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December 23 2009 3 23 /12 /December /2009 20:43
It is difficult, if not entirely impossible to make it through the maze of parenting without garnering a few regrets.  There are plenty of "how-to" books on the subject, as well as countless "experts" pushing their ideas of how it should be done, even an "owner's manual" (if you count the Bible) however, sorting out what is truth from what is someone's "good idea", and then assimilating all this information, into a useful form, is both frustrating and foreign. There are not enough good role models (and the ones who are good are busy!), not many classes,and very few examples of practical application, to guide us through the maze of unfamiliar territory. Every phase seems worse than the one before, each one somehow more mysteriously foreign in its elements and challenges. 

The idea, of course, is to "work oneself out of a job", we are called upon to produce responsible, conscientious, Law-abiding Citizens! People who can think, who will serve God, who will live in righteousness. So the challenge is to constantly keep the balance between giving them some freedom, and enough responsibility; without making them grow up too fast, or having enough room to get themselves into trouble!  Or in another way of putting it, to use a  popular analogy, just enough "rope" to have some freedom without "hanging" themselves.  In the end all we can do is give them our best and hope it was good enough. The Word does say that love covers a multitude of sin; (of course it is referring to Agape' Love, that is unconditional, firm and truth oriented, and not enabling of fleshly, destructive behaviors). I have found it a hard line to find, much less walk!

I have  graduated two offspring from our home school, and a third is set to graduate this year! Life is racing along, two of the three have begun to form significant relationships with someone who could very well be "The One". All are trying to figure out where they fit into God's grand scheme of things. I see where I could have given them a bit more room, or where I gave too much, or where I gave an inch and they took a mile before I even knew what hit me! I see where my broken places have left them with scars. Not deep ones perhaps, but permanent, nonetheless. And those scars have a way of skewing the truth. So in the end, I have realized that I must do what I have done the whole, entire way, which is to Trust God!  

After all, He is the One who had the bright idea of giving me kids in the first place! Against my better judgment, I might add. But I had to admit that if it comes down to it, He is the One who actually knows what He is doing! Add to that the fact that He had to go to a lot of trouble to accomplish it too! And then, I must remember, that He is the one who loves them (& me) more than I can even fathom. He is the One who knows how this is all supposed to come out!

My job, then, is simply to see to it that at every moment, in each situation, that I run to Him for His Grace, Wisdom, Faith or whatever I may need to do my best at stewarding these few sheep He has given me. To keep them from going over cliffs, from eating poisonous herbs or weeds, from drowning in the watering hole, etc. until they are released to His direct supervisory training! I am ever learning as I go. I am ever updating information and changing the way I do things with each consecutive child, (much to the dismay of the earlier "prototypes"!). As I heal, remember,repent, grow & change, things get better. Do I grieve because of the damage that I can not fix, that I could not even help causing? Oh, yes. At least, I am tempted to. But that still small voice always asks the same question. Did you do your best? And I have to answer that I honestly did! Though my "best" was deficient, it was still my best!  And so a peace comes that HE is able to make up for, heal or compensate them for what I lacked!  And suddenly the burden of parenting gives way to the joy of being able to enjoy who they are becoming. I can accept the responsibility that belongs to me without it being a crushing weight. 

God is good. Someone very wise once said to me, "God knows how to raise His children", I guess one could extrapolate that to say that He also knows who to get for the job!  Even my parents, as broken as they were, did not botch it totally!  If God can redeem their parenting, (and He has!), then I am sure that He can and will redeem mine. It really will be okay IF we can just trust Him. IF. Will we? That is the question. I have found that it is hard to do, but not nearly as hard as the alternative. I will trust Him, even if that means work for me. It is the best work I will ever do. That, and stewarding His other flocks. 


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December 19 2009 6 19 /12 /December /2009 08:48
Being that my body is being sleep resistant at the moment, I take solace in writing. Writing is one of the gifts God has given me for survival. He designed in the wonderful organ called the brain, many strategies and creative ways of coping with the fallen world into which we are born. One of those gifts has been singing too, but it isn't well received at 3 in the morning! lol

I am so glad for the ability to compose my thoughts in writing, it brings an order to my world that I so badly need. It unburdens the soul, frees the spirit to soar, and aligns me with God's own order of things, so that I feel a sense of rightness again.

This morning it is snowing in December in North Carolina. That is not a completely weird thing, nor is it completely usual. NC does not have a usual. Hence the freaked out drivers, unprepared toad crews, etc. and the general bedlam that follows any serious precipitation here! Still, I was able to get groceries, we are warm and dry, and all are safely tucked away inside somewhere. So all is well.

It is my oldest child's birthday, he will be 22 years old. It seems like only yesterday when he was this tiny bundle sleeping on top of me. It has been a delight watching him grow into the person he has become. I can not wait to see what he does with all of his many talents!

My second oldest is off for the holidays having the Christmas of her dreams with her desired intended.  Including, but not limited to, horse drawn carriage rides in the snow. How romantic! Best of all, the young man is a Godly, well raised, well mannered sort. Thoroughly dependable, and very capable of taking care of her. And he is so good to her! I am so blessed to have my prayers so thoroughly answered!   He is getting a jewel himself, so it is good that he properly appreciates her as well! lol

My third oldest is also  in love! And that young man is very much what I have prayed for as well! He is sweet and attentive, but not cheesy and obnoxious or oppressive or possessive. They seem very well suited to one another. It is such a joy to watch their blossoming relationship.

My fourth oldest grows in grace daily, and though she is not old enough yet for a courtship, still, into her circle of close friends has crept a young man who seems to be more and more present. It is sweet to watch as well. But also rewarding to see them prosper socially with good friends.

My youngest three are well rounded, socially active, respectful, bright, imaginative, and extremely lovable!

And the man who Fathered them becomes more my hero each day! I am indeed a woman blessed of God!  Needless to say, I am having a happy holiday!  I wish the same contentment for you all. 
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December 18 2009 5 18 /12 /December /2009 08:36
'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house, there were pretty loud discussions between me & the spouse!

The money is short, and the stockings not filled, but the mail box is - with lots of fat bills!

The children are running our cars in the ground, their social life must include everyone in the town! 

And down at the Church there arose such a clatter, but there was such gossip, who could tell what's the matter?

The old ones are disoriented, the young ones are grumpy, the middle aged ones are all muddled and frumpy. 

But before we all have a real melt-down this season, we just need to stop and remember the reason!

It wasn't commercialism, nor social net-working, it wasn't a holiday for eating and shirking,

It wasn't to get things you hoped for all year, It wasn't those songs that we'd rather not hear!

The reason, remember, though this may sound cliche', was that Jesus our Savior was born on that Day!

It's just a tradition, who knows when He came, But we celebrate at this time of year all the same.

So let's cut out the gossip, the worry, the strife, And let's focus on Him, since He gave us His life!

That babe in the Manger grew up and became the owner of the Name that's above every Name;

Who now has All Authority in Heaven & Earth!  So give it up for the Christ Child, as we celebrate His birth!

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December 18 2009 5 18 /12 /December /2009 07:48

I feel as though I am caught in a Holiday standoff! I usually enjoy the holidays tremendously. Oh, there is always a bit of unwanted drama concerning shortage of funds or family weirdness to contend with. But usually everything "in house" is okay, so it only results in mild turbulence which doesn't threaten anything serious. This  year however, I am caught in pretty serious down wind, which is threatening to dampen the Spirit of the day.  The situation in question being that this will be the first year in which one of our family won't be joining us for the festivities.

I am woefully tired of thinking about it, grieving over it, and considering it. But it won't go away! I must say, in my defense, that I wasn't ready for this (who would expect his sort of thing when they had only been seeing each other for eight months!), I had no real warning, I wasn't consulted, I didn't get a vote, I wasn't offered any compromises - plus I had all of mine rebuffed, and I can't like it!  Okay. Maybe it is only a "mom thing". But then I am a Mom! Duh! As the teens say.

Of course I do not want to "ruin the holiday" for the ones who are at home! And the one who isn't going to be here is going to be having a fabulous time, I am fairly certain. So why grieve?  That is a really good question to which I do not have the answer.

People act like I just grieve for fun. Like I just want to obsess over this and be miserable. Actually I have never loved pain. However, I am very poor at acting like something does not hurt, when in fact it does! So what is a Mother to do? 

At the final assessment, however, after objecting all I can, and being completely ignored or outright rebuked for having an opinion. After having my feelings invalidated by those involved, but validated by those who know about these things. After already losing a good deal of sleep, and experiencing a fair amount of pure misery already, I find that there is nothing I can do but forgive them, trust God for them & move on.

I must face the facts.  People grow up, and make choices. They have a free will. Sometimes the way that they use that free will may hurt me. It is the way life is. It is the way it has always been. I do not have to be bound by the hurt. If I forgive it will eventually go away. I must just let it go. Sounds easy enough. We will see how that goes! 

I plan to have a Merry Christmas.  I plan to use the STOP - DROP & ROLL method. STOP - mulling over things which I can not change, DROP - to my knees in Worship of the One who made Christmas possible, And ROLL - all these cares and hurt feelings over on Him, because He cares for me!

Here's Wishing all you Mom's out there a Merry Christmas, even if you have to make it happen!  Ho! Ho! Ho!

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December 15 2009 2 15 /12 /December /2009 20:25
Wow! This is going to be a challenge for me.  I am not the most computer savvy individual ever to live. This blog has been such a trip to navigate! I need a technical "GPS" just to get to the place to write the post! lol But it is so nice to have a place to write, that doesn't make you go file something!

Once I get things figured out I will mostly write about life from my perspective. But you may be asking, "What perspective is that?". 

Well, to begin with, I am "no spring chicken", rather, I am a lady undergoing a mid-life "episode", or season. I do not refer to it as a "crisis", but think of it more as an anti-crisis, even perhaps a grand adventure! It has brought many changes, besides the less than thrilling physical ones!

It has opened up new vistas of freedom for me. I have come to realize that, despite the negative aspects of aging, I am gifted, and beautiful, and smart. And that I am as deserving of happiness and good, as anyone else! I have come to require respect in my many relationships. And honor and love before physical intimacy. 

I am deeply spiritual, but I avoid being overly religious! I think of religion, if that is all one has, as a cheap substitute for a real relationship with God, much as sex can be a cheap substitute for intimacy! Though, of course, religion, like sex, is beautiful in its proper place! As it is with sex, which is only sweet as an extension of the intimacy, Religion is only sweet when it flows from real love for God, and intimacy with Him. 

Also I have a unique perspective as a mother of seven. Three boys, and four girls, from nine to twenty-two. Parenting is an adventure too. It is a really challenging job! It requires all the skill, tenacity, intelligence and flexibility that one can muster! But the rewards are so intangible and eternally good. 

I am, of course a writer, and an artist, which necessitates being an observer.
Then I love to express the things I observe, in type, or artistic media of a great variety, and also through music! I love to sing. One of the joys of my life is to sing Hymns or Christmas Carols to the residents of the Elder-Care Centers, Or  Worship in the shower, both a'cappella, or to just belt out Jazz or Rhythm & Blues with my husband's guitar. 

So, now you have sort of an idea where I may be coming from. There will be more as we go. Meanwhile, Have yourself a Merry little Christmas, and a Happy Hanukkah! Let the miraculous Light of both Celebrations warm your heart, and bring you victory!   Shalom! (Peace)
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December 10 2009 4 10 /12 /December /2009 02:49
This is a new blog site. I love to write, so I am going to use this to do just that. I will write about life and love and the adventure of relationships. I will write poetry, prose and encouragement. So I hope that those who read will be inspired, and challenged! On to the adventure!
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December 9 2009 3 09 /12 /December /2009 21:03

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  • : SELAH Jubilee Lady Writes 4 Shalom
  • : I love to write, all about life, and what is going on in it. And about the Beloved Creator, Who sponsored it! I hope to intrigue and inspire.
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
