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March 25 2014 2 25 /03 /March /2014 20:06

(And a bit more...)  


We went to see the movie bearing this title, and we were quite impressed. The level of quality for “Christian” film making seems to be moving steadily upward. The acting was first rate, and the script was believable and moving. There were some things that would have made it more realistic of course, but then, they only had a couple of hours to portray a fairly complicated conflict of interests, and to debunk some common philosophical ideas in a believable way. They had their work cut out for them!


There were many valid and significant points of argument made on the subject of God's existence and character. Many of which it would behoove Christians , and even philosophers to be aware – so as to avoid the awkwardness of abject stupidity when challenged on issues of stated belief structures. One point or idea which this film does a good job of upholding and clarifying is the issue of free will – the principle truth that man was endowed by the creator with a right to choose or refuse that creator's benevolence. The idea that WE get to decide whether or not we will have a relationship with Him! Plus the idea that this is one of the bedrock, foundational truths,one of the distinguishing truths that separates true “Christianity” from false doctrines, or other religious disciplines, etc., in which freedom is sacrificed for brainless acceptance by irresponsible negligence (such willful negligence is often caused by mental/emotional issues such as codependency, etc.,) or else it is discouraged by other aberrations of behavior such as religious bullying or manipulation by “leadership” (wolves in shepherd's clothing).


I think it did fair job of showing real “church” (the called out ones, or those having a real covenant with the One known as “Christ”) in action, and not getting bogged down in the institutional/denominational issues of any one persuasion of this belief structure known, too generally, as “Christianity”. In other words, “Christianity” came off more-so as the real relational entity that it was meant to be (something living and warm and desirable – like a natural outflow of really knowing Yeshua/Jesus, and how one's behavior would be altered by that relationship) - than the rigidly constraining, senseless, pharisaical, religiously loaded, doctrinally weighty, utterly worthless, lifeless, socially poison pretention that is often pedaled as “Christianity” by many institutions posing as “the church”.


I think it also realistically illustrated the limitations of the ever growing religion of “Islam” - with regards to the capacity to show “love”. Though I need to note that historically other religions – in fact ALL doctrinally driven religious expression which puts mans ideas above the clear writing of Scripture - is prone to this same limitation! God is not only alive, He isLOVE – the entire personification of that quality! Love originates with Him! Love exists, first and foremost, as a part of His character, and only as we conform to His image are we capable of exhibiting and expressing that quality!


The religion-bound may fain “love” to draw people in, but, unfortunately, religion can not sustain real love in the presence of the free will! Religion - and those bound by it - can only “love” - nurture, or support – however superficially – those who suck up, line up and come under! Religion is the antithesis of true love, because acceptance for the religious one is based solely on performance and not intrinsic worth – while true Love is unconditional - being based on the Love of a God for His creation - whether it is returned or not. 


I know this is true because in my journey to a real relationship with the living God and His Messiah I have come through many religious institutions posing as churches – some of which could actually claim the status, but many others which were sad failures at perpetrating that illusion - and on more than one occasion I have experienced the unrelenting pressure to check my brain at the door, and also the unmistakable persecution which was unfailingly dealt to all who refused to do so! They all preach the idea of “free will”, and allude to “making a decision for Christ”, but then they seem to want to take it from there. Despite the story line they sell to make people believe they are free to choose, in reality they want to be given the reigns of the lives which they deem to be “under” their self-appointed “authority”, and will receive nothing less!


They all talk of unconditional love – but most have failed at producing anything near it! It has taken years of healing and educating myself away from my unhappy upbringing in the “Bible Belt” - an area of whom most inhabitants are “codependency poster children” - to be able to recognize these often subtle differences – or discrepancies - between real “Authority” and mere Control Issues! Authority is that which leads, directs, nurtures and promotes real growth . It isn't afraid of the free will – nor fearful of letting it be exercised. Authority isn't afraid of those who don't agree with God's standards, nor is it swayed by them. “Control” issues, however, are generated from fear and sustained by it! They work to stifle, micro-manage, suffocate, and inhibit any real growth – accepting only growing dependency and adherence to the one bearing the Control stronghold. Authority simply directs and advises the free will – but leaves the personal authority of the one being guided in tact. One who leads from Control issues, however, usurps all personal authority – which then relegates all “subjects” to the position of childish dependence on their almighty wisdom – enslaving the free will to religious dictates controlled by the one “in charge”.


This bogus, doctrinally driven, phoney religious institution/system is NOT the Kingdom of God! It is the damaged realm of man-made religion, the institutionalized, clinically sterilized, lifeless imitation of the “Church” - which twist's God's Word, perverts God's love, and slanders God's character – and which – in my opinion - has given the atheists most of their material for their case against “Christianity”! This presumptuous, pseudo-christianity that is pedaled in most religious institutions is clearly of the devil, being dished out to poison His creation against Him! It is, as Yeshua clearly saw it, “A White-washed sepulchre, full of dead men's bones!” A worthless structure that produces and houses only death – however beautifully constructed or intricately maintained the museum of religious artifacts may be! And it is time that the people of God stood out from that unhealthy system of religious ignorance and social destruction to serve the living God! It is time we know what we believe and stand ready to defend it – with our lives if necessary!


The main character in the film also made a good point about morality – which was that its very existence is entirely dependent upon the existence of a sovereign Creator/God and His Torah – from which ALL moral standard has been taken. For example – who among us is qualified to decide what is morally correct for another person – or for ourselves, for that matter? Where will that line be drawn without the absolutes of a divine standard? Clearly we all require something higher than mere human dictates to help keep us within an acceptable line of behavior, and which also prevents us from restricting the free will of others, thus denying them their intrinsic rights of decision making and free movement. A power of that magnitude would make slavery acceptable, and murder an option. Already we are seeing the break down of society in these areas because the lines have become muddied, philosophically speaking. People who are wholly dependent on government aid are basically slaves to that government, like it or not, as more and more of their freedom is “sold” to procure daily necessities! Abortion – which is murder by all logical and scientific definition – is growing as a preferred method of “birth control”! And many think this capricious loss of life is of no real consequence! How tragic! Those are only two areas where society is falling apart, due to our mistreatment of the Word of Life through our neglect, religious tampering, and due to the prideful assertion of our own ideas over the clear mandates of Scripture, thoroughly perverting use of its power! As a result, we as a nation are unsure as to where to draw the lines of socially acceptable behavior, and have reached the time prophesied in Scripture in which “each one does what is right in their own eyes”, and feels completely justified in doing so!


This film stands as yet another clarion call to Teshuvah – to turn back to God and His righteous standard - before it is too late! To leave the realm of intellectual pride, religious tampering, and rampant stupidity of our fallen flesh behind to pursue the living God – and HIS ways of doing and being right! We must return to Torah – and the heart of God which was expressed there – and leave behind the meddling of the religious “right” that seeks to reinvent God's wheel to their own advantage! We need a move of real repentance! Many are praying for revival, but what needs reviving in this day is true dependence upon the God of the Word, and the Word of God! We must do whatever is necessary to realign ourselves with His design! We must come back to humbly seeking HIS LOVE, HIS WAY! It MUST be His way! There is NO highway option! Why do we need another option when His way is the way of Love, Life and Blessing anyway! Really? Why do we think we need to know EVIL?! Curiosity has killed a lot more than the cat, people! Again it is time to choose whom we will serve. God is NOT dead. We should be about serving Him, one day we surely will profoundly regret our selective ignorance if we do not. L'Chaim!




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  • Sandra Carlton Duncan
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37  years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog  (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
  • I am a devoted follower of Yeshua, the Messiah. I have been married to Gene Duncan II for 37 years, and counting. I have 7 children, 3 boys & 4 girls - all grown up. They have been home educated, K-12. I also write, hence the blog (including, but not limited to: children's books, poems, and personal growth art. ) Please stay tuned as I share my personal journey through poems and writing.
