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June 21 2023 3 21 /06 /June /2023 22:30
Holy or Profane? Again, With the CHOOSING, Already!?

(Holy or Profane? The proper use all things, including "Facebook". ) 

Some people have recently been very negative about the place of social media in the lives of Believers. I want to speak to this, and other perceived inconsistencies that I've observed along the way. 



Over the years of intensive study of Scripture, actively practicing it, sometimes failing, etc., I have come to a revelation that the difference between Holy & Profane is defined merely by whether or not the item or subject in question is being used in the way that GOD commanded, or recommended, that it be used! If used as commanded - HOLY. If not - PROFANED. Not always easy, but extremely simple. Not the complicated religious mess that has been made of it. 


For example, there were some animals that He explicitly said should NOT be on the “FOOD” list. They have a function in the earth, it is cleaning the planet of rotting, disease producing, unhealthy materials. They have the constitution to digest it and render it less threatening, without it affecting them adversely.


But to eat those creatures is to open ourselves up to sickness, digestive issues and potential death. He wasn't trying to be a party pooper. There is a REASON those “meats” have always been cheaper! But to eat them will eventually cost us more in the long run.


Then there is the use of our “sexual freedom”, there are practices within that area of physical intimacy that He strictly forbade, and there are clear boundaries around where that intimacy can, or should, be practiced, and still gain His approval as HOLY.



We are NOT “free” to exercise that intimacy outside of marriage, for starters. Nor are we allowed to use or abuse the physical act of intimacy (a.k.a., “sex) in a selfish way within marriage!  There are other boundaries that go with this wondrous, mysterious joining of bodies and souls in physical intimacy.


To go outside HIS boundaries and commands concerning these things, and many other areas I could name, renders our actions profane, or unholy. It is that simple. If not always easy to discern or obey.


Yeshua, speaking in The Authority of His Father, also gave us boundaries on, and also a way to deal with, the expression of disappointments and devastations of life. He laid out clear boundaries on handling our emotional upsets. He said, “Come unto ME, all you that labor (emotionally struggling to survive), and are heavy laden (carrying burdens which are beyond your own strength), and I will give you REST for your souls, for MY yoke is easy (not chafing or binding) and MY burden is light (because I bear it for/with you)!”


Notice that Yeshua did NOT say, “Take all your burdens, frustrations, disappointments and rage to Social Media and dump them, unrestrained, on the general public!”


Now. Don't get me wrong. IF WE (like King David often did in His excellently expressed Psalms) come to the right conclusion IN GOD while dumping our frustration and disappointment (in our fellow man), and then, after dumping our rant, we also find our solace in GOD and give HIM the glory for His help with that situation - and we ALSO share THAT - then we might actually be doing people a real service! We might even be showing them a model to overcome their frustrations in God!


BUT, if WE, like too many people today do, just dump and run – finding no peace, no solutions, and no way out of our valley, or protection from our storms – then we have done no one, including ourselves, any favors! And we have definitely misrepresented The One we claim to “follow”.


Yeshua answered all the challenges of the enemy with - “It is Written”. Not even in His seminal emotional trial in Gethsemane did HE give way to worm-sucking, “poor little me” whine-fest, or commiserating! He took his angst to HIS FATHER, and asked, begged, for a way out. But then, being given none, He bravely accepted His Father's will as BEST, as WISDOM, and we are told that “for the JOY set before Him, He endured the cross”! He trusted that if His Father was asking Him to do this, it was best, and it would come out to His good, and that of everyone else as well. And, we know that it has! 


We, those of us who CALL on The NAME of Yeshua/Jesus, our Anointed LORD & Savior, who are called by HIS NAME (“Christians” - “Little Anointed Ones”), therefore have no business acting like the hopeless, thankless, stressed out world!


We should not mar the testimony of His Presence in our lives by pouring our faithless hypocrisy all over “everybody and their brother” - Or sister for that matter! We really MUST begin paying more attention to what we allow to pour out of us, onto others! Are we blessing or cursing? And I'm not just referring to a few swear words! Are we encouraging others to find His Peace, His Rest and His Joy? Or are we too busy wallowing in our own OY to help others find joy! There are no room for pity-ditches in The Kingdom of God! Those are for the worm-sucking world! We are supposed to be overcoming them, and then teaching the world how to overcome them! Not wallowing in them, expecting everyone else to deliver us! He has and IS delivering us! But we must choose to cooperate with that process! 


There is no use moaning about the state of our nation, if those of us who claim to KNOW “The TRUTH that can make us free”, willingly, or ignorantly, remain in bondage to the enemy's lies! We void our rights to deliverance to side with the enemy against the opinion of our God! Choosing fact over Truth, or fear over faith, is not only stupid, it is deadly. 


We must begin to practice what The ONE we claim to follow preached, and commanded US to preach! We must stop looking for ease, and learn to OVERCOME the Tribulation in life! Which, by the way, Yeshua did, clearly, forewarn us WOULD come! But then, HE also gave us the antidote to that Tribulation – BE OF GOOD CHEER (a real, actual, choice of our free will) – because HE overcame it, and in HIM, WE TOO can, and indeed must, overcome it!


But to do this we need HIM in our lives in a more significant, prioritized way, and we also need each other! We need other believers who actually believe something, to fuel our faith, to believe WITH us, and stand with us. We need the awakened body of The Anointed One! Not the broke, woke, joke of the man made, devil controlled religious system!


We must take a stand for righteousness, and be willing to die for it, if necessary! Even it is only dying to the flesh daily, and depriving it of its many demands – so that The Spirit can rule in us!


We will, we must, have seasons of wilderness training, where we are alone with GOD for a season, for the purpose of healing, training, recovery or conditioning! But introverted, selfish, cowardice, should not be a way of life, it does not work in The Kingdom of God! Introversion is not what God meant by living in The Secret Place. It isn't a place of hiding from life! It is a place of getting prepped to TAKE IT ON AND WIN!


“Natural” introversion tendencies must be firmly, and joyfully, laid aside when we come under The LORDSHIP of YESHUA. We must be willing to come out of our hiding -  to be able to serve His Solutions to a fallen humanity! We can no longer hole up in our comfort zones, and obey His command to “Go into ALL the world....”, with the intention of proclaiming and exhibiting His LORDSHIP, at the same time!


Again we must CHOOSE whom we will serve! Is HE our God, or do we actually serve our personal preferences?


It is time saints. It is time to CHOOSE. The Word says, “CHOOSE YOU, THIS DAY, WHOM YOU WILL SERVE”! It is speaking to each of us about our need to make up our minds! Time will not wait forever. Eternity is outside of time. But once we reach eternity our choice is obvious, and unchangeable!


Will we rise to the occasion, and Choose GOD as THE priority, goal and JOY of our lives, or let the weight of the flesh continue to pull us down?


We must awaken to righteousness! The mess called “woke” is a pig in a poke. Unclean, unHoly and unacceptable! (Not to mention completely insane, and bound for hell on an out of control train – of thought and motive!) Who is OUR GOD? Who is it that we serve?


If your culture is god, serve that. But you won't be happy. If your job is god, then serve that, you might make a lot of money, but to what end? But if GOD, the Father of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Yeshua is our God, then we had better get to serving HIM. But that won't be done in the flesh y'all.


God said it this way, “If MY people, who are called by MY NAME, will HUMBLE themselves (get down off your religious and educational high horses); PRAY (ask for MY WILL TO BE DONE), SEEK MY FACE (instead of just My hand), and TURN FROM their wicked ways (of self indulgence and political/religious deception) THEN – I Will HEAR from Heaven, FORGIVE their sin, and HEAL their LAND!”


Do we want our land healed? REALLY? Then let's get busy following these instructions. And, by the way, Facebook,  and those other social media platforms, are great places to start!



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  • : SELAH Jubilee Lady Writes 4 Shalom
  • : I love to write, all about life, and what is going on in it. And about the Beloved Creator, Who sponsored it! I hope to intrigue and inspire.
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
