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January 30 2012 2 30 /01 /January /2012 20:29

We are instructed to "count the cost" before signing on to follow Yeshua, but too many of us stop right there. How many times have we listened but were not sure if we heard correctly, perhaps because we did not like what we heard? How many times have we heard but not responded, pretending that we have not heard, or doubting that we heard correctly? How many times have we balked at the cost and let it drive us backward, away from our goals and off our course? How many times have weeven let the probable cost to others, if we follow the course of action indicated by what we heard, dissuade us, feeling that we must have heard wrongly, based on an assumption that "surely G-d would not ask us to do something that would cost another!", would He? But the error in that thinking is that it assumes that G-d is unable to control everyone's destiny at once, that He is somehow limited or unable to use us both as an instrument of blessing and instruction at the same time! Of course we would rather be used in the "feel-good" department! But is He G-d of all or isn't He?


Oswald Chambers made an interesting observation on this line of thinking in this morning's devotional segment (Jan. 30th), based on the Scripture, "And Samuel feared to tell Eli" ~ I Samuel 3:15; and he observes the following, "Shall I tell my 'Eli' what G-d has shown to me? That is where my dilemma of obedience comes in. We disobey G-d by becoming amateur providences - I must shield my 'Eli',(who represents) the best people we know. G-d did not tell Samuel to tell Eli, he had to decide that for himself. G-d's call to you may hurt your 'Eli'; but if you try to prevent suffering in another life, (especially at the expense of disobedience to a clear word from G-d) it will prove an affliction between your soul and G-d. It is at your own peril that you prevent the cutting off of the right hand or the plucking out of the eye."


I have lived through some of this experience. I have had Pastors, leadership, family and friends, at one time or another, to be offended at what I firmly believed that I had heard from G-d! I have been accused of lying, false prophecy, insanity, and a host of other unpleasantries simply because what I was hearing wasn't what they wanted to hear, or was different from what they heard, or would take us in different directions. But, if it comes down to it, I must obey G-d rather than man! If, after doing my best at obeying what I heard, it became plain that perhaps the voice I heard was not G-d, then I repent and go back to listening. But that not often been the case, since I am one to count the cost! That is, if I am going to the trouble to make a move that will anger folk I am going to really seek G-d intently; I will not, do not usually find the courage or motivation to move unless I am fairly sure! However, on the other hand, I never want to take so long counting the cost that obedience is lost in the shuffle! There is a time to count, and a time to obey! Faith without the corresponding works is dead! Listening and hearing without obeying what is heard is completely useless!


Sometimes we must hurt the ones we love in following after G-d, but if that is so, then we must believe that He has a plan to heal those wounds, and to bring life and blessing to that one - as well as to us! He would never ask me to pay for someone else's sin, or their success, nor would He put the cost of my sin or success on another - simply because there is One who has already borne that for us! He has already paid in full all that is necessary to cover the costs of what we are asked to do! However, we are not islands either, and we can not expect to enter into warfare without there being fall out for those around us! We are only asked to trust and obey! If we can not trust our leader to understand the call of G-d on our lives, then it is likely we are following the wrong leader!


Eli knew that G-d had spoken and He knew that Samuel was not just making stuff up! He received what the child said as from G-d Himself. That is the kind of wisdom and humility needed in leadership! Not that he immediately implemented what he heard, he unfortunately procrastinated and got caught up in the judgment processes, but at least he respected the bearer and didn't try to refute the message.


So, if there are any out there, especially of the household of faith who have been in authority over me, and you have objected to or not agreed with the things I have heard from G-d, I am sorry. I am sorry that G-d moved me in such a way that it hurt or angered you, or if I handled what I heard from Him in an objectionable way ( though you should resist judgment, since it is not like any of you are free of mistakes!); however, I still truly am sorry if you have gotten offended over it. You no doubt have taught many lessons on how to deal with offense by now! But please remember that offense can become a snare, and then a mighty stronghold if not dealt with. Eli did not become offended, however, though Samuel had some strong things to say against his leadership! Instead he took him seriously, and yet changed nothing; clearly, apathy had become an unfortunate way of life. It eventually cost him his family, and then his life and his ministry passed to Samuel, who had passed the test of obedience.


As we come to our tests of listening and obeying let us strive to be the Samuels of the world, who hears when G-d speaks and answers as instructed, "Speak Lord, for you servant is listening!", and then does what he hears, no matter the cost. For counting the cost does not imply that there is an option of not obeying, it is merely a reminder that obedience does cost! It is a time to form the determination to pay, it is time of gathering the courage needed to wage the war or build the structure; and it is a time for forming a strategy for victory or a plan for success!


The people of G-d in America tend to lean toward two errors in following Messiah, one is to forget there is a cost and be put off when the bill inevitably shows up, and the other is to get stuck in counting and never get around to making an assessment for victory! Procrastination, or "delayed obedience" more often than not results in disobedience, because the opportunity for action passes while we deliberate our loyalty. It should not be found among those who name the Name! We need to count the cost, and then pay it, even to the last full measure! The One we claim to follow has done that, we can not feign loyalty to Him and propose to do any less! If we "Love the Lord our G-d with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength...", then no cost should be more than we are willing to pay. I am still working on getting to that level of commitment, but He is more than willing to help our weakness as we work! And I am so thankful that He Is!



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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
