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January 16 2021 6 16 /01 /January /2021 05:33

Word of Exhortation January 15th, 2021

This is what I am hearing this morning! Hold onto your hats people!


What we are seeing is GOD's MERCY at work. We are NOT experiencing His disinterest. We are NOT seeing a failure of the prophetic, though, mark my words, the false prophets have been thrown into the mix, as always! BUT this is what THE LORD, YEHOVAH ELOHIM SAYS TO US....


What is TAKING SO LONG, (since you asked! Incessantly. Like the spoiled brats you have become) says Father God, is that, MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME, have NOT, HUMBLED THEMSELVES TO SEEK MY FACE! They have ran to the prophets for every “Word”, and then thrown stones when that “Word” did not seem to come to pass! Though most are STILL looking with eyes of religious flesh and not sanctified, Spirit enabled, divine vision! So they STILL are NOT seeing what I AM actually DOING!


What is TAKING SO LONG, says YeHoVaH Elohim, is that MY PEOPLE, WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME - with the exception of a faithful few – are STILL NOT TURNING FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS – of haughty religious division – which keeps strongholds binding my sheep, and holds the door open for wickedness!!!!


What is TAKING SO LONG, Answers Abba – Our ONE TRUE GOD, is that I AM STILL NOT BEING REVERENCED AS GOD, and MY WORD STILL LIES MOSTLY UNOPENED, AND THE ROAR OF INTENTIONAL, SOLD OUT TO ME, WORSHIP HAS STILL NOT REACHED MY EARS IN THE NUMBERS I WAS HOPING TO HEAR! There is more agonizing than adoration! More K'vetching than Acknowledging! More self-exaltation than exaltation of MY NAME!


What is TAKING SO LONG, Continues The Ruach Ha Kodesh, is that MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME - even those who have preached that passage for years – STILL have not utterly repented of their old, worthless, obviously failed, wine skins - to seek the TRUTH which MY SPIRIT is trying to reveal! The RESET which I would HAVE, back to that Anointing displayed, LIVED, in the Book of ACTS! NOT a half baked revival of the old “Church System” which has too long fleeced my sheep and crippled my lambs! I will NEVER “REVIVE” THAT! I am RESURRECTING what was hijacked and murdered by Constantine, and laying to waste that faulty system which rose up to replace MY RULE OF LAW and RIGHTEOUSNESS!


What is TAKING SO LONG - Declares GOD Almighty, the Creator of the Universe, The REAL Ruler of Mankind – is that I am withholding JUDGMENT ON THIS PLACE UNTIL MY PEOPLE ARE SAFELY IN MY SECRET PLACE – which IS IN YESHUA THE ANOINTED ONE! So that WHEN I RELEASE MY WRATH IT WILL NOT TOUCH YOU! So forget about what you will eat, how much toilet paper you may need, and find the WORD of GOD and make it THE CENTRAL NEED OF YOUR LIVES! AND ….. As I keep saying – SUIT UP! SHOW UP! And WORSHIP ME – so I can GET THIS DONE!


It is coming SOON, due to the intercession and WORSHIP of My Faithful Few! But if all are not in place, in MY SECRET PLACE, then sadly many of mine will swept away in the current of my wrath. Some of them will come directly to me sooner than they were meant to, others, who have utterly spurned My Word and Work in their lives, will be lost for all eternity! Please understand that is not MY divine will. That is the choice of those individuals! I honor the choice of mankind.


So here is the warning – AGAIN - My Children, GET BEHIND ME! So that what is going out in front of ME does not consume YOU. I love you. I have given all to make that space behind Me available to you. But YOU must MOVE INTO IT. That is YOUR part. May My Shalom be with you. May you place yourselves in My Grace, In My Anointed One, by My Spirit.


~ In Love and MERCY, Your Abba-GOD. YeHoVaH Elohim


Written by His secretary, Sandra Carlton Duncan, as faithfully as possible. January 15, 2021

What's Taking So Long?!

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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
