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January 19 2010 2 19 /01 /January /2010 22:49
     Last night, since it was the day we celebrate his life and contributions, I  reread two of Dr. Martin Luther King's more well known writings.  The first, a sincere, stirring and profoundly honest & Truthful letter to southern clergy, and then his anointed speech, “I Have A Dream”! I remembered again, and with new fire, that his dream was God's dream, and that dream is Unity! As The Holy Spirit of God wrote through King David in Psalm 133! Hene' Mah Tov, U' Mah Nah'im, Chevet Achim gam ya'chad! How pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in Unity! 
As Citizens of this country we are born family, brothers and sisters with a common mother-land; how much more then, should those who are called by The Name be called upon to demonstrate true family relationships! Since, supposedly, we are all children of the same Father! We are all adopted, and therefore, no one should be afforded any more “rights” to the family goods than anyone else! So how has this devilish division sprung so high and lasted so long? 
We are led, then, back to Christ's expose' (also known as the parables) about the enemy that came in the night and sowed the tares in with the freshly planted wheat! These “weeds” with their humanist “mix” of ideologies, and fleshly resistance to the Truth of the Word, have sown ideas in the minds of those who believe themselves to be the Church that have effectually strangled the life from it! Anyone who has ever gardened has noticed the diabolical reality that the weeds look an uncanny amount like the plant which it was sent to strangle! This all came about of course, as a result of the curse. 
I will go as far as to say, (due to the educational system which “we the people” have allowed to develop during the past few generations, and the demonic rot that we, through our neglect of our Authority in Christ,  have allowed to engulf the air waves of this nation via television, radio & internet) that we all have tares in our heart, in the form of thought processes that lie and war against the Truth! If that were not so, how do we explain the divorce rate, suicide rate, devastating occurrence of illnesses – physical & mental, reproductive ailments, poverty, abuse, and adultery that runs rampant in the Church! Not to mention the harder to see iniquities of denial, truth stretching, truth twisting and outright lying, malice, slander, gossip, unforgiveness, bitterness, prejudice and the resulting terrorism toward the “minorities”(who are still called this though they are higher in number now than the almighty perpetrators) neglect {of the trinity of tools by which we cultivate “Christian”  relationship and power– being, Word, Prayer & Fasting};&  heartlessness toward the poor, elderly, under-privileged & needy! 
No, we may have been founded on the high ideals of the Scripture, but the glaring facts of our history, in the way we have treated everyone who does not fall into the “white bourgeois” criteria, exposes the plain & wretched fact that we have not only “missed the mark” of the Glorious Gospel of reconciliation to a loving God, we have missed the whole wall that the target was hung on!!!! 
We have become a snide mockery to the words which The Statue of Liberty, (which supposedly represents what we stand for as a Nation) has emblazoned upon it!  The passionate, poignant words of a Jewish immigrant, who surely knew the nature of the freedom we claim to peddle, and obviously took hope in that.  It reads, “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she, with silent lips, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore; send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” But according to the way that we have treated all who came, that didn't fit our limited criteria, it ought to read, “.... Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, so we in power can abuse them some more!”
As a Nation, and as a Church, we have long begged a patient God for utter destruction! In that, we have exercised selective ignorance over the severe abuse that has been leveled against those politically known as “minorities”.  And we as the “Church”, I am sad to say to our everlasting shame, have been the most frequent perpetrators! Because of an unavoidable, and unforgivable ignorance of the Word & Character of the very God we claim to follow! (unforgivable, that is, by all but a limitless God)!  No one operating in true Agape, as set forth in Scripture, could even sport some of the hell spawned attitudes that have been prolific in the Church! Much less perpetrated many of  those heinous historic acts, which are record for all infamy, in the Name of Christ! 
And now we are “surprised”, “grieved”, & even “vexed” that we are getting a taste of our own medicine (as the current statistical minority – due to the stupidity of the birth control that has backfired on us, yet which we still so religiously and ignorantly cling to)?!! Wakey,Wakey!!!  
And not only that, we who claim to know and understand righteousness, have, in the name of convenience, “responsibility” and ecological or fiscal “wisdom”, denied, prevented and otherwise destroyed our own seed! Oh, not  through outright abortion, we are much too self-righteous for that! We hide behind a selective ignorance to fact, and participate in what is subversively called “Family Planning”, aka “birth control”! A concept which was spawned in evil, and has destruction bound into its every root & fiber, figuratively & literally!
Consider this, when God has clearly put His blessing on “the seed”, will He then “bless” those who reject it, avoid it, prevent it, and outright destroy it? That is most unlikely and entirely illogical. Now I do understand that “The Seed” refers ultimately to Christ, but as is common, God always has a type & shadow in the natural realm that is inextricably tied to the Spiritual realm. He has promised to bless our seed, be it the first-fruits of  our “produce” (of lively-hood, be it farming or wage earning, that one we willingly acknowledge!) or the “Fruit” of our bodies (our off-spring, which we are so intent on avoiding or at least limiting!). Will He freely bless one, while allowing the destruction or the avoidance of the other? That is nonsensical!
Don't get me wrong. I do not write any of this from a lofty position of judgment! No, but from the ash heap of repentance! I too have railed about the “whining”, the “arrogance” , the “hostility”  of the “minority groups” against us! And  though I acknowledge that not all whites are guilty of this injustice, yet if we have not stood toe to toe against the oppression and put out our own neck to end it,  we may as well be!!! 
And also, I do have some cause to resist, as one who comes from a family history of Native American & “Po'White Trash”. My ancestors were also “privileged” to share in the American Experience of “Legalized Slavery” called “Share Cropping”.  And as one who has struggled up through the poverty of soul, mind, spirit, and the depravity of circumstances which that sort of slavery produces; I have certainly had my share of social slights, etc. Yes, even in the Church, and perhaps especially there! However, in comparison, to the way these people have been treated, I have had a cake walk!! And I do not make that statement lightly! My story is a horror to most, and yet, I know I have not suffered a whit of the humiliation that these peoples and their generations have endured! If God is demanding a reckoning, who are we to whine? Let us at least practice what we have preached, and take it as stoically as we would have had them to!
People, I challenge you to read Isaiah chapter 10 and not find us on the wrong side of an angry God! The only way we are NOT going down, as, or at least with, “The White Power” political structure of this Nation is to IMMEDIATELY fall on our face and begin to implement II Chronicles 7:14!! 
We are always wanting to dialogue to the confirmed heathen about the issue of righteousness, when the Word is clear about the fact that the Spiritually “dead”, or not quickened,  can not understand God's Truths! Righteousness, and its principles are for those who have been enlightened to it! Freedom is to be stewarded by those who have been made free!!!! Sinners sin! It is their nature! It is those who claim to be delivered from sin who need to be held accountable to righteousness! 
This is where the “Conservative” platform has pitifully missed the mark, in my opinion. Like the Pharisees of Jesus' time, they prate constantly  about a law which they themselves do not practically keep! There is every bit as much hatred, venom & sarcastic fleshly ugliness in their methods, deeds & speech! This is a mockery of the “values” which they delude themselves into believing they represent! Repentance, especially, on the part of the so called  “religious right”,  is absolutely necessary if we are ever to make any headway into regaining the moral compass of this nation, and of  obtaining the unity that real Godly men like Dr. King fought & died for! It is time for the hypocrisy to stop. It is time for the cry, “Give me liberty or give me death” to be extended to all who are ready to stand & fight for it! It is time for the Church to come out of hiding and be God's instrument of liberty & righteousness to a hurting and humiliated people. Yes they are angry! God Himself is angry on their behalf! And the only thing that will diffuse the bomb of racial retribution is love. Christ's all encompassing, forgiving, non-prejudiced, unconditional love! It is time we aimed for that mark & hit it! The future of everyone's liberty depends on it. 
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
