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June 25 2023 7 25 /06 /June /2023 16:23
A Psalm of Praise for Practical Adjustments!

A Psalm of Praise for the Blessing of Practical Adjustments!


Todah Rabah Avinu!


First of all, YOU ARE WORTHY! Regardless of MY situation! Your Worth, Grandeur, Majesty and Splendor do not change! So I stand in awe of YOU this morning!


Next, my heart is full of gratitude for the way You directed my morning! I got up feeling dizzy, defeated, disconnected and disgruntled. Yet I pressed on in worship and gratitude in my heart, for waking up. For waking up in a safe and comfortable place. For waking up to YOUR PRESENCE. It really doesn't get any better than that, despite our feelings at any given moment, which change with every breeze.


But then I came down the hall to find Gene worshiping. Then we were able to engage in honest conversation about why we are enduring the many attacks, physically and mentally, that have been going on recently. Yes. They ARE retribution for things we are getting RIGHT! But somewhere the door is being left open to his frequent annoyance, which means that we are doing something WRONG as well.


We brought it down to “dropping the ball” at night. That is, we tend to give way to the flesh at night, drop our guard, and therefore go to bed with the door open! Ugh. So we made a plan to change up some things in the natural, which will make us more aware, intentional, and orderly in the evenings, instead of just sort of melting into the sofa with our food, drinks and spiritual “comfort food”!


(Meaning some lovely instruction or even entertainment, that is Scripturally correct and potentially profitable, but ONLY if put to USE. We've been mentally assenting, and coming into agreement, but not standing when the word is used, to receive what is being delivered, etc.)


We realized, accepted, and admitted, that we've been being very lazy, and flesh-motivated at night. Which stops today! We have a plan for change going forward! Because repentance that does not involve actual change is hypocrisy and self-deception!


Then, because I had a VERY ragged, sleep-deprived night, Gene went onto Church by himself! To take our tithe, and represent US. So I could rest, and not feel pressured to get presentable enough for service! I fixed him a steak-wrap to go, filled his travel mug with hot coffee and sent him on his way a happy man. And I have settled into my little office, with worship playing on my tv, while I take the time to express my gratitude for a good morning – that had the potential to be a total disaster!


I am here to express gratitude for the changes that YOU have made in MY heart and in HIS heart, that we could take our morning by the horns and direct it according to YOUR SPIRIT, instead of our fleshly tendencies and preferences! So THANKFUL for the progress I am seeing. Even if it is SLOW but STEADY. I suddenly recall the story of the Turtle and the Hare. The Hare was cocky, when the Turtle accepted his challenge to a race, because, of course, he IS much faster than the Turtle! Yet, the end of the story is that the Turtle won by diligent perseverance, while the Hare lost by prideful assumption!



The lesson is that the race is not always to the fastest, the wrestling match to the strongest, nor the prize to the most privileged in life! God is in control. HE rains down HIS BLESSING on The OBEDIENT followers of The One Whom HE Anointed to represent Him. Let us get the lesson. We have been slow, but not always diligent! But finally, we are paying attention, and making progress.


Todah Rabah, Thanks so much! Patient Spirit of God, for not giving up on us, for continuously cleansing, freeing, directing, and pursuing us! I bring all of this praise to YOU, not because YOU don't know! But because WE have FINALLY connected with what YOU have known all along!The relief is significant Abba!


I feel Your Spirit say to share this on Social Media, because it may help others to see patterns of avoidance or resistance or negligence in their own lives! So this I will do.


I close this Psalm of Praise for the Practical Adjustments in our lives,

in the Name of The Anointed Yeshua,

Whom, You, Abba, have selected to run Your Kingdom.


Amen, Let it be so.








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Thank you Sandra for your honest, transparent assessment of where you are, it reveals<br /> where your moving on to. This morning I’m listening to Oasis Church with Tim Sheets<br /> speaking, he was talking about times you think your not hearing the voice of God, BUT<br /> HIS PRESENCE is there!!! I had a revelation of HOLY SPIRIT coming and penetrating <br /> the fabric of my life! It was like cloth absorbed by water. It made me weep! Sweet times<br /> of teaching us about HIS nature!!! Blessings! ❤️ Judy
Good stuff. I always enjoy Brother Tim! And yes. The nature of our precious Father God, does bring grateful tears .... <3


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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
