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December 12 2014 5 12 /12 /December /2014 15:12

It has been said that God anoints whom he appoints. And, of course, that is absolutely true! However, what we tend to miss, in the spiritual/religious community, is that there is usually a, somewhat extensive, absolutely prerequisite, training period between the appointing and the anointing!


This is because the flesh is not dealt with in one swift blow! If only! I do not pretend to understand why it isn't, but I am sure He has a very good reason, but it is apparent that Yeshua got off with 40 days of testing and refining (after His initial growing up period) – while Moses got 40 years shoveling sheep manure on the back side of the desert!


Most of God's anointed ones follow the Moses pattern, not the Yeshua pattern! This is because we are born of the same, stubborn, terminally, selectively, stupid flesh! Which God does not care to, nor even dare to, anoint! But somehow this information is not effectively communicated in most spiritual realms. Most leadership, in fact, focus on the gifts much more than they focus on the character of the one bearing those gifts. Hence the many train-wrecked young believer who derailed under the pressure of being given too much authority and too many accolades too soon into their transformation process. This leads to pride, hich the weaker human character can not resist. And in turn, this mistake, which is made all too often, has caused the spiritual set-back, or demise, of many a potentially bright appointee. This is a sad phenomena which needs to stop. Unfortunately being accountable is NOT what leadership does best these days. They MUCH prefer holding other people accountable – to their particular interpretation!


But we must all learn to live where we are on the way to where we are going! Unfortunately, however, just as the educational system is not structured to allow children to learn at their own speed, or pursue their individual giftings – so the religious system has no time for any real, living, vibrant, organic, personal discipleship! There are only group training squads, or occasionally a leader will pick a gifted one to “mentor” - meaning to make him into a little model of themselves, usually. Discipleship, however, involves a close up and personal openness, and a willingness to make time for people when it isn't always convenient, and the boundaries to know when not to! It is not for the faint of heart, weak of mind or chutzpah challenged! It requires a giving-up of oneself, so that The Anointed One can move through the anointed leader, to draw the follower to Himself! We are commissioned to make disciples to Yeshua, not mere “converts” to ourselves nor slaves to our doctrines!


Authority is given – by God – wisely, only to the mature, who can handle the responsibility without needing the glory for themselves! Authority over the enemy can not be possible until the one weilding it has gained authority over themselves! I can not stress this strongly enough! As one who had much zeal before the knowledge caught up, I know the pain of stepping into territory one is not armed to take! Don't do it! A basic rule of thumb: If one can not control one's temper, for example, or one's appetite, or one's boundaries with others – it is not wise for that one to seek to take any sort of authority over the enemy! That is bleating for a beating, hoppin' for a whoppin', and asking for a tasking! Begging to have the stuffings beat out of you by the enemy!


There are times when we must challenge the enemy, but we must be cautious and humble, especially if we sense that we have not attained to that realm of combat (if you answered yes to any of the previously given examples)! The LORD is gracious and will come to our aid in those times – if we implore His help! But He will not rush in to save us in, or from, our prideful presumption! If you turn to face the enemy you had better have just checked to be sure that God is standing right behind you! And there are times when we need to let Him go first! We must take a quiet minute to discern which! That is hard to do when the enemy is taunting. But usually an enemy who is loudly taunting is buying himself time. Take advantage of that and seek the help of God!


Spiritual warfare also is not for the faint of heart, nor weak of character. If we have not had the time, nor the spiritual nourishment, to grow up into Him, properly, then we have no business trying to exercise spiritual authority over the enemy! It just isn't going to happen! In those times we must exercise the humilty to seek the help we need each and every time. And those in leadership – real leadership – with a real anointing – must take the time to be there when the call comes! God will take care of our lives when our priorities are ordered aright, meaning that they agree with HIS priority for that minute of our lives! And it is a minute to minute thing.


How does one know one is a leader? Is anyone following closely behind you, watching the light on your path! It has been wisely observed that he who walks ahead with no one following is merely taking a walk! That one is not a leader. And we must keep in mind that one does not need to be in front of thousands! No one can disciple on that level! Yeshua Himself, the King of Glory, only had 12 close up and personal, who each had some as time went by. Then He also had the masses of curious onlookers...but they didn't become HIS disciples. We can not claim to be spiritual leadership if we are not practicing discipleship as our LORD did. At least we should not. It is bogus presumtion, hypocrisy of the worst caliber. A sham. A heist.


We should not be required to try and follow those who are emotionally unstable or emotionally unavailable. We should not be held accountable by those who refuse accountability themselves, or who feel themselves to be above accountability by any but their chosen “mentor”. This is not amway, people, there shouldn't be a ladder or a hierarchy! Get that mess out of here, and let's start doing our jobs as leadership and discipling people into the holy Character of the Living Lord! That is our mission...our Commission!


When will we pick up His mantle, and be about His Father's business? Today is the day of Yeshua, Salvation. Now is always the best time. But be sure that your own fruit is ripe – and abundant - before you go seriously trying to prune on another's tree! That whole “speck and beam” analogy goes here. We need to Remember – what comes through – applies first to you! What I see, applies first to me! Applying it to our own lives then looses the anointing for others! That is the way it works! It is His method.


It is a fairly simple concept. One can not aptly teach what one has not applied! That is not rocket science, as we say. It is not difficult. Yeshua said, MY burden is easy, and My yoke is light? We need to fall in step with Him so that we share His yoke only. All other yokes lead to fleshly bondage, and that helps no one. It is time for His appointed ones to come out from among the heathen and separate ourselves to training in holiness, then, and only then, will we be anointed to take His message to a dying world, like spiritual EMT's. Only then will bear His fruit and bring Him glory. So there it is. Get to marching, or show up for training. The Earth is waiting on us to come into maturity.....for us to stop being devil snacks and become ready to engage in victorious battle, for the Glory of His Kingdom, and the sake of the dying world! The call goes forth, many are appointed, but who will be anointed? Before we can "keep Christ in Christians" we must get Christians fully in Christ! But do not despair! Rejoice! His Spirit is here to do just that!  


Shalom Chavarim!




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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
