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Reflections on Mother's Day, From the Archives ...

Written 8 years ago . . . For Mother's Day 2015

I had planned to post this Mother's Day this year, 2023, but it got away from me. So I decided to just go ahead and post it late. I sensed that someone out there might need it, for one reason or another.  The original title was this;

Parenting: Peril, Promise and Privilege


Parenting is one of God's main object lessons. It is not for the faint of heart, weak of mind, or the short on spine! It is NOT for those lacking Chutzpah. It takes all nine “Fruit of the Spirit” listed in Galatians. It takes anointing, authority and all five ministry gifts! It will require all the gusto you can get, and a great deal more fortitude than you thought you had!

And . . . It is totally worth it!


It is a great way to come to understand the Father heart of God. Because, just for a couple of short decades, we get to step into His job as stewards of some of His most prized possessions. For a very brief time we get to love someone so much more than we ever thought possible. For just a small measure of time we get to know the love for one who is dependent upon us, who came from us, and who – for that season only - belongs to us, and no other. We get to learn the pleasure and pitfalls of being the ultimate power in someone's universe. We get to be the solver of problems, the kisser of boo-boos, and the comforter of disappointed dreams.


We get to see how we must make Him feel, as our children become enamored with our possessions, and then, just as we are content to part with them, move on to “cooler”, more socially (i.e., peer) acceptable stuff – throwing our now abused items back at us. And we are shocked to realize that the now damaged goods are more precious now due to their “attention”, and unwitting abuse.


We never, in our wildest dreams, prior to the parenting experience, thought that we'd ever treasure such pitifully wrecked goods. But now, that doll which we treasured and cared for so carefully as children ourselves, which now looks as though it has endured hell itself and lived to tell about it, is even more prized because it was stained or altered by those precious hands! Their mere touch increased it's value infinitely! 


We get to feel His heartbreak as they throw hard learned, and even harder taught, lessons back in our faces, assuring us confidently that they've “got this”!  Only to hold their broken hearts, as they sob in our arms, having found out the hard way that maybe we knew more than they ever suspected - as they've come running back, if we are lucky, for comfort. Or - if we are not lucky enough to merit their trust, and offer comfort -  as we sit in the dark alone, sobbing for them, praying for their comfort and solace to come from some place else, from someone else.


We get to glimpse His joy when they finally get it, when the truth reaches them, when they embrace righteousness from the bottom of their hearts, and it changes them for the better, forever.


Our hearts melt at the joy of seeing them receive the comfort and blessing for which we have so diligently prayed, for so long! We get just a tiny glimpse of His Love for us, through our love for those whom He has allowed us to steward. And we, just for a minuscule season, walk a mile in His ever sacrificing shoes.


I have been on both sides of this parenting gig. I was poorly parented, even by the most gracious of earthly measurements, and I have poorly parented, by the standards of many, and, yet, have been wildly successful by the measure of others. But the score cards must ultimately come from God, not  through the comparisons and filters of others 


I have survived being parented, and have survived parenting. And I am here to tell you, both were sorely stretching! And both taught me things about life, and about my heavenly Father's love, mercy and grace. But none so well as stewarding the small flock He vouchsafed to me, against all odds, all logic, and all commendation!


No one would have picked ME out as a candidate for this job! I myself was quite ludicrous in fact, but I was bought with a price, how could I refuse!? Especially after He wrought some pretty significant miracles to enable me to participate in this adventure! And I am so glad I did not!


It has been a gut wrenching, hair-raising ride! It has been a flesh killing, dream changing, self-revealing, life altering experience! But most of all, it has been the greatest source of fulfillment, and joy, beyond anything I ever imagined happening to me.


It has been a breaking, purging, healing, restoring, transforming, life giving, time - which I would never trade for anything this world could offer. There is no dream career, no peer accolades, no awards given by man, no amount of financial remuneration, nothing, that could ever come close to the fulfillment I have found in these years of stewarding, and mentoring my growing family for God.


It has been miraculous in so many ways. It has been rewarding in ways I could have never dreamed up. It has been my salvation in ways no one would've or could've suspected. But then, after all, it is written, But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.” I Timothy 2:15


No one seems to really know the meaning of this scripture, but from my observation it is referring to the experience of being privileged to share in His work for a season – and - in seeing His job, sharing His heart, and seeking His help - we are changed to His image – slowly, agonizingly and painstakingly, we are transformed to His original design, which I suspect that He meant to work out in family all along (as we received Christ's sacrifice).


So to all women out there who are without a doubt “mothering” or mentoring someone, because that is who most of us are, Happy Mother's Day!


To those who suffer empty arms, God has a plan to fulfill you. You are not forgotten.


To those who suffer the loss of your treasure, He will avenge this loss, He has your precious one with Him, and He will comfort you in your grief. And you have the promise of seeing them for eternity. 


To those who are in the midst of the whirl-wind, everyday tsunami called motherhood – hang in there, it ends all too soon! Treasure the time you have, don't sweat the small stuff, and remember, if you don't get to that blasted laundry before Jesus comes, it's all going to burn!


And to those of you who have not yet aspired to this wonderful world of super-responsibility – hang on and try not to judge – your day is coming!


Shalom Chavarim, (and way beyond “Mother's Day”) Happy SON Day!

(after all, He is the reason for everything - especially good mothers!)



Mother's Day 2015


Reflections on Mother's Day, From the Archives ...

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  • : SELAH Jubilee Lady Writes 4 Shalom
  • : I love to write, all about life, and what is going on in it. And about the Beloved Creator, Who sponsored it! I hope to intrigue and inspire.
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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
