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October 23 2013 4 23 /10 /October /2013 21:36

{Author's note: This is a two part series, they can stand alone, but is better understood if both parts are read in order, and context. So if you've just tuned into this conversation, please go back and read the previous blog.}


We need to be aware of the times in which we find ourselves as a Nation. We should realize, for example, that we may have crossed the line of judgment in which there is no return! So many others have done so, why should we be different? Perhaps it is time for us to come up to the bench and take responsibility for the consequences of smugly judging those other nations, such as England, France, Israel, Germany and others who dissed God, and have lived to regret it?


Perhaps it is time for payment to come to us for the horrendously inhumane way we have treated the original inhabitants of this land? Perhaps it is our time to pick up the tab for the way the slaves were used to build this economy in the first place? Or perhaps this is the come-comeuppance we get for turning away those Jewish fugitives who were fleeing the Holocaust of Hitler's own power hungry campaign? Or perhaps it is the bill for imprisoning faithful Oriental citizen's whose children were risking their lives for this nation along with ours, who were living peaceably among us, having earned the right to citizenship, and who were investing their money into this economy - but whom we needlessly and excessively persecuted and imprisoned simply because of their ancestry!?


Perhaps it is the continued hypocrisy that still - to this day - keeps women and non-whites at a subtle disadvantage - in any areas of real Authority, in business, Church, or government! Or the many, constant, double-crosses that our own, voted in, tax-payer supported, government has consistently worked against us all - in order to stay at an unreasonable level of economic comfort and political power - while we suffer, scraping to make ends meet?


Or perhaps it is due primarily to the hypocrisy of the so called Church, itself, on so many levels! After all, its people continued to piously attend church while also joining, or forming groups like the KKK. They continued going to church on Sunday, and freely persecuting non-whites, completely unhindered by the "law" (which was all white too, by the way) throughout the week. They continued to demand justice for themselves, while denying it to others. While refusing to extend even the most common element of human decency or courtesy to them, denying them the most minute bit of compassion - devaluing them as humans.


Perhaps it is due to our (the so-called "Church"'s) hypocrisy concerning what is called the "Sanctity of life" debate? After all, there are many more who chose to prevent "life" by whatever means convenient! For them any means would do - short of out right, unavoidably plain abortion - to "ward off" this "life" for their own comfort and convenience. How many were there who - by the means of that marvelous, magic "pill" controlled the size of their family; so that they could improve the financial quality of their own lives, rather than trust that to God? How many were there who regularly, in reality, traded "life" for selfish ease?

More, I fear, than there were who actually chose instead to prove their "sanctity for life" by letting God decide the number of family for them!


Most of these hypocritical, "pro-life" in word only, church-going ideological humanists have willingly bought any deception to cover their sin of doubt and unbelief on this subject. They willingly became self-deceived by not bothering to find the truth of how the pill works! Nor were they willing to inquire as to how God felt about any of these methods! They further went on to enlarge their sin by soundly mocking and rebuking those who did bother to know the truth - while soundly rebuking them, and mocking them for attempting to inform them! They completely ignored documented proof that this "pill" was itself an abortive drug - "Making the womb a hostile environment for life"! And


How many turned a deaf ear to the facts, that warned that there was great risk of that "hostile environment" becoming a permanent condition, even after the pill was stopped!? Many lived to grieve the loss of ability to bear children, which resulted from the choice they made to prevent life for their own convenience - or worse, for playing God, in deciding when they were "ready" to produce a family - though freely using the act of intimacy, partially designed to produce life, for their own pleasure, or to quench their own sexual lusts. Many of them making that choice - to avoid, exclude or extinguish life by means of the pill every day - did so while openly, loudly, condemning others for abortion! How could God turn a deaf ear to such blatant hypocrisy!? Why would we expect Him to?!


How can one live by such means, and still feel secure in God's will and blessing for their lives!? This is utter spiritual deception and insanity! They loudly touted their ignorantly prideful mottoes" and "slogans" such as, "Three and through!", etc. etc., to show their modern independence; while often scorning those with more than three, mocking and despising them as somehow mentally deficient "for having more children than is compatible" - with today's fast paced, materialistic life styles ! It is sad that these faithful women who actually do practice a sanctitiy for life - to which I was privileged to belong - were regularly shunned for having been "crazy" enough to conceive "all those times", and thoroughly, relentlessly, hatefully criticized for allowing these lives to be born, once conceived!?


Tell me, though, if you can - how can one adopt such humanistic rot - under the ridiculously unsupportable premise of "saving our planet's resources" - and then claim to be followers of God and His Word, while insisting the whole way that these who think, talk and act this way are indeed "pro-life"? How could these self-deceived ones, these selectively uninformed, then go and hold signs outside of abortion clinics, not out of loving compassion for those having made mistakes, but often out of sheer judgmental criticism and condemnation! Not knowing that they themselves carry the very same judgment upon their own heads? Heaven help us for willful ignorance gone to seed!


When will we wake up to the plain facts that we as a Nation have sinned, and have fallen far short of the Glory of God - and therefore are NOT entitled to HIS GRACE or Blessing!? When will we wake up, and grow up, to own our degradation and and fall on our faces in all out, long overdue, heart-wrenching repentance! When will we accept that we are likely in judgment right now - over these realities, plus the fact that we, in this nation, have had our own holocaust going on - on no small level - a holocaust that dwarfs the historically known "German Holocaust" by numerical comparison! We have slaughtered - by the chemical means just defined - or by other, even more cruel and horrific means - millions of humans in the name of mere convenience! And yet we hold our heads erect in pious pride? How dare we?!


In the name of our imagined "rights" - "to live as we want" - we have taken away the ONE basic "right" given to humans by their creator, which is "the right to live" - period! And then we want to sit back and talk as though we know anything about "Human Rights"!? When we insist and prove that want to have our rights, while still denying the legitimate rights of so many others!? Yet, we seriously expect God to sanction this, and bless it? He will NOT!!! It is clear that one of the things which He most despises is hypocrisy - trying to make something look like what it is not! And if we were to awaken we will find that we are guilty, as a whole Nation of uproarious, blatant, unrepentant Hypocrites of the first caliber!


America, get a grip on this one reality - God is NOT going to "Bless this mess" we have made! He IS going to bring severe judgment to this place until those who are called by His name fall on their faces in abject Teshuvah! I believe that judgment began when Mr. Obama was allowed to win the presidency, and that it has continued because we will do anything, as the proud Americans we have become, but humble ourselves! But even if and when we finally do "get it", when we do find the Chutzpah to own our responsibility, and get busy about the business of actually humbling OURSELVES - it still may take much time, and blood, our own blood, to cleanse this land - which has been defiled by the blood of innocents for decades now! Millions of gallons of innocent blood has been spilled in our nation! Therefore it may take generations of those of us who are willingly innocent to right the wrongs that have been caused by the many generations of our forefathers - which we may have not directly contributed to - but which we have not only allowed to continue, but which we have adopted, and have allowed them to be taken to new heights of evil!


There is always a pay-day people. And it is now time to pay up. We have exceeded our national debt in more ways than one, and are in way over our heads! We are being broken. But as always, there is a way of escape, a way of repentance to turn back from our sin. There is not a way to escape the physical consequences, perhaps, but a way to escape the eternal ones at least. There is a place of spiritual safety for God's people who are willing to submit themselves to His standards. There is a place of blessing for us still - but we need to begin to grasp the reality that it may not be found in this finite world. It is high time to face the facts - and face the music! Obamacare, and even Obama himself, is not our main problem people, his success is only a grim result of the real problem - which is the sins of God's people - not the unknowing heathen!


We need to repent! And then we need to realize that even after we have sufficiently mourned our sin, which gets His attention and forgiveness, we should not forget to praise, which brings His presence!


Wild Bill closes all his blogs with "America, Bless God again". I think it prudent to point out that right now the only thing that will "Bless God" is the heart felt Teshuvah of His people, in which we 1. Humble OURSELVES, 2. Seek HIS FACE, not His hand., and 3. TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS. That is how we can bless God, and that is the ONLY hope for our land. So, is anyone praying yet? Having defined the process, I join Wild Bill in his signature exhortation.... America, Let's Bless God Again!



Shalom Chavarim! 

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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
