idiocy in Washington, not cancer or arthritis or diabetes or poverty or depression or .... fill in the blanks! Our G-d reigns! If we could get our mind around that, and then renew it until it really did love Him above all else, we would be free and we would reign with Him! We do not have to wait until we get to heaven, heaven and all its resources have been made available to us. But it all begins with believing the Good News, Our G-d Reigns!



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January 19 2012 4 19 /01 /January /2012 14:06


Lately, in my little universe, that is, in the life which I live by the unfathonable grace of G-d, there has been a lot of things said about religious biases. I think there is a need to point out that we ALL have a religious bias of one kind or another - even if it is anti-religion! That is still a bias! Therefore what is needed is that we develop a graceful tolerance for one another's views and beliefs. I am not saying that we must applaud them all, consent to them all or adapt them all! Heaven forbid! But that we simply come to a place of agreeing to disagree, to live and let live and move on! That we come to a realization that different is not automatically good or bad! That we become secure and mature enough to consider and explore some other patterns of belief or thought without having our own foundations shaken!


I am also not saying that there is no place for evangelism, or that there is no room to persuade others to our beliefs - if those beliefs are strong enough to warrant sharing, and founded in Truth. But, I think we need to remember that there is a "Drawing" that is not of our making, and not within our realm of control. There is a free will variable. That is, we humans are made to be able to choose our path for ourselves, and we are responsible to do that! This means that we simply can not afford to be led around by the noses by whomever wants to take authority over us. It means that we must be very careful whom we allow to influence and direct our thinking! And we must respect the views of others even when we can not agree!


What I am trying to express is that there is a time and a place for everything, and I think that, by and large, we are often not sensitive enough to those things. Truth can bear light and weight. But that is no reason to attempt to pound it to oblivion (which can not be done, fyi - lol)! We need to be much more patient and gentle with those with whom we disagree. Now I know those of you who also follow on Face Book will think I am being either facetious or bi-polar! lol But that is most likely because you are not privy to the circumstances of the situation, nor should you be! There is such a thing of attributing the best to folk and minding our own business, and though many would howl at this, I must say that I was being gentle! But sometimes truth - as we see it - must be said, even though it may sound harsh or negative. How can we possible relay a truth which we do not "see"? How can we be expected to adapt others' perspectives based on their experiences or research or knowledge base! If we do it is either because we allowed them to change our minds, which can be good, or because we refuse to use our minds, which is never good!


Americans are known far and wide as a bunch of "know-it-alls". We are way quicker to express our opinions on everything, and thankfully, we are still free to do that! However, the danger comes in taking our own opinions (or that of others) too seriously. It can lead to a chasm or a dead end at which our learning and growing stops. There are only a handful of things that I am very "set" or unmovable about. Much of what I "know" is still under construction, or still "in the lab" - the results are not in, and I do not expect them to be all in until the Father reveals them to me in eternity! This place is finite. And though we have access to the infinite we need to stop acting as though we have a grasp on that infinity. We must stay flexible if we want to keep growing!


We need to face the facts that we are all, in one area or another, biased, limited, and searching. We are all on a journey and adventure to truth, and the faith that it produces. Whether we realize it or not, whether we are enjoying it or not, whether we are cognizant of where we are in those processes or not, still that is the way it is. It would be so much more fun if we could find a peaceable place to walk it together!



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January 13 2012 5 13 /01 /January /2012 13:56

Recently a very good friend of mine has taken issue with some of my spiritual wranglings about my religious ideas and positions on some things. And at first I was somewhat taken aback by her angry outburst in my direction - it was not merely, "I fervently don't agree!", but an angry, all out assault against who and what I am - and a demand to change that - Yesterday! lol More or less. It was how it sounded to me anyway, and unfortunately this isn't the first time. We do come from opposite ends of the intellectual pole!


In further retrospect, however, I realized that she probably responded that way because obviously she felt that is what I had done! This is an unfortunate, though frequent, occurrence in the expressing of ideas, especially in the realm of the written. First of all we, as humans, tend to personalize things too much, and if we can not see the expression in the person's eyes, which tends to convey the attitude of their hearts - then words can be easily misconstrued. And secondly, sometimes there will be one point made in an article which will hit a nerve, or a wound deep within us, and suddenly it renders us incapable of getting past that point to even see where the person may have actually been going - or the point which they were actually making! We do not have to even be aware that there is a wound to have this happen.


Whereas I was perceived, by my friend, if I am reading her writing correctly, as having attacked the whole of the Roman Catholic Church and of having accused everyone from that discipline of individual antisemitism! When actually my intention was to merely point out, (or quite honestly to come to terms with myself) the apparent facts that the origins of the "Christian" Church at large are antisemitic! Origins,which - unfortunately - historically are undeniably rootedin the Roman Catholic tradition - thanks to Constantine and his state religion. And, whether we all like it or not, he and his followers did extract or "borrow" the bulk of those traditions from pagan idolatrous practices - forming an entity which did come strongly against the Hebrews, particularly their way of worshiping and living. Those do seem to be the facts, sadly enough for all of us!


In fact, in the research I have done so far, it is sadly evident that most of the "Church Fathers", meaning all those who have been responsible for the directions which that institution called "Church" have taken, and the traditions it has adopted as a moral compass, inmost of the denominational disciplines, Catholic and Protestant alike, have struggled with the obvious departure of theirown traditions from the Scriptures which they were claiming and intending to follow!


But let me define what I am meaning by antisemitic - I am referring to anything that is anti-Jewish, especially that which comes against the Jewish G-d and His Torah. That is, anything that works to separate the Jew from his identity, which is wrapped up in his G-d and His Holy Book - which they identify as Torah or Tanakh (from a Hebrew acrostic taken from the words Torah - Law, Netuvim - Prophets, andKituvim - Writings) The parts of our Bible which constitute the "Old Testament" or "Old Covenant", and which the majority of the "Christian" Church has cast aside as "Law", and now claims that we are "above"! Honestly, shamefully, there are few religious affiliations that are not guilty of this crime in some aspect or another! And it is merely stubborn "selective understanding" at best and downright ignorance at worst to insist otherwise according to the majority of research done so far.


To my horror I discovered an unfortunate "Replacement Theology", which was developed early on in Church History to explain and justify the resulting antisemitic behavior, and most of that has continued to trickle down into the "Protestant" movement as well! "Replacement Theology", which is widely taught, simply means that those who believe in Christ now "take the place of Israel" as G-d's chosen people, having become "spiritual Israel", by faith in her Messiah, so that Israel and her traditions are defunct and even despicable! I had heard it, I just never believed it, and still can't believe that anyone does! It is an incredulous thought that G-d would allow the Ones who brought us the Torah and the Messiah to be mugged for it and cast aside! The idea was for us to be joined to them, not to become eternally opposed to them! And remember I am talking all religious persuasions here! At its most ugly extreme it becomes Klan or Nazi propaganda and at its most insidious it is referred to as "Christian Liberty" - but on both ends it is a blatant denial of what G-d has commanded for His people "as a statute forever"!


I do believe that it is true, that if we believe the Words of G-d by faith, and conduct ourselves according to His recommendations because of that belief, as Abraham did, we can become a memberof that household of faith, and are counted among His chosen! But, logically, that would add to them, not replace them!


As I said however, it was one of the justifications of throwing out the feasts and regulations which G-d had instituted in favor of those more pleasing to men. It was the "politically correct" move of that day, as it incorporated everyone's "god" into the mix! No one had to choose now. And in a sense it did bring "peace", to everyone - except the Jews, that is. To them it has brought warfare. And to us it has brought confusion, and a warfare of a different nature, since I have come to believe this is why the "Christian" world can not find unity! They are looking for it in all the wrong places!


As I pointed out to my friend - probably in too much haste, because as I said I was stung by the anger of her response - I ended up, in my research, poisoning everything I had come to believe myself! She thinks she's upset! I have upset my own applecart, and my family's applecart! But is truth worth some bother? I think so! So much so, that in reality I am sort of starting an overhaul of my belief structures, out of sheer necessity! I mean, since I have been trying to follow a path that was based on Truth, which for me is defined by being Biblically, or Scripturally, correct - and then to find out that someone - whom I was intently following - had taken a very sharp left turn away from those Scriptures and that others - whom they had been following - had taken a very sharp right turn off that path - so that what I have been led to believe must look like some extreme bizarre zig-zag if we could see a physical pattern! It is very unsettling! So now, I am trying to do the hard work of finding the place from whence the path deviated from Truth, and to get myself back on it, which has led back to a Jewish learning curve.


Not that even those guys seem to have it all figured out! Oy vey! There is even a joke among themselves that if you have three Rabbis you will have 5 opinions! But the point is that whether they are following it or not, they still maintain the possession of the beginning premise! They possess the starting point of faith in Messiah, in Torah! They have both the map and the compass that I need to get where I want to go! How can we be so prideful as to think that there is any "moral compass" apart from the instruction of a Holy G-d!? I do not think that the Jewish people are interpreting it all to their best interests either, but it is still the map, and they are still in possession of it! The religious trappings that other religions have drawn up to replace the map, may have a few of the principle places and clues to where we will need to go, but most of them have eliminated the keys to interpreting what those places meant, or why we should go!


Of course there are those of all faiths, and as my friend pointed out, the Catholics being some of the most magnanimous - on an individual basis - who have gotten it right! Who have befriended and embraced the Jews and have attempted to avert or to relieve their suffering, and have even suffered on their behalf! No doubt! All through history there have been those who caught site of the heavenly vision. I have always believed and said that G-d's "remnant" of faithful believers in Him, those who are dedicated to Him, who really know Him and have a bead on what He is really after, are found scattered among all the disciplines called "The Faith".


Religion, on any level, however, is mostly dead, man-manufactured rules and regulations for the purpose of controlling the masses. Yet in everyone of them is a smattering of sincere folk who are just trying to find G-d in all that junk and follow Him! The Jewish folk of course have their own issues with that, along with everyone else - the Roman Catholic Church and all her children, even those who have fallen so far away from her that she can not even recognize them anymore, yet history indicates that most were her spawn!


Listen folks, I am not saying that I have it all figured out here! I wish! I am only getting glimmers and slivers of truth, that have come at a maddeningly slow pace, in my opinion! But what I am seeing is that all religious endeavors, being primarily man-made, are infested with sin - and I am sorry, but Catholicism is no exception to this rule. It has even crept into the Jewish faith because, time and again, they get their eyes on their own importance and ability and forget their G-d! The ONE who is the cause of their very existence. Don't we all?


So what is the answer to this dilemma? It is to return to the G-d of the Torah ! That is called Repentance, in Hebrew the word is Teshuvah! But it is not only a turning away from sin - as it is most commonly taught - but a turning back toward the Torah! What?! So we can embrace it as all the other religions do, as a bunch of empty religious laws? NO! To hell with religion! That is where it came from, that is where it is going, and if you insist on going along with it that is where it will take you! Even Yeshua Himself rebuked that mess at every opportunity!


But to reverence Torah as a map that will help us follow the path of righteousness which we have chosen by faith? YES! That is what we should do! It is clear to me that we will never really find the path without it, since Messiah was said to be the "Torah/Word made flesh", and He is also called "the Way, the Truth and the Life", without whom no one may enter the paths of righteousness! The catch is, of course, that in and of itself, even Torah isn't enough! That is why even the Jews seem to be floundering at this point in history! You see, in order to operate The Torah properly, to avoid turning it into just another dead religion, we must have the input of its author! Which means that we need a personal relationship with the living G-d, that comes, by His own decree, through belief in His own appointed, anointed, Prophetically proclaimed Messiah! Whom those of the "Christian" faith - from Catholic to Messianic - believe to be Yeshua of Nazareth!


However, in getting that message across, all the religions have done their part of both carrying it and burying it! Still, the Spirit of the Lord has worked tirelessly across the ages, and still works to keep some of His followers alive to what is going on, and to keep the Way open for any who would come! We are blessed to live in this "dispensation" or "age" of "Church" history where the grace of repentance is still available to "anyone who will come".


I therefore urge each of us to get hold of that grace for ourselves and then extend it to all others, especially those who can't or won't agree with us. Time is short, we who call ourselves the "Church", "The Called Out Ones", The Ecclesia", or the "Body of Messiah" must eventually find unity, but if we are to do that, it seems reasonable that we must all use the same map! In that spirit, this is an attempt to bring a peaceful understanding, it is an attempt to shed light in a very dark corner. If in attempting that I have clumsily offended anyone else, or further wounded the one I was trying to appease, I beg your forgiveness ahead of time.


I am only searching for truth - I have enough opinions already! But for those who are steadfastly resisting the Way of Messiah because others have done it poorly, let those without error among you cast the first stone! Read your history books people, unity will never come through the passivity of the enlightened, as long as the unenlightened have weapons! Man will never be able to cure his own ills, he needs his G-d. I am truly sorry for the offense that this statement will cause to some, but, from all I know, that's the way it is. So if you simply can not agree with where I am going on my spiritual journey toward Truth, then simply "un-friend" me. There will be no hard feelings on my part. Or, I guess, there is always the option of making yourself so obnoxious on my page that I am forced to "un-friend" you in order to have peace, and then you can feel like the bigger and better person in this relationship, whatever works for you all, I am easy to get along with! lol



SCD 1/13/12

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January 12 2012 4 12 /01 /January /2012 14:30


(A prayer/poem of devotion)



Avinu Malkenu;


Quiet the uproar in my head, the din within my heart!

Draw me from the warfare, from the tumult, far apart.

Then refocus my eyes, let me only see,

The peaceful Kingdom of the free!


Bring beloved correction, teach me all Your will,

in Your blessed affection, I will know You, and be still!

Your beauty and Your character, on which I've resolved to gaze,

transforms me to Your image, while other idols raze!


So draw me hero-lover, whisper softly to my heart,

and I'll run into our quiet place, and gladly set apart

my life to Your devotion, my heart to Your control!

Please dictate all my motion, dear lover of my soul!


(From the Archives)

1/13/07 SCD

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  • : SELAH Jubilee Lady Writes 4 Shalom
  • : I love to write, all about life, and what is going on in it. And about the Beloved Creator, Who sponsored it! I hope to intrigue and inspire.
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
