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April 16 2024 2 16 /04 /April /2024 14:03
Here's Your Sign .....

A Prophetic Clarification on Recent Events


I am really tired of all the “prophetic” jacking around concerning the latest eclipse! It is to be expected from worldly journalists, who doubt the existence of God! But the one's that make my soul weary are men of God, especially those who have a large audience, who are trying to explain or justify where they missed it!  Or even worse, criticizing others, whom they deem to have missed it! So let me sort this eclipse message out for us.


Truth number one: God DID say that HE would give signs and wonders in the heavens to be a signal to us.

Luke 21: 25-26, 29-33

"And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the billows;  men fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on the world: for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. . . 

And he spake to them a parable: Behold the fig tree, and all the trees: when they now shoot forth, ye see it and know of your own selves that the summer is now nigh.  Even so ye also, when ye see these things coming to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh.  Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all things be accomplished. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away."

Truth number two: There WAS at least ONE city this most recent eclipse passed over which was named Nineveh (I've heard everything from two to seven!)

Truth number three: GOD DID GIVE THE PEOPLE OF NINIVEH AN OPPORTUNITY TO REPENT, through His reluctant prophetic voice of that time, Jonah! So that fact has significance and should NOT be ignored!

Truth number four: This IS a season of WARNING to The People of GOD aka "The Church" in America.

Listen folks - Judgment isn't “coming”!? It has been here since OBAMA got elected!!!! The “church-going” masses in this nation need to learn what actual Obedience to GOD looks like! WE ALL need to come out of our misinformation about what Salvation and Grace mean, and how they are to be embraced and responded to! People need to STOP using them as some cheap “get out of hell free card”, while continuing to indulge the flesh and live in sin, instead of pursuing RIGHTEOUSNESS! We are saved FROM SIN, NOT IN IT!!! REPENTANCE IS IN ORDER!!!!

Truth number five: We got a bit of a reprieve from the judgment with Trump, because there WAS a bit of true repentance after 9/11. But then half the nation idolized the man, heaped all our responsibility on HIM, and just expected him to fix everything – while the other half critiqued, harangued and rebelled against all God did through him! FEW, however, have accepted him as God's anointed one, compared to "Cyrus", the unbeliever of that time, a Persian King, who gave mercy to Israel, and gave the glory to God!  Nor have many recognized him as the mere instrument of God!


And, THEN, when a bit of relief came, because of the much conflicted Trumpster, the whole nation of religious hypocrites, or liberal heathens, by and large, just settled back into our comfortable norms, and put the traditions of our religion, or the faux morality of our liberal “education”, over the clear Word of God, and just returned to our all flesh, or half-flesh/half-spirit -led existence of apathetic semi-religious, or deceived “non-religious”, mostly worldly in either case, nonsense!


Church goers went back to giving God our crumbs. Feeding our flesh 3 or more hot meals a day, and giving our spirits one cold snack a week! Getting FAT physically but anorexic spiritually! While those who consider themselves “liberals” (who couldn't be more in bondage) or “progressives” (who are actually destroying the progress with their marxist, deceived, false morality) continue to war, argue, and ignore God's stern warnings!!!


Conclusion: It is time those who call themselves The People of GOD - those who claim to BELIEVE in The ONE TRUE GOD that America was founded upon, The God of Abraham, Y'Itzak and Ya'acov, The GOD of ISRAEL, through Whom came our Messiah, YESHUA - got BACK to The Spirit of God; READ AND LIVED The Word of God, and STOP sanctimoniously quoting 2 Chronicles 7:14 – "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land" - and ACTUALLY DO IT!!!!



So what if we actually DID THAT, instead of judging the sinners, and complaining about how THEIR SIN is affecting this nation!

HEY! How about if WE repent of how OUR SIN, and lack of Spiritual Maturity and Authority are affecting our nation – REPENT – and then take YESHUA TO THEM as we are supposed to be doing!?!?!?! This nit-picking, hypocrisy and foolishness must STOP now, if this nation is to be saved, healed and restored!

The 2nd part of 2 Chronicles 7:14 says that when WE do OUR part, THEN, GOD WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN, FORGIVE OUR SINS, & HEAL OUR LAND. It's pretty clear, for those who have ears to hear …..

Selah & Shalom.


Here's Your Sign .....

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March 28 2024 4 28 /03 /March /2024 13:16
Forgiveness 101 - A Balanced Approach to Forgiving Others

The post I began this writing from this morning (posted above or below, depending on the media form)  said this, “I forgive people, but that doesn't mean that I accept their behavior or trust them! I forgive them for me, so I can let go and move on with my life.” I would add this to this post - "I also forgive them because I am commanded to, expected to, and because the mercy I need is dependent upon the mercy which I am willing to extend!" - according to The Word of God that I attempt to live by! 

Forgiveness actually, emotionally releases both parties - but, I have found through much personal experience,  it is especially beneficial to the one extending it!  Forgiveness puts the judgment for the sin back where it belongs - between God and the sinner (the perpetrator, the one whom we perceive to have abused us, betrayed us, or sinned against us in some way hence the need to extend forgiveness). Forgiveness takes ME off the seat of judgment, upon which no human is qualified to sit - and thus frees us from the bitterness which comes from trying to elevate ourselves to that place!

However, as this post explains, The fact that I needed to forgive someone does not now necessitate that I should TRUST them without verification, nor should I further tolerate abusive or obnoxious behavior from them! Nor does it require that I must enable unhealthy behavior of any kind, for any specified length of time! "Enough", eventually, must be enough! Forgiveness does not erase the wrong behavior, it is merely a choice, and a chance, to overlook it, and to walk on in love, and freedom - from bitterness - even if that must now be done at a reasonable distance.

There are standards of righteousness - rules - which best govern all relationships. But those only work if everyone plays by the same rules! Those who want no accountability to the truth, who accept no responsibility for their own behavior, and who have no intentions of abiding by the standards of righteousness or fairness in relationships, can not expect others to repeatedly bend their standards for them, nor should they expect folks to just  "suck it up" when they continuously cross the lines! Nor do they need to expect that others will continuously find "grace", or tolerance for their abuses of friendship, or kindness, which have been shown to them.

Confrontation, when done correctly, also known as "speaking the Truth in Love", from a genuine concern for the soul of that person, does not require sugar-coated, silver-tongued, social niceties. The Truth, told from the unbiased perspective of forgiveness is what is needed. "Mercy and Truth are met together", the Psalmist tells us. How right that is! But if a person resists accountability, then forgiveness is all that can be done. Forgiveness does not magically make relationship doable though!


Forgiveness covers things for which there are no acceptable excuses! The fact that forgiveness has been extended, the fact that forgiveness was necessary at all, unfortunately means that a boundary was crossed, or an impropriety occurred. Forgiveness does not exclude nor demand the need for confrontation or accountability! FORGIVENESS DOES NOT GUARANTEE RECONCILIATION! It is important to note this! Reconciliation is not an automatic result of forgiveness! 


Forgiveness is simply a deliberate decision on the part of the offended to release offense, and extend an opportunity for reconciliation by not slamming the door on the person! But it may necessitate slamming the door on the behavior! That is often necessary, because that puts the choice in the offender's court, as to whether or not relationship is possible. Are they willing to change the behavior that required forgiveness? If so, relationship can be reestablished, if not, then it can not. It is not rocket science. Forgiveness is not denial. It is anything but! It is fully acknowledging the wrong behavior, while giving the perpetrator a chance to repent! God's forgiveness Through HIS SON, and the sacrifice He made for us, is a response to our REPENTANCE. The opportunity to be forgiven is always there. But full redemption involves full repentance. We forgive others from our hearts, whether they repent or not! But we are not required to continue to receive them and tolerate the behavior which required our forgiveness! 

Forgiveness is an act of kindness - and obedience to God - on the part of one who has been wronged - a transfer of the now broken trust from the perpetrator to God. In other words, we can not now trust the perpetrator of the wrongdoing, but we CAN trust God to heal us, comfort us and bless us, in spite of their behavior! It is a necessary part of reconciliation, but it is not always ALL that is necessary for reconciliation to happen! It is, among other things, a release of the expectation of good from the abuser, which is transferred to God, from whom all Good emanates. Forgiveness is acceptance of the other person, as is. A refusal to wholesale reject them or give up on them. But it is NOT a wholesale acceptance of their behavior, nor an agreement to continue being abused by them! No thank you!

Forgiveness is made possible by the Grace of God, which provides us with the sight to see, and an acceptance of, our own fallen humanity, and it is a statement of goodwill toward the one who wronged us. Forgiveness frees us from the wrong-doer, it does not bind us to him or her. Forgiveness is not an eraser, but an embracer. It gives the wrong-doer a chance to change and be reinstated.

BUT - It does not nullify the wrong done! Only God can do that - and even He requires a complete turn-about from the heart to grant such a thing! Reconciliation requires heart-felt repentance, and a complete change of behavioral patterns! Otherwise the cycle of abuse and forgiveness become a negative downward spiral, until all trust is lost, and no reconciliation is possible.

Grace today, however, is being abused just as the "Welfare" system has been abused - both systems were designed to cover us in times of extreme difficulty - neither were ever intended to become an all encompassing lifestyle! Nor a free ride that rids us of due responsibility! 


That misunderstanding has led to a gross misuse of both. I don't think we walk in an awareness that Mercy can be abused, though these days it often is. We treat Grace like our be all to end all, refusing to accept the responsibility which belongs to us, to behave properly! Forgiveness does not free the one who is forgiven, unless they accept it, and it changes them. It merely gives them the opportunity to change!

We need to all grow up now and learn to accept responsibility for what we do! We need to drop the blame game. We need to stop trying to judge ourselves by our "good intentions", while holding others to an unrelenting standard of righteousness! If we expect mercy, then we'd better learn to dish it out. Not only is the road to hell paved with good intentions, but deception is most often fueled by them! It isn't for what we've  "intended"  to do that God will judge us, it is for what we have actually done or not done - and more importantly - who we have been or not been! And that is why we need to be accountable to others, because, too often, do not see ourselves clearly.

We need to examine our hearts. Are we constantly abusing and over-using the Grace of God, and of others, in our lives? Do we require more forgiveness from others than we are willing to extend? The Spirit of God searches the hearts of men - when He shines His light of Love into the shadows of our lives today, what will He find? If you suspect that He will find any Grace-abuse in there, there is an Anointing that will break that bondage and destroy that yoke!


And that, Chavarim, is the Good News in a nut shell! The Truth really does make us free!

Shalom Chavarim!

#GotForgiveness? #GotBoundaries? (“Breached Borders Bring No Blessing”! We have a horrifically plain illustration of that in our nation right now... literally... just sayin')

SCD March 2015 (edited March 2024)

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March 28 2024 4 28 /03 /March /2024 00:34
Time to Stop Passing-OVER  HIS PASSOVER!

(Pursuing God's Truth Over Man-made Tradition, A.K.A. “OBEDIENCE”)


There is SO MUCH “information” and misinformation (aka DECEPTION) out there concerning “church tradition”, I am not even going to try to cover it all. I am not educationally equipped, nor spiritually motivated to do so. What I am going to attempt to do, however, is to bring an understanding of why The PEOPLE of GOD, who claim to follow HIS MESSIAH, Yeshua/Jesus, should now lay aside all these religious traditions to follow HIM in Spirit and in TRUTH!


I would like to clarify the reasons why we should Repent, and Return, to the Appointed Times which GOD ordained for HIS people, as “an ordinance (or observance) forever”! And, in doing so, finally exalt the BIBLE, the actual WORD OF GOD, over top of our beloved, deception-oriented, human substitutions, which we call “traditions”! These traditions are deceptions of the enemy, that are cherished by religiously deceived flesh!


The very same mistakes, for which Yeshua rebuked the religious leaders of HIS day, were not only repeated in religious pride and total audacity, but also warped way beyond human comprehension - when “The FAITH”, in Yeshua, was hi-jacked, by the State driven religious pawns of Constantine, around 300 AD! This was when “replacement theology” was introduced, and became the driving force of the massive deception we have today. It was the beginning of the unraveling of the True Ekklesia of the book of Acts!


Unfortunately, through this utter subversion of His Truth, people were not only taught – basically - that anyone who gave allegiance to this new religious construct called “Christianity” were the ONLY people that GOD acknowledged - It further insisted that “we”, those who “follow Jesus”, in the precise ways that these self-exalted religious rulers taught us to worship Him, had REPLACED ISRAEL IN GOD's HEART AND PRIORITIES! WRONG CONCLUSION!!!!


Obviously, they somehow skipped over, or seriously misconstrued, most of Paul's (Shaul's) writings, especially those in Romans!!! Especially chapters 9-11!!!!! This blasphemous, deliberate misinformation, spawned and taught by religious leaders who were obviously fleshly, devil-driven, utterly deceived, power hungry men, of that era, (and the ones who have come after them, all “baptized” in this religious deception), has not only produced the blatant Antisemitism that is ravaging our world, our nation and the nation of Israel at this moment - but has been used to righteously justify it as some holy act of worship !!! This religious doctrine of demons, has spawned, and supported, racism of all kinds, but has especially highlighted and applauded hatred, abuse, torture and mass murder of the Jewish people ever since!


Yeshua corrected the very same spiritual mistake in the religious leaders of His own day, saying:

(In Mark 7:1-13, this is the J.B. Phillips translation)

1-5 “And now Jesus was approached by the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem. They had noticed that his disciples ate their meals with “common” hands—meaning that they had not gone through a ceremonial washing. (The Pharisees, and indeed all the Jews, will never eat unless they have washed their hands in a particular way, following a traditional rule. And they will not eat anything bought in the market until they have first performed their “sprinkling”. And there are many other things which they consider important, concerned with the washing of cups, jugs and basins.) So the Pharisees and the scribes put this question to Jesus, “Why do your disciples refuse to follow the ancient tradition, and eat their bread with ‘common’ hands?”

6-8 Jesus replied, “You hypocrites, Isaiah described you beautifully when he wrote—‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. And in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’. You are so busy holding on to the traditions of men that you let go the commandment of God!”

9-13 Then he went on, “It is astounding to see how you can set aside the commandment of God to preserve your own tradition! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’ and ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death’. But you say, ‘if a man says to his father or his mother, it is Korban—meaning, I have given God whatever duty I owed to you’, then he need not lift a finger any longer for his father or mother, so making the word of God invalid for the sake of the tradition which you hold. And this is typical of much of what you do.”


Now. Before y'all shout me down, let me point out a pattern that I have observed throughout my 60+ years of (formerly, obsessively,) faithful “Church” attendance. The pattern is that “church-goers” of ALL “denominational” or even “non-denominational” leanings, love to exalt themselves above the Pharisees which Yeshua rebuked in the above portions – imagining themselves to be different, somehow better! We've tended to look down our religious, self-sanctified noses, imaging that somehow – because we believe that Jesus is the Christ – WE are better than they are!?! We honestly believe that WE are more obedient to God's Word, because we head for the “Church” building every time the doors are open! Or because we believe what the Pastor says, whether we have read it for ourselves or not!


YET – Please HEAR ME – WE have exalted OUR man-made, religious tradition OVER His commands JUST LIKE THEY DID! We are, by and large, WAY MORE LEGALISTIC than the Pharisees of that time, or the “Orthodox Jews” of this time, ever thought of being! And, I hate to be the one to point it out, but we are also JUST as off the Path of our Messiah, Yeshua than they were, even more so! We've just chosen a different trail, into different religious woods, off HIS PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS than they chose!!! They choose some variety of the “Jewish, Orthodox” legalisms, and we choose some variety of the “Catholic/Protestant” legalisms. But there are NO religions, which support, acknowledge, or make us obedient children of GOD! I have said it before, and I will say it again, Yeshua did NOT come to make yet another religion, named after His power!


The Pharisees exalted their religious preferences, which they put over the clear instruction of God, and we do the same thing – and yet we judge them!!!! For example, we've exalted “Sunday” (The FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK) which WE call “Sabbath” over HIS clear command to Rest on the SEVENTH day, beginning at sundown, which is FRIDAY. Is that a huge deal? Well. I guess that depends on what you consider to be OBEDIENCE. The last I heard Obedience meant doing what we are told, by THE ONE in charge! Does that mean that the “Seventh Day Adventists” have got it ALL right? Not hardly! I've read their information, and spoken with too many of their representatives! But they got that right! Lol (well, I don't think they begin at sundown on Friday … but the day is correct... but again … that is exactly what I mean. We must stop taking the pieces we like and leaving the rest!)


So. Am I saying that we will we go to hell for worshiping on Sunday instead of resting on Saturday? NO! Of course not! But I am insisting that we can miss out on a ton of HIS BLESSING, which attends simply doing things His way! And – just a side note here – we should be WORSHIPING HIM EVERYDAY, and RESTING in HIS GRACE non-stop! Not just on designated days!!!! But GRACE does not exclude, nor replace, obedience – His GRACE simply enables an Obedient heart, making obedience possible! I celebrate His Resurrection EVERY DAY! If He hadn't risen, there would be many days I couldn't rise! But there is an appointed time to celebrate His Resurrection! And – sorry to be the party pooper – but it is NOT this coming Sunday!!!!


Look folks, I'm not going to do all your homework for you. I've been doing mine for decades now. The conclusions I've come to, after studying The Scripture, and the origins of these traditions of men, called “Holy” by “the church”; are these: Every single “church tradition” out there is based in deception and lies. Every one of them are pasted over the celebration of false gods, and idols, and are, therefore, a sharp stick in God's eye, and a gross insult to Him - invoking His judgment on our land! The unquestioning acceptance of these traditions over His Word represents gross ignorance, and utter disobedience to GOD on the parts of those of us who still stubbornly cling to them, in religious legalism! (And many of these are the same people who accuse ME of legalism for choosing to line up with and obey what GOD actually SAID!!!!!)


These man-made substitutions have taken the place of HIS SCRIPTURALLY COMMANDED APPOINTED TIMES, which were given to us to keep us on HIS calendar of events. His appointed times each reveal a piece of the LIFE, Times and Ministry of our Messiah, Yeshua, The Anointed One! But All of the currently accepted “Church” Traditions, are doctrines of demons, being taught as The Word of God, but are lies based on twisted Scripture – the very epitome of Satan's methods of deception! They have misled the majority of God's sincere followers, crippled “the church” and deprived us of His true purpose and anointing – the power with which we are to do HIS WILL in this fallen planet!


Paul's letter to Timothy describes it this way, it sounds very familiar: 2 Timothy 3:1-5

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures (I would add, cherished traditions) more than lovers of God (or His WORD); Having a form of godliness, but denying the power (anointing) thereof: from such turn away.”


The Resurrection of our LORD and SAVIOR, for example, is to be celebrated at PASSOVER, actually, if Scripture is what we are going to LIVE BY! Yet, the “Church” is celebrating it a month ahead of time! Passover, according to the Lunar Calendar which GOD set up, isn't happening until April 22nd!


AND – please understand that Bunnies and EGGS, despite the dressing up people give them, around the concepts of “new life” and “reproduction” - to justify their existence in this “holiday”, are nothing less than fertility symbols! Head's up. Yeshua's BIRTH was “new life”, folks! His RESURRECTION, however, was LIFE FROM THE DEAD! Sorry, but there's NO earthly symbol quite up to representing that! It is not even logical, much less Scriptural!


Bunnies ARE prolific at reproduction! Now, if ONLY the CHURCH were as willing to receive LIFE in the natural as the blessing that GOD says it is, and were able to spread HIS LIFE in the supernatural as well – we might have a point! But since, in my observation neither is true, (if the abortion statistics, and suicide rates are anything to go by) we should give up that idolatrous, false representation now! We should instead pursue actual Scripturally correct methods of celebrating his LIFE, DEATH and RESURRECTION – which GOD prophetically set up way back there in Egypt!!! At The PASSOVER!


Passover is called that because, when the death angel, acting on the judgment of GOD toward the abuse of HIS PEOPLE, PASSED OVER THOSE WHO HAD OBEYED God's INSTRUCTIONS, those who had slain the LAMB, and put it's blood over their door post (in the shape of a cross, not coincidentally, btw)! SO. If you must bring an animal into this holiday – to delight the children and represent this season - it should be a LAMB! Not a bunny! Sheesh! And because of Yeshua, thankfully, we no longer even have to slaughter them!


To my prophetically bent observation, I can't help but notice that one can barely find a Lamb for “easter” anymore. The whole world has embraced the false gods of easter, the bunnies and eggs, and the church has succumbed as well, for the sake of mere tradition. Utterly ignoring The Word of God, and HIS commands for the celebration of this season, which was illustrated by our Savior shortly before his death, as He Himself celebrated the ancient Passover, which He was preparing to fulfill!


So what is the answer to this insult, and blasphemy?! REPENTANCE! We – who claim to be followers of Yeshua The Anointed One, and worshipers of The One True God, YeHoVaH Elohim, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Ya'acov – we who claim to be Grafted IN, to The Vine of The House of Israel – MUST choose to now lay aside the false gods of religious tradition, and embrace The Truth of God's Word, along with HIS Appointed Times, Feasts, Fasts and Observances! We must LOVE THE LORD (YeHoVaH Elohim) with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength! Then and only then will we be able to embrace HIS redemption, His Passover Lamb, whose blood causes judgment to pass US by!


This season we must decide Who it is that we are serving, the gods of this world – however religiously adorned they may be – or the One True God! We can not expect God to answer the prayers of people who don't even know to Whom they are praying! We can not expect His Blessing on a land filled with deceived covenant breaking rebels – who paste His Son's Name and Sacrifice over the celebrations of false gods. He Who despises a mixture of things has judged this nation and found it wanting. It is time we Read HIS WORD, Choose to believe it, and Choose to obey it. Then, and only then, will this nation be redeemed from the hand of the enemy! We have sold it by our disobedience. It is up to us to receive His redemption, His way, and receive His strength and anointing to rise up and take it back!








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March 13 2024 3 13 /03 /March /2024 01:59

Unspoken, because words have failed,
When pain, from many things, prevailed.
Unspoken, since it's unexplained,
the strength that's gone, the Life that's drained.

Please pray The Spirit, intervenes,
Please pray Yeshua on the scene;
Please ask that Light through Darkness shines,
Upon this shadowed heart of mine.

I can not sensibly relate,
this feeling, nor can I debate.
But this I know, I can not fail,
If I but let my faith prevail.

So pray, dear friends, and as you do,
Know, I lift up a prayer for you!
We need each other's faithful best,
lifting up these deep requests.

So, when the morning dawns anew,
we'll grasp the faith that got us through.
The night behind us, we will rise,
to fight again, to win the prize. . .

Of glorious victory, joy and peace,
the struggles and the striving ceased,
And standing to our feet again,
We'll shout Victoriously, AMEN!


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March 8 2024 5 08 /03 /March /2024 14:41
Forgiveness. The Key to Free....

Matthew 6:9-15

“Pray, then, in this way:

 ‘Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.
‘Give us this day our daily bread.
‘And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors [letting go of both the wrong and the resentment].
‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.]’

For if you forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins], your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses.


As we can see in these passages, forgiveness is NOT mere denial of wrongdoing, but a deliberate choice to lay aside all self-defense, and condemnation of the wrongdoer, and walk in LOVE.


Yeshua is not suggesting that we act like nothing happened! If nothing happened then forgiveness is unnecessary! Denial is not a fruit of The Spirit! It is a fleshly avoidance tactic, to keep from having to make a hard decision to forgive, and to set proper boundaries which will keep the abuse from continuing! Denial is an act of irresponsible flesh. Forgiveness is a pro-active decision!


To live in peace we must FORGIVE those who “wrongfully use”, or outright abuse relationships – and PRAY FOR THEM. Because God insists that the forgiven must also forgive! He Is a “pay-it-forward” kind of God! But then, sometimes, we must also choose to set hard boundaries for the people in our lives who refuse to cease behaving in hurtful, abusive, or unforgiving ways toward us. Forgiveness does not require us to enable an endless cycle of abuse, and the need for continuous forgiveness on our parts! Making a distance from them until they are willing to take personal responsibility for their abusive behavior, and seek help, is often necessary. And is the loving thing to do, BECAUSE it might inspire them to the change that will make their hearts right with GOD – and us!


But, in our hearts, we must keep the door open toward them in case they do seek help and CHANGE – instead of hardening our hearts in an attempt to protect ourselves! Refusing to forgive the offenses of others, no matter how abusive or unreasonable those hurts were, cuts us off from God's forgiveness!


It is quite the conundrum! Especially to the flesh! But The Holy Spirit is Present to help us, who have been restored to spiritual life, discern, and apply the proper boundaries in relationship, if we are willing to change. It is hypocritical to expect change in others though, if we are not willing to change the flesh-driven mess in ourselves!


In our “all or nothing” world of flesh, this will be an impossible boundary to maintain. But, led by The Spirit of our All-loving Lord, it is a new possibility! Speaking TRUTH IN LOVE, is an absolutely necessary part of forgiveness. We can't actually forgive that which has not been acknowledged. Forgiveness is not forgetfulness! Quite the contrary! It is a deliberate act, to let go of all resentment and offense toward one who has abused us in some way. It is a choice that is born out of gratitude, for having been forgiven of OUR unreasonable abuse of God's Grace! Forgiveness is what we apply to the otherwise “inexcusable” behavior of others. If we can simply “excuse” the behavior, “because that person has issues”, then it doesn't require forgiveness! But we are not called to make excuses for, nor enable abusive behavior in others! We are called to forgive and set proper boundaries for the best interest of all concerned!


Forgiveness is an entirely spiritual, deliberate, process. An act of the fully submissive will. It will never make sense to the terminally stupid flesh. But if we are sold out to God, and walking in the freedom of His unreasonable forgiveness of our sin, it will be easily learned from Him, and gratefully applied to others! And, when grasped and activated, it sets us free from the damaging condemnation, stress, and negativity, of holding grudges, and gives the wrongdoer a chance to change. Both parties win.


Sadly, the perpetrator may not choose to change, and, furthermore, may choose to stay at a distance from us, blaming us for having boundaries! But if our boundaries have the gate of forgiveness, then that remains their problem, not ours. Everyone must recognize both the responsibility and the possibility of CHOICE, and CHOOSE. Harboring resentment toward an abuser won't heal anyone! Forgiveness is more for us than them. But in the end, it will free anyone who chooses to participate. But enabling abusive behavior locks us all in a cycle of stressful, unnecessary unpleasantness that is entirely avoidable, if we are willing to find the courage in God to do the right thing, which is to forgive, speak TRUTH in Love, and set the necessary boundaries to maintain peace. Peace is NOT a mere absence of conflict, but a firm boundary to keep the conflict at a reasonable distance from us. We can not make people change, but we are also not required to give them chances to keep giving us lists of things to forgive!






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February 23 2024 5 23 /02 /February /2024 14:43
Expressing My Political Frustration
Okay, here's the deal, (since you guys ASKED for my opinion); hold onto your hats!  I filled out your survey, or "canvass", or whatever you prefer to call it, which I found in my inbox this morning, stating an urgency to know how I intend to vote! BUT, since I don't have the funds required to donate to your "Trumped up" causes, my opinions apparently don't matter! 
LOOK PEOPLE. Let me give you a little reality concerning the American situation. We live on less than $3,000 per month, and are paying over $1,000 per year in taxes on a home that we supposedly "own", BUT, apparently, we ONLY own it,  IF we pay our taxes! And, just to be clear,  our "extra money" goes to help real people, in real need. Two single moms, raising kids, and a retiree grandma, who is still working, though her health is not really up to that!
How many of you guys drive a car that is over 20 years old? Or live in a Habitat for Humanity village because you couldn't afford to buy a home anywhere else?! WE do! 
We are both "retired", myself from 30 years of home educating our seven kids (because I could see the devolution of our "educational system", that has become little more than a socialist brainwashing machine - On YOUR WATCH, btw).   He is a retired graphic artist, who was NEVER paid what he was actually worth! You guys ALL live "high on the hog" (a southernism meaning financially secure, and beyond)  compared to us! And, some of you have achieved some of that financial security on OUR tax dollar, mind you!! 
So I would greatly appreciate it if you people would stop trying to hold us up, like a lot of cyber-bandits,  for even MORE money - just to be able to have an opinion! That is beyond infuriating!!!! 
Hey, here is a great idea! What if you guys DO YOUR JOBS that you ALREADY get paid to do, and stop harassing those who are already paying you!!!!!!! OY! 
I am currently "Unaffiliated" , as a Voter, because - first of all  - The WORD says NOT to turn to "the right, nor to the left, in seeking after righteousness"! So, we have no one to blame, we WERE WARNED!!! 
But also because SO MANY  Republicans have proven themselves to be inefficient RINO's who haven't done anything but make empty promises, to further their own careers,  at our expense! And the "Democrats" have utterly sold any real Democracy (which, in itself is a step down from a GOD-honoring Republic, to a man-driven government) for a socialist/marxist regime, that is breaking the backs of our nation, while all you guys do is TALK about how tough you are!!! Why don't you do like Trump, whose coat-tail you so eagerly ride, and actually DO SOMETHING! 
I voted for TRUMP, TWICE!  Primarily, in the first election, because he was not a typical politician!! And in the second, because he has proven himself to be a man of his word! (Though, quite honestly, if he could lose the banter, and rude New York name calling, and other unprofessional behavior, that would be marvelous!)
I will NEVER vote for Nicki Haley! She is a bought out wreckage in my opinion, and Mike Pence has also shown his true colors in refusing to deal with the election fraud, when he had the chance!!!!  Both are sold out RINOs in my opinion, who used Trump to further their own careers. 
I am VERY tired of TALK on all sides. The "democratic liberals" (who seriously need to give up those misleading monikers now) are completely bat-shit crazy, or worse, demonically possessed, and the Republicans are mostly career-driven hypocrites, who seem to be all  talk, but little action!
So ...  we should donate MORE funds to that cause because....??? 
So there you have it. This old woman's honest views on this current political climate. And, I mean all of that in a very caring way! In hopes that honesty might snap you guys out of your fantasy and get you on your feet doing your JOB!!! That WE elected you to do!!!!!!  So please, see to it that our vote counts this time. That would be great! 
May God judge each candidate running! May He Bless those who run in honesty and honor, and may He DOWN, in any way necessary, those who are liars, cowards, greed-driven hypocrites, and turn-coats,  on ALL sides of this political process. 
Y'all have a great day! 
Mrs. Sandra Carlton Duncan

{*This was my response to the following "Canvass", which required a donation of AT LEAST $25 to complete. SMH ... } 

On Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 7:31 AM 2/24/24 | SC Primary <contact@email.nrsc.org> wrote:


President Trump has STEAMROLLED his competition so far.

FIRST, he won the Iowa Caucuses going away.

THEN, New Hampshire and Nevada were LANDSLIDES in his favor.

NOW, he’s looking to sweep the early states by claiming first place in South Carolina.

The South Carolina Primary is tomorrow, and we need to know whether you’re supporting President Donald J. Trump or Nikki Haley before the votes are cast.

Fill out the OFFICIAL 2024 PRESIDENTIAL CANVASS today to make your Presidential preference known. >>

Presidential Canvass - Submit Now >>

Thank you,









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February 12 2024 1 12 /02 /February /2024 19:29
Ode to a Tonka ....

Being that this poem was sparked by the decision to throw away a long cherished, but utterly DONE, Tonka Truck today, Gene suggested that I call this poem,

An Ode to a Tonka ....
(Or ...Reinventing the Empty(ing) Nest!)

In a far away galaxy, long, long ago;
There were seven children; given to me to grow!

And grow up they did, these four girls and three boys.
Who were God’s greatest gifts, and my greatest joys!

Now we’re left with an empty nest, the hubby and me.
Letting go of the past, so we too can be free.

But it's hard to turn loose, of the clothes and the toys;
that once brought such glee to these sweet girls and boys.

It’s hard to store only the memories so dear,
and not keep the stuff that goes with them so near.

But it’s out with the old, and in with the new!
New memories are happening, and not just a few!

We just can not hang on to the life that’s now gone!
We must find our new groove, and the Grace to move on!

So, as I say goodbye to well loved, worn out toys,
I’m making new room for the upcoming joys!

Anticipation now fills that great void in my heart,
with dreams of a life that has got a new start.

There are new kids to love, new adults to know more!
I have changed my perception from a loss to a score!

God’s grace is sufficient, and by Faith we will find,
His perfect fulfillment, if we can just change our mind.


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February 8 2024 4 08 /02 /February /2024 13:31
A Long Time Coming

(A Serious Debunking of the FALSE RELIGION, and THE “CHURCH” SYSTEM in America, known as “Christianity”; in ALL of its many forms and versions.)



Okay - before you shout me down, please, carefully read what I am about to write, and pray in The Spirit, Who has promised to lead us into ALL the TRUTH! And then, if you still don't agree, we must simply agree to just disagree and keep on moving.


If my writing offends you, and you feel that you need to unfriend me I understand. Shalom to you. This is going to be a very “strong cup of tea”, and not everyone will be able to drink it. So do what you must.


I simply ask that if anyone feels a need to “correct” me, that you do so in private message, not on my page – and – most importantly, it must involve SCRIPTURAL CORRECTION, not just religious opinion.


I am also willing to have a discussion, even face to face, if that is doable. But, at this point, after having prayed into this for the last decade, or so; and having done due diligence in study, intercession, etc...; getting confirmation from other respected sources, AND, especially, sensing the timing and urging of HIS SPIRIT on these issues, I am probably NOT going to move on this subject. Just so everyone has an understanding of how serious this is to me. So. Thanks in advance for reading, praying over this, and handling it that way!


(*Note: If you're already experiencing a sense of offense, irritation or anger, it is probably best if you just put this down and step away. The Holy Spirit will lead YOU into these truths, when you are ready; as He has done for me, if you are a true follower of Yeshua).


Now to the subject at hand.


First of all, in the word studies I've done, in seeking of information on these ideologies, I have discovered that the word “Church” is a faulty translation, which is erroneously translated from the Greek word “Ekklesia”. But according to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, :


In the Septuagint (LXX), the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures, the Greek ekklēsia translates the Hebrew קְהַ֖ל (qahal), which means ‘assembly’ or ‘gathering.’ Judges 20:2 illustrates this meaning: 'And the chiefs of all the people, of all the tribes of Israel, presented themselves in the assembly of the people of God, four hundred thousand men on foot that drew the sword.”


New Testament usage follows the Septuagint.

The basic meaning of the Greek ekklēsia is assembly or gathering. In ordinary Greek it most often refers to the citizens of a city gathering to decide political issues and less frequently to an assembly of the devotees of a god.

Gathering’ works as a gloss in every usage in the New Testament and is much better than the traditional ‘church,’ because the modern meaning of church does not align with the ancient Greek. ‘Church’ is a religious word, while ‘gathering’ is neutral. Ekklēsia is not a religious word.


That was thorough explanation that, in the book of Acts, the word “gathering” was used when Yeshua's followers came together.


The word “Church” was substituted when The Faith established by Yeshua, (which was a thorough belief IN Yeshua as Messiah),  was hijacked by Constantine, and made into a state religion - in which the Word of God was altered in translation, so as to support their divisive, controlling, blasphemous, anti-semitic ideologies. This altered translation was then formed into a false religion, which in actuality perverted Yeshua into “Jesus the Idol”, along with His Mother Mary. This false religion also threw God's ordinances, and Commanded Festivals, out of the window, replacing them with Traditional "Holidays" formed around, and over top of, idolatrous celebrations, with His Name, and life events, pasted over them! And which also traded the Judaic Orthodox legalistic additions to God's actual Law and Commands (Which Yeshua firmly rebuked) for an idolatry based system of rules which had little to do with the actual WORD OF GOD!!! And we think Yeshua would support THAT blasphemous perversion of His Father's Word and will?! OY!


The title “Christian”, was, originally, a term of mocking, at the time in which the Book of Acts was written. It means, “little anointed ones”. It was used in an attempt to deride the followers of Yeshua, THE Anointed One. They mocked Him also, as to His claim of being “The Messiah”, translated, “The Christ”. So they mocked His disciples as well, though the Anointing of God was obviously on them, as it had been on Him!


However, I have rarely observed this miracle working “Anointing” being on the majority of His “Body” during the years of my existence on this planet, even after having been utterly steeped in many versions of this religious diversion. And even though many claim to be “Filled With”, or “Baptized In”, His Spirit!


Let me state the Truth as clearly as possible - first of all - Yeshua did NOT come to make an entirely new religion named after HIMSELF, A.K.A. “Christianity”. He came, as He Himself stated, to “Be about HIS FATHER's Business”! Which was and IS restoring mankind to a full relationship with Himself!! He came to work the religious spirits, born of fallen flesh, out of the Torah Observance that has become known as “Judaism”. He came to make TORAH, the Written Law, not only doable, but natural to people that chose to be returned to the original image of Himself, which God had for humanity! He came to work the religious kinks out of it, and make it a part of our Reborn, Redeemed, Restored Spiritual Natures!


So it only stands to reason that, if we are now followers of Yeshua, The Anointed One, sent by The Father to restore US to sonship, that as sons and daughters of The Most High God, we would joyfully keep His commandments out of a heart of gratitude and trust!


But the majority of “Church-going Christians” in America barely KNOW what The Father said in His Word! Most barely read it! They honestly think that showing up on Sunday and hearing some sermon from the “pastor” is enough to sustain them through the hard week ahead! And even worse, some have been horn-swaggled into believing the lie that GRACE eradicates the need for Observing His Ordinances or His Law! They've traded the basket of Orthodox Jewish legalistic, man-added, rules and restrictions, for a lot of utterly ridiculous, idolatrous, even MORE blasphemous rules and traditions – which have even LESS to do with what GOD actually said! Most act as though Grace is some camouflage for sin! Grace is NOT a magic wand which eliminates the need for obedience! It is the POWER, ANOINTING, and TRANSFORMATION to LIVE IN OBEDIENCE!!!


I have gotten SO tired of so many folks in the religious realm (the MANY versions of “Christianity”) accusing ME of “legalism”, because I have been serious about getting back to what The WORD OF GOD ACTUALLY SAYS! Please understand that I do NOT claim “Torah Observance” yet. I wish! But I am sincerely Torah Pursuant!!! However, the term, “Torah Observance” is currently limited to the folks who attempt to keep the strict, Orthodox (formerly Pharisaical) religious understanding and translation of “Torah”! Having added SO many things that GOD Himself did NOT add, as “baby-gates” to keep the flesh from missing something!!! That is NOT actual observance, but a human white-knuckling to look good in the religious realms! Seriously, I once cleaned for some well-intentional, but thoroughly deceived Jewish folks, who literally had two kitchens, one to prepare meat dishes, and one to prepare dairy dishes! This extreme observance was exacted in an attempt to fulfill the simple command, "You shall not boil a kid (baby goat) in its mother's milk"! Lest a particle of meat touch a particle of dairy! I am totally not kidding here. When obviously God's heart was toward being sensitive to the animals, not some religious extreme! 


But, in our American versions of "obedience to The Word", so many people get religiously offended because Gene and I have picked up some of the “Appointed Times” which GOD ACTUALLY ordained and commanded as observances, “For (His) People, FOREVER”!!! Which begins with SHABBAT, or “Sabbath”, which is NOT commanded to be observed on Sunday! It begins Friday evening at Sundown, and Ends Saturday evening at Sundown! “Sunday” is First Day, in Scripture. Shabbat is the Seventh Day! But the bottom line is that God instituted Shabbat as a REST from the norm of weekly life, and the command was that we work six days and rest one!!! Inferring, if not commanding, that we work the first six and rest on the seventh, as HE did! 


There are SEVEN commanded festivals for the people of GOD, written in what we call the OLD TESTAMENT. It would be better labeled the Original Covenant! Which, in the “NEW” Covenant, Yeshua exemplified, amended (from the man-made additions) LIVED, and fully supported! These Moedim, or Appointed Times, are not merely, “Jewish Holidays” (They just happen to be the majority of folks who attempt to keep them, however perverted the observances may have become)! But, because of the Redemptive work of Yeshua WE are  also now privileged, and expected (by God), to keep them too! But they were never meant to be kept from a heart of religious observance only! It is to be a joyful, trusting, expectant time of fellowship with HIM. The LAW is supposed to become part of our very nature, being that it is an expression of God's boundaries, which reflect His Holy Nature!


All of His Moedim (Commanded, Appointed Times), days which HE set aside to be observed by HIS people, “as an ordinance, command, FOREVER”, have spiritual, eternal meaning for anyone claiming to be a follower of Yeshua, and who claim to belong to The One True God, YeHoVaH Elohim! They are, essentially, sort of like teaching tools, to help us understand His eternal, spiritual agenda and calendar of events, if we care to pay attention! They are, it is understood by scholars who have bothered to study His WORD, to be an eternal calendar of events surrounding Yeshua, THE Anointed ONE, (Messiah/Christ). So the only qualifier as to “who needs to observe these Holy Days of YeHoVaH” is, are you part of God's family or not? If you are, then they are for you! Duh. I am astounded, and appalled,  at the length of time it took US to come to this revelation, due to the serious misinformation, deception and deliberate selective ignorance of the religious system! 


The "Jewish" doctrinal adjustments, as bizarre and complex as they are, are actually more sensible, when compared to, or observed in contrast to, the idolatry-ridden, traditional, “holidays” or “traditions” of the “Church”, over which portions of God's appointed times (which prophetically surrounded the life and eternal ministry of Yeshua) have been pasted! It is all a lot of confusing, blasphemous, unscriptural, ill-timed, religious deception, spun by the enemy, through deceived religious flesh – and God has NEVER been happy with it! It is, truly, “ONLY because of His Grace” – toward our sincere intentions and desire to serve Him – “that we are not consumed”! And that is where significant legalism has crept in. It is why there are more people serving these faux holy days out of fear of missing the rapture, than there are true followers of Messiah moving in His Spirit, and joyfully fulfilling the Law out of a heart of loving gratitude!


It is time that anyone who is serious about serving The One True Living God, Whose Name is YeHoVaH Elohim, violently, fervently, cast aside the false religion of “Judaeo/Christianity”, picked up THE WORD OF GOD, READ IT for ourselves, with His Spirit helping interpret it to us -  And THEN that we pick up our “cross” (of denying/crucifying) the flesh, and get busy actually following Yeshua, with our entire lives! Not just religiously giving Him the convenient bits and pieces that we feel we can spare, while trying to make up for a lack of anointing with relentless religious “good” works!


I get it! “Faith without “works”, (I prefer the translation "corresponding action"), is dead!” But I have observed that religious works that are based more on fearful legalism than Joyful, Obedient FAITH are even deader! Real FAITH in HIM produces POWER, not just fervent religious noise and empty activity! Too many people are working themselves half to death, trying to earn what Yeshua already paid for, or just trying to look good to the rest of the religious community! It is time we got REAL about serving The Living GOD, HIS WAY, in obedience to HIS WORD! 


The majority of the religious community in America have become the laughing stock of the world, because we have called ourselves by the title “Christians”, which, again, means “Anointed Ones”! This has become a very bad joke, because, as the comparison goes, “If anointing was indeed dynamite (it comes from the word “dunamis”, from which we get the word) most who go by the title 'Christian' couldn't blow our noses!”, much less cause a disruption in the spiritual realms of darkness like His disciples did back then! We are told that when we come to a full knowledge and acceptance of Yeshua that we will be able to "lay hands on the sick and they WILL recover"! And that we will "raise the dead, cast out demons, and break down strongholds"! Most of the “church-going” masses are bound in strongholds, and, as a result, don't exercise enough faith to stay out of the doctor's office for a cold or uti, much less raise the dead! Most of those claiming to be His people either run from demons, deny their existence entirely, or see one in every bush – but never get rid of them! As Shaul, also known as Paul, the disciple of Yeshua who operated in the apostolic gift often said, “My brothers, this ought not to be!!!!”


And the other moniker that people love to use is “believer”, when most can't even intelligently tell you what they believe, or what scripture any of their “beliefs” are based on! Listen up folks! In order to be a true believer one must KNOW the WORD, and the PERSON, in whom we claim to believe!!!!! I have had enough of religious “toot” that bears no FRUIT! And so has GOD!


So this is a prophetic head's up that The Spirit of God is currently working in HIS PEOPLE to turn us from darkness to LIGHT, from Religion to RELATIONSHIP, and from dead works rooted in religiously inspired Fear, rooted in lies, to FAITH which operates in Spirit and Truth! The Law has NOT been abolished folks! It has been upgraded! As Yeshua Himself stated, as quoted in the writings of Matthew (5:17 AMPC)

“Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but to complete and fulfill them.”




Shalom Haverim,



(edited and first posted 2/8/24, after some intercession & fasting)





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January 12 2024 5 12 /01 /January /2024 19:13
The Correct Way to Pronounce/Declare The &quot;Priestly Blessing&quot;(&quot;Birkat Kohanim&quot;) Over God's People
The Correct Way to Pray/Declare The Priestly Blessing, Ha Birkat Kohanim
Disclaimer: I am a “nobody” from “nowhere”, in terms of being well-known, highly educated (by the systems of man); or even acknowledged by spiritual leadership. However, God uses whom He will. He is looking for dedication to HIS opinion, devotion to HIS Truth, and a willingness to obey what HE directs, despite the possible negative kick-back one may get. The Holy Spirit is promised to lead us to all the Truth.
I have had deep, and persistent, leadings of The Ruach Ha Kodesh of Yeshua Ha Meshiach – a.k.a., The Holy Spirit of Jesus The Anointed One for a couple of decades now, which put me on a search for Truth concerning Ha Shem Elohenu, The Name of God. So, though my education has been self-propelled, I do believe that He has led me to The Truth which HE wants me to obey, and that is what I am addressing in today's post. ~ Shalom Haverim ...
From Number 6:23-27 (Complete Jewish Bible)

23. “Speak to Aharon and his sons, and tell them that this is how you are to bless the people of Isra’el: you are to say to them,

24.‘Y’varekh’kha YeHoVaH v’yishmerekha.
[May YeHoVaH bless you and keep you.]
25. Ya’er YeHoVaH panav eleikha vichunekka.
[May YeHoVaH make his face shine on you and show you his favor.]
26. Yissa YeHoVaH panav eleikha v’yasem l’kha shalom.
[May YeHoVaH lift up his face toward you and give you peace.]’

27. “In this way they are to put MY NAME on the people of Isra’el, so that I will bless them.”


בָרֶכְךָ יְהוָה, וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ

יָאֵר יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וִיחֻנֶּךָּ

יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ, וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם

The Hebrew letters “Yod Hey Vav Hey”, which have come to be known as the “Tetragrammaton” are not the letters which spell “Adonai”, or “The LORD”, in Hebrew. These four Hebrew Consonants are often, also, translated Ha Shem, which simply means “The Name”. That's worse than me being called “The Duncan Mom”. Which I often have been. But that is one of my titles, NOT MY NAME.


If I've understood my research, and concluded correctly, this misinformation is a deliberate hiding of the vowels, due to an ancient superstition/decision of the Rabbinical Orthodoxy, which believed something along the lines of, “If one can not pronounce “The Name”, then one can not profane it”. Sounds like a good idea, until one gets down to the necessity of knowing The Name to be able to pronounce His Blessing!


So the vowels were hidden in many of the ancient scrolls and manuscripts – and God's many titles were substituted for His Name. It is stated in Wikapedia that “Judaism considers some names of God that are so holy that, once written, they should not be erased: יהוה (YHWH), אֲדֹנָי (Adonai), אֵל (El transl. God), אֱלֹהִים (Elohim transl. God, a plural noun.)” But, please note, that the first is His NAME, with NO vowels in place. And also note that all the other titles have vowels in place!


The only problem with this traditional, religious, but highly unscriptural, thinking is that the above command in vs. 27 could not be obeyed either! How can the priests proclaim HIS NAME upon the people, to bring His Blessing, if they don't know what it is? So, clearly, this is not okay to God, and therefore should not be okay to us!


Also, because the soft vav, or waw, is used The Name (Ha Shem) is frequently translated as “Yaweh” rather than “YeHoWaH”. However, the bulk of Hebrew texts, and scholars I've found, make that translation impossible, because the vowels discovered in most found in ancient texts are translated “eh”, “o”(as in a long o), “ah”. In that order. So, even with the soft waw, it would be pronounced YeHoWaH, not Yaweh, as the vowels are completely flipped, and the long o is left out entirely.


That would be like people pronouncing our last name Dancun, instead of Duncan. It just doesn't work. Not to mention, there is a reasonable amount of hard evidence that the name “Yaweh” could be a derivative of the name of a Roman God, “Jupiter”! And, yet another danger of committing actual blasphemy is found in substituting His Name with “The LORD”. Since the false god “Ba'al” is also translated “The Lord”. I'm just not willing to risk insulting God that way! If not for grace many of us would be steaming piles of ash right now.


I am always completely stunned that people with reputations, influence, resources, access to ancient texts, and scholars, many of whom proudly sport PHD's in “Semitic Languages”, many real Men of GOD, whom I've followed for years, and with whom I've personally found little fault with Scripturally speaking, most of whom who operate in true anointing, many of whom have Jewish origins, and most of whom otherwise seek to educate The Body of Yeshua in the Hebrew roots of their Messiah and Rabbi, Yeshua The Anointed One, STILL mispronounce The Name of GOD, or avoid it altogether, or, worse in my opinion, swing between the two opinions.


After years of prayer and searching, I believe it was The Holy Spirit that led me to the correct pronunciation through a Karaite Jewish Scholar name Nehemiah Gordon. Who, after years of prayer and searching, hearing the Scripture read, but The Name never given, found the vowels in ancient manuscripts in The Shrine of The Book in Israel. And, since then has found thousands of confirmations in other ancient texts. I've since found dozens of respectable resources who confirm this finding, but since this was the first, and to me, the most significant, I will share those links here, along with a man of God I've followed and respected for year, Pastor Keith Johnson. You guys can do your own homework if you want more sources.




Also on YouTube @





I urge all true believers who want to please their Father, to PRAY, ask The Holy Spirit to lead them to this Truth, and do the homework to KNOW HIS NAME. Since I believe that it is time, as “Kings and Priests”, in the Body of The Anointed One, Yeshua, to do our homework, learn HIS NAME, and declare it over the people as commanded by our Father God, Avinu Elohenu.


Shalom, Shalom, B'Shem Yeshua Ha Meshiach.

Perfect Peace, in The Name of Jesus The Anointed One.







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January 7 2024 7 07 /01 /January /2024 21:18
What Does God Have In Store, For 2024/5784?

Yesterday was the first Shabbat of our newly turned-over Gregorian Calendar.  It was rainy and overcast all day. Which just added to the atmosphere of rest. Somehow, the absence of sunshine makes resting from the normal activity a bit easier. Today however is a bright sunny day. The wonderful glow of the sunshine is adding to the feeling of positive possibilities, and prophecies for the coming year. The mottos for the “New Year” are flying about – “Let the Lion Roar in '24!”; “Going for MORE in '24!”; and, “An Open Door in '24”!


As to the Lion's Roar, I'm sensing that this "Roar" is going to be expressed through courageous intercessors and Worship Warriors - in The Name of The Lion of Judah! As to the, “Going for MORE in '24!” - this refers to His Anointing, Revelation and Deliverance – all of which are expected to increase this year, so that the end-time harvest can be reaped with less interference. And as to “An Open Door in '24!” - this is indicating that there IS a new portal to HIS BLESSING, INCREASE, and ANOINTING  getting ready to open up, again, in order to accomplish His Divine purposes in the Earth for this season. 


However, the door that I am seeing is a NARROW DOOR, with a bright light beckoning all real followers of Yeshua to lay aside the many religious bundles they carry,  and step through if they dare! What must be laid aside are the many, complicated, Scripturally irrelevant, Spiritually Blasphemous, traditions of men with unscriptural, idolatrous roots, be it “Orthodox Jewish”, “Catholic”, “Protestant”, “Evangelical”, “Charismatic” or even “Non-Denominational” (an ironic choice of words, since those systems tend toward as much or more divisiveness as all the others). 


What we must now realize, as The Spirit of God is revealing it to us, is that all religious systems of men, most of which have been positioned above the commandments of Father God, will not fit through this door! And, even more importantly, will not be welcomed into the heavenly portals at the end of time either! It is therefore advisable for us to rid ourselves of them now, so that we can access His Power, Blessing and Abundance, to do the job we've signed on to do! 


I sense that The Spirit is indicating that this is the time to lay aside religious works,  many of which are done in pride, or to gain the accolades of humans, especially those in positions of spiritual leadership. He is requiring that we lay aside the many lists and conditions, which keep us from a total surrender to God's Will and Purpose for our lives - and die to the ubiquitous flesh, which is born in leagues with the devil.


This Door is Narrow, and will not be open long. God is requiring us to lighten our loads if we expect to go through it, and come out on the other side in His Blessing, expanded territories, and abundance - all of which we will need to accomplish the mission we've been called to.


Mankind keeps trying to come up with alternative versions of God's Kingdom, which allows them to sidestep His boundaries and do their own thing, while pretending to serve Him. That is why we keep falling into these false systems of religiosity that operate more by manipulation than actual Spiritual Authority. These systems are anathema to His Anointing, and instead inevitably produce “a form of godliness, while denying the power ….”.


So, though this was the first “church service” of the year, according to the Gregorian Calendar, Gene and I opted to stay home. Partly because we are experiencing some light cold symptoms which we didn't want to "share", but also we just felt inclined to get a bit more rest before charging into our week, and maybe just, in a low key way, begin the work on some household order and a bit of planning for next week.


Our tendency to skip “church”, without some huge emergency or necessity, often does not sit well with most of the “church-bound” masses. Their stance, or judgment, seems to be that we can't possibly be “good Christians” if we are not exhibiting the same level of “commitment” to the weekly gathering that they are!


However, I sense, after decades of observation of these issues, that it is most likely a religious jealousy of the freedom which we've found, and shamelessly operate in – which they can not seem to get their religious brains around!


We have finally come to a place of boundaries in our lives! Scripturally correct, GODLY boundaries, which excludes the suffocating, oppression and religious ideologies which plague most of the church-going masses in our nation. Ideologies which are based loosely on Scripture, most of which have been taken out of context and twisted, from a mere heartfelt obedience, based on a real relationship with a Loving, Trustworthy God, to a restrictive religious obligation based on fear of judgment (of God or others), instead of a sincere longing to please Him.


The Scripture which is loosely thrown around, concerning the subject of “faithful attendance”, is Hebrews 10:25 which admonishes us, “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together [as believers for worship and instruction], as the habit of some is, but encouraging one another; and all the more [faithfully] as you see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching.”


What is missed, in my opinion, is that “assembling together with other believers” does not mean ONE group of believers! Nor does it restrict us to the same building, at the same time, each week – or every time the doors are open! I encourage, and get encouragement from, many believers on a daily basis! The early church, in the book of Acts, did go to synagogue to hear Torah read, but they mainly got their “fellowship” visiting house to house, sharing food, revelation, and anointed teaching and encouragement!


So, using this bit of Scripture to beat people up emotionally, or diminish them spiritually, or to pressure them into showing up more, or “doing their part”, or whatever, is not guided by The Holy Spirit, and therefore is manipulation and control, which, by the way, is strictly forbidden by God, and condemned as witchcraft! So I think we should stop doing this now.


God's Word is to be preached boldly, but never twisted to put pressure on people! We, who desire to honor God, are called to submission to GODLY AUTHORITY! We are not called, however, to  compliance to spiritual bullies who have assumed positions of leadership. Nor were the five-fold ministry gifts ever intended to be titles by which people restrict or exalt themselves! They are gifts of service to The Body of The Anointed One, in which we should ALL be operating on some level, all the time! We don't have to pick a box to be stuffed in!  Nor will I allow the religious system to bonsai me, so that I fit into their conveniently selected boxes of spiritual gifting! 


Submission is an act of the freewill, in which we voluntarily, gladly, submit to GOD's boundaries, laid out by Spirit-led leadership in a loving, authoritative, but never controlling, way. Compliance is cowardly acquiescence to avoid being maligned and/or side lined. Cowardice and religious codependency is not scripturally recommended. They are, in fact, on that list of folks going to hell at the end of this journey, along with liars, fornicators and other flesh-motivated addictions. 


It is time for the people of GOD to become students of His Word, as led by His chosen Redeemer, Yeshua The Anointed One, and His Spirit, whom He sent to guide us until He returns! We can not obey Scriptural Instruction or boundaries which we do not know, and we can not trust One with whom we have little to no relationship! We must become Bible-Reading, God-Obeying genuine followers of Yeshua. Not Bible-thumping bigots who use Him to push people around who dare to question the loosely held authority!


Listen, I have made a FIRM decision. I will NEVER “join” another fellowship as long as I live. I am a Blood-bought, Word-washed, Water and Spirit Baptized, Grafted into the Vine of The House of Israel, sold-out follower of Yeshua The Anointed One. If those aren't enough qualifications to accept me into your little club, or allow me a say in the decisions made there, then you can keep the buttons and stars all to yourself!


IF YOU are a true follower of Jesus, Yeshua, then we are brothers and sisters in HIM. If, however,  you are just some religious prig with a power complex we have nothing to fellowship over. Dedication without discernment is dangerous. Discernment without dedication is useless. At some point we need to find the balance of obedient, anointed discerning dedication to the WORK of The KINGDOM! But, it is time for "the church" to accept the TRUTH that the anointing, gifts and callings of God might look different for different people!


Yeshua commanded us to “GO into all the world, making disciples to HIM”... and doing what HE DID! Are we there yet? Closer perhaps!?  BUT - we need to really get this - He did NOT say, “Go into the parts of the world that you are comfortable with and make converts to your religious or political preference, and drag them into your turkey sheds and beat them into religious clones! We are called to be living stones, not white-washed bricks! 


I have been at war with this warped, well-meaning but seriously deceived,  religious system most of my life! The people in this system are usually genuine, and serious about pleasing God,  and many of them are anointed in some way or another! Yet most have been extremely spiritually misinformed! A.k.a. - deceived!  And are, therefore, deceiving others!


It is time we awakened to righteousness. It is time God's people stop complaining about “woke being broke”, when the church at large has mostly been a pig in a religious poke!!!! We've been largely asleep in the light, trying to judge those who are still bound in the night! Sin has been judged y'all! That's why HE CAME! Sinners SIN! Until they are shown a more excellent way!


We should be awake and bringing the light to their darkness! As my Jewish friends are known to say, “Stop cursing the darkness and light a candle already!” Or better yet, let's get our lamps full of OIL, and get LIT for Jesus! Self-control is a necessary fruit of The Spirit. Religious control of others is scripturally forbidden. It is time we learned the difference, and begin teaching The Truth that will set people free! We won't get through that open door of '24 carrying a lot of religious baggage, so it's time to start unpacking and making some decisions! Out with the OLD, in with the NEW. We can be the many called, or the chosen few! 


Selah …..


Shalom &  Shavuah Tov! To a great week!



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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
